Characteristics of this name on aggregate
ظاهرة غريبة انا احمد لى جهد فى مجال الدعوة والتبليغ وخلاصة التجربة ان الناس فقدوا ايمانهم فى الله واصبحوا مثل اهل الكتاب همهم الدنيا شارع بة 80 دكان لا يحضر الصلاة الا 9 افراد وتكلم الناس عن الله كانهم فى وادى بعيدعن الل
Excellence word God from other names a lot of properties, Among this: that God Almighty because he wanted the definition of the same attic to His Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, singled out his name (God) is noteworthy among all the names of other knows himself, he says: I am Allah no god but I فاعبدني (Taha: 14).
It features: that the word God (Allah) is the origin of all the names of Allah than everything else, he says: {And Allah the Most Beautiful Names invite him out} (custom: 180), and in another verse: {there is no god but He, his beautiful names} (Taha : 8), and then the other names added to this name and described him, they followed this name, so we say: King of the names of God, and dear ones of the names of God, do not say: God of names Aziz, has not had the habit to do so.
Among the features: the word God (Allah) shows all the meanings that contained the names of Allah, including احتوته of glory and perfection and greatness, and uniqueness Baldhar and benefit, tender and prevention, and the influence of freewill and Kamal strength, الاتصاف kindness and generosity and righteousness, compassion and kindness.
And explains Imam Ibn values so that the word God D to divinity Almighty, and deity, including the proven qualities of the perfect whole, المنزهة for metaphor and example, and the flaws and shortcomings, but the most beautiful names detail and statement recipes divine derived from the name of God.
In one words in question, the word God is the name of God the greatest, has adopted this view of Imam popular and Abu Hanifa and Eltahawy and others, and quoted evidence many had them say Jabir bin Abdullah bin Zaid, he said: the name of God the greatest is God, did you hear that says: {is the God who is no god but He, Knower of the unseen and is Merciful} (Al-Hashr: 22).
It is the language, mentions of the characteristics of word God (Allah) that the lam and the ground which are considered the structure of the word, it can not be indispensable, you say: O God, while falling Alpha and the lam while the appeal to other beautiful names of other, saying: O holy, nor says: O Holy Spirit.
It is noteworthy Imam Qurtubi nice about this name, it was noted that this name conducted by God on the tongues of Nations from Adam peace be upon him did not deny a nation it is revolving on their tongues from the reign of their father to the end of the world, has said the people of Noah: {if, God willing, to revealed Angels} (Believers: 24) verse, folk Hood said: {أجئتنا to worship God alone (custom: 70), and said: {He is only a man who invents a lie against Allah} (Believers: 38), and the like of the verses.
The remaining reference to the coupling of this divine name in general, what started us dhikr and Mahamd, and basmalah and التسبيحات and the like, we say: Hallelujah, praise God, God is great, and we say: There is no power but from God, and say: In the name of God, a name that opens every command blessing and named after, but it was the Prophet - peace be upon him - opens his letters Basmalah involving first the word God (Allah), was characterized by that name is God, therefore he said: {Did you know him toxic} (Maryam: 65), a name which, if increased From the ground the time, in terms of interview: (is not even time is not said in the earth: God of God) Narrated by Ahmad.
Evidence that the name of religious texts
Not repeated names of Allah in the Koran and in the year as repeated word God (Allah), has settled a number of scientists citizen mentioned this name in the Quran and found more than a thousand and two hundred times, and this number is not يقاربه any other name from the names of Allah, The Almighty God opened its thirty-three verses.
We recall here, for example, a number of verses in which he stated that name, including the verse: Praise be to Allah} (light: 2), and says: {And fear God, who تسائلون him and the wombs that God you had a sergeant} (women: 1 ), and meaning: the God who raised the heavens without any pillars deem} (Thunder: 2), meaning: God, who sent down the Book in truth and balance} (Shura: 17), and the verse: {but your God, the God who is no god but is expanded everything note (Taha: 98), in addition to other verses.
The conversations, words of the Prophet - peace be upon him -: (Islam is built on five: testifying that there is no god but Allah - in the novel: that unites God - and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) Bukhari and Muslim, and it was prayer Prophet and peace as saying: (O you converted to Islam, and your believe in, and you trust, and you mushroom, and your خاصمت, and you tried so forgive me what I submitted and delayed, and أسررت announced, you're no god but You) Narrated by women in the Sunan major, said while rain: (O you are God, there is no God but you are rich and we are poor, we revealed Ghaith) Narrated by Abu Dawood.
Glory be called by this name that was only in a few large, and when you only remove fear, when distress only detected, nor attached only by the weak force briefing, nor servile only Onalh the splendor, nor poor but أغناه, and مستوحش only Miss, nor beatable but endorsed and victory.
