السبت، 29 يونيو 2013


I don’t think anyone knows how it feels like to live in Palestine, Syria, Iraq - the constant, overwhelming and living fear that you might die or that someone you love might die. Until you’ve lived there, you simply cannot understand. You can only sympathize and care.We forget about their situation but I truly believe that if we knew what they felt on a daily basis, we would never forget again. I also believe that if we’d know how horrible and tremendous their fear is, we’d never get sad with our own problems again. We’d be much more grateful and most of all - we’d never forget.
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Advice #1: Listen to the adhan (youtube) right before praying. It will increase your inside peace, serenity and mostly, your focus during prayer.
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Look around you to see all the blessings you have. If you’re not satisfied and you constantly want more, I suggest you go spend a day in someone else’s life. Someone who doesn’t even have the 1% of what you own. The greatest thing that will happen to you, is that you’ll be shocked to realize how we forget so easily what is right in front of us. You’ll come back brain new, instead of brain washed.

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