الجمعة، 12 أبريل 2013

the border in Islam

Raise the border in Islam controversy in the West for a brutal

Penalties in the Islamic religion!! Most Muslims do not understand the philosophy of

Punishments in Islam and thought that the purpose of the application is to establish Sharia

Border to cut off the hands of thieves and killed the murderer and the punishment of adulterers ...

While these sanctions, "border" but Allah made it to deter

And enjoined the people to an agent located crimes, and be applied in the narrowest

Border and harsh conditions

Islam respected the right of ownership to individuals, and really make maintenance of

Their sacred promise money assault on crime as a crime assault

Self-display or committed one of which has necessitated more

Types of sanctions, and if a Muslim dies defending the right of these rights

It die a martyr ..

So the law of God within Islam because it lives to the community, and purification of mistaken

Which if thought of as the signing limit after Sagtth see himself A.

Once before to make mistakes and meets Satan as thief knows that his hand

Expensive him a thousand times, which could eat theft or Glola however worth ..

As well as from falling into a well adultery or out on security Saúla community despot

Or kill infallible or drinking wine or shooting innocent or otherwise Such actions

If compared Baqhobtha legitimate deterred both deeply Satan Atianha ..

We have learned that more than held reduction of the Prophet, peace be upon him was

Coming to him admitting himself guilty of the crime, students cleaned which has suffered from

The fall, and I have proven that the Prophet, peace be upon him that he was reviewing Headquarters

And return it appeared to open the front door of repentance after remorse and wellness petition says raider

Ben Division has a son came to him his Garv adultery Manba and reproachfully:

"Hala starting it Bthopk" ..

He says to his nation "Aderúa border suspicions" was not God bless him

Avid him to death and looking for a downloadable including weakening of the nation as

His search for souls treatment and repair of congenital malformations and says to his companions

The cursed man brought mustache and reiterates his coming to be held by the end of drinking:

"Do not be aides to the devil on your brother, not Talnoh it

Man who loves God and His Messenger! "

If we look to the Prophet, peace be upon him and confront those who come from

Sinners find mercy immersive including airing whim, so he says:

"Every call is answered prophet, has saved my call intercession for the people of

Sins of my nation "

If the limit is applied wrong cleansing and disinfection and trapping community of obscene

Restitution of their respective owners and sincerity of the right, the Almighty says:

"And you in retribution, O men of understanding life Fountain of Faith"!!

Such compassion in all legislation Islam suited the heart of the Prophet

Upon him and his temperament, which is full of mercy overall public was merciful Beni

All rights even his enemies them and those who insulted and killers and exerted pressure on him

And exited and competed for the shedding of his blood, when managed by the grace of God from their necks

Amnesty said the word:

"No Tthreyb you today God will forgive you go you are free"

As was merciful adversaries hypocrites in the city, who Alboa and harbored him

Hostility, and party Hsboa, and Hnawa him and threw his wives mothers

Believers, God bless them all demerit until absolved Lord of Glory

From above the seven heavens, and said in the Battle of Tabuk incitement and implicitly

"While we go back to the city to go out dearest ones Alozl, and Glory be to God, His Messenger

And the believers, but the hypocrites know not "

However when the head died hypocrites Abdullah ibn Abi Bin Salool responded

Prophet to please his son and gave him his shirt for its Akvenh and his forgiveness and his worshipers

Stood up Omar bin Khattab pull it from his garment, saying:

"Call at the top of hypocrisy, O Messenger of Allah?

He says: "let alone my dress, Omar, God Khirna I chose, he said:" ask forgiveness

Them or I do not ask them for forgiveness forgiveness for them seventy times God will not forgive them so that they

Disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah guides not wrongdoing folk "God, if I know that I

If increased seventy God forgive them for seventy Ozidn "

And remained on it until took God said:

"Do not reach one of them died, never do on his grave, they disbelieved in Allah

And His Messenger, and died while they were evil "...

If this is the mercy of the Prophet "peace be upon him" with his enemies

Violators and aggrieved by predators, how are mercy those who believed in him

And sincerity and he says:

"The gay and like you like a man stoked a fire make grasshoppers and bedding fall

It Ivbehn them, and I take Bhdzkm fire and you Tqahmon "

He called called and enjoined that diets nation among themselves on compassion

The affection and sympathy Astjlaba to the mercy of the creator of "Almighty" it

Almighty have mercy of slaves merciful, and insured in his need for mercy

Lord have mercy on the other, these mercy efforts be obedience to God

And worship God accept him and Adzeh thanks .. The prevalence of Mercy

Between the Muslim community enough to take down Ghaith divine mercy parity

That do not stop at or perception, says the Lord of Glory:

"The believers, men and women, some of them parents enjoin right and forbid

Evil and keep up prayer and pay Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger, those

Sarahmhm God that God is Mighty, Wise "

He says the Prophet, peace be upon him: "A man never works well, and it was

People Idayn, so if sent his servant to sue says to him: Take

Facilitate and leave indigestion and beyond may God beyond us, and when he died he asked

God: Do you ever worked anything good?! He said: I do not but I Adaan

I would say to people Gholami:

Take what you can and leave what indigestion, and perhaps exceeds the God beyond us, God said to him:

Exceeded about you "

They give the Muslim community strength and hardness neither underestimate nor disintegrate Do not Mess

Sedition, says: peace be upon him:

"Insured for the insured Kalpnian pull together"

He says the Prophet peace be upon him:

"Muslim is the brother Muslim, does not oppress him nor betray him nor forsake him, and was in need of

His brother was God in the toilet, and Faraj plight of Muslim anguish minimum, Faraj

With him the plight of the Carpathians on the Day of Resurrection, and conceals a Muslim jacket God

World and the Hereafter "..

What a mercy dewy shade important community of believers, came

Mercy at the hands of the Messenger said about himself:

"I am but a mercy GIFT" .. God says the truth which leadeth the way

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