ظاهرة غريبة انا احمد لى جهد فى مجال الدعوة والتبليغ وخلاصة التجربة ان الناس فقدوا ايمانهم فى الله واصبحوا مثل اهل الكتاب همهم الدنيا شارع بة 80 دكان لا يحضر الصلاة الا 9 افراد وتكلم الناس عن الله كانهم فى وادى بعيدعن الل
Excellence word God from other names a lot of properties, Among this: that God Almighty because he wanted the definition of the same attic to His Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, singled out his name (God) is noteworthy among all the names of other knows himself, he says: I am Allah no god but I فاعبدني (Taha: 14).
It features: that the word God (Allah) is the origin of all the names of Allah than everything else, he says: {And Allah the Most Beautiful Names invite him out} (custom: 180), and in another verse: {there is no god but He, his beautiful names} (Taha : 8), and then the other names added to this name and described him, they followed this name, so we say: King of the names of God, and dear ones of the names of God, do not say: God of names Aziz, has not had the habit to do so.
Among the features: the word God (Allah) shows all the meanings that contained the names of Allah, including احتوته of glory and perfection and greatness, and uniqueness Baldhar and benefit, tender and prevention, and the influence of freewill and Kamal strength, الاتصاف kindness and generosity and righteousness, compassion and kindness.
And explains Imam Ibn values so that the word God D to divinity Almighty, and deity, including the proven qualities of the perfect whole, المنزهة for metaphor and example, and the flaws and shortcomings, but the most beautiful names detail and statement recipes divine derived from the name of God.
In one words in question, the word God is the name of God the greatest, has adopted this view of Imam popular and Abu Hanifa and Eltahawy and others, and quoted evidence many had them say Jabir bin Abdullah bin Zaid, he said: the name of God the greatest is God, did you hear that says: {is the God who is no god but He, Knower of the unseen and is Merciful} (Al-Hashr: 22).
It is the language, mentions of the characteristics of word God (Allah) that the lam and the ground which are considered the structure of the word, it can not be indispensable, you say: O God, while falling Alpha and the lam while the appeal to other beautiful names of other, saying: O holy, nor says: O Holy Spirit.
It is noteworthy Imam Qurtubi nice about this name, it was noted that this name conducted by God on the tongues of Nations from Adam peace be upon him did not deny a nation it is revolving on their tongues from the reign of their father to the end of the world, has said the people of Noah: {if, God willing, to revealed Angels} (Believers: 24) verse, folk Hood said: {أجئتنا to worship God alone (custom: 70), and said: {He is only a man who invents a lie against Allah} (Believers: 38), and the like of the verses.
The remaining reference to the coupling of this divine name in general, what started us dhikr and Mahamd, and basmalah and التسبيحات and the like, we say: Hallelujah, praise God, God is great, and we say: There is no power but from God, and say: In the name of God, a name that opens every command blessing and named after, but it was the Prophet - peace be upon him - opens his letters Basmalah involving first the word God (Allah), was characterized by that name is God, therefore he said: {Did you know him toxic} (Maryam: 65), a name which, if increased From the ground the time, in terms of interview: (is not even time is not said in the earth: God of God) Narrated by Ahmad.
Evidence that the name of religious texts
Not repeated names of Allah in the Koran and in the year as repeated word God (Allah), has settled a number of scientists citizen mentioned this name in the Quran and found more than a thousand and two hundred times, and this number is not يقاربه any other name from the names of Allah, The Almighty God opened its thirty-three verses.
We recall here, for example, a number of verses in which he stated that name, including the verse: Praise be to Allah} (light: 2), and says: {And fear God, who تسائلون him and the wombs that God you had a sergeant} (women: 1 ), and meaning: the God who raised the heavens without any pillars deem} (Thunder: 2), meaning: God, who sent down the Book in truth and balance} (Shura: 17), and the verse: {but your God, the God who is no god but is expanded everything note (Taha: 98), in addition to other verses.
The conversations, words of the Prophet - peace be upon him -: (Islam is built on five: testifying that there is no god but Allah - in the novel: that unites God - and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) Bukhari and Muslim, and it was prayer Prophet and peace as saying: (O you converted to Islam, and your believe in, and you trust, and you mushroom, and your خاصمت, and you tried so forgive me what I submitted and delayed, and أسررت announced, you're no god but You) Narrated by women in the Sunan major, said while rain: (O you are God, there is no God but you are rich and we are poor, we revealed Ghaith) Narrated by Abu Dawood.
Glory be called by this name that was only in a few large, and when you only remove fear, when distress only detected, nor attached only by the weak force briefing, nor servile only Onalh the splendor, nor poor but أغناه, and مستوحش only Miss, nor beatable but endorsed and victory.
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