They said all Yes Fbalmal Of course we can not do anything, and possess any thing we want rode with them money and went to the car even met someone else father asked him: Who are you? And he said unto power and position the father asked his wife and children do you let it ride with us? They answered all with one voice, Yes course Fbalsulth and the office can not do anything and that possess anything we want.
Rode with power and position and the car went complement its journey and so met many people with all the desires and pleasures and pleasures of this world even met people asked Father Who are you? I said Din said the father, wife and children in one voice not this time we want the world and the متاعها and religion سيحرمنا them and Siqidna and Sntab commitment to his teachings and halal haram, prayer and veil and fasting and and and and سيشق so we have but it is possible to go back to you after that enjoy this world and everything in it فتركوه and marched car complement her and suddenly found on the road checkpoint and the word Stand and found a man who refers to the father to come down and leave the car the man said to the father ended the trip for you and you to come down and go with me Fujm father in amazement did not utter a man said to him I will search for religion .... .. Do you have a religion? He said the father does not have left him just a few let me go back and brought him man said to him you will not be able to do this journey ended and refer impossible But the father said, but I with me in the car money, power and position, wife and children, and .. and .. and .. and the man said to him that they will not sing you something from God and leave all this, and he will benefit only religion which left him in the way father asked him, are you? The man said I'm dying, which you bamboozled him did not operate his account and considered the father of the car and found his wife drive the car instead and began moving vehicle to complete the journey in which boys and money and power did not come down with the one he says the name of God the Merciful (Say that your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your wives and Ashertkm and money Aqtervtamoha and trade fear كسادها and housing Tradwnha love you by Allah and His Messenger and Jihad in the process فتربصوا until God comes by His command and God Aahdy rebellious people), and God said the name of God the Merciful (all the same taste of death but توفون أجوركم the Day of Resurrection, it is زحزح from fire and enter paradise and has won life only chattel vanity)
The lesson learned from this story is that no matter what our King things in this world, it will come the day that does not benefit us in which no money and Benin, will remain only our immortal and not us repair it under only religion, do not let the world this present, sure of what works and something that is not religion.
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