الجمعة، 8 مارس 2013

Well enough ..

According to the rule, and stories of ancient China that the 
king wanted to reward one of its citizens and said to him

Owned land all areas that can be interrupted by walk on your feet ..

Farah man and proceeded cultivated land quickly and Mehrola in the mad ..
Walked a long distance Vtab and thought that goes back to the king to give him the space he made ..
But he changed his mind and decided to continue to walk to get more ..

Sar longer and longer distances and thought that the return of the king but only including reached ..

But the frequency again and decided to continue to walk to get more and more ..

Shadow of the man walking and walking and no longer never ..

Have strayed and lost in life ..
He is said to have occurred fit, as a result of extreme exhaustion ..
Owns nothing and did not feel sufficient and happiness

Because he did not know of adequacy or (conviction).

.. Well enough ..
Shout launched to Uranash and Howard Stevenson

Warn of false success Dodger who preys on human life
Would remain avid for more without feeling Ppalartwae ..

Who can say no at the right time and resist fame and lights and wealth and wealth and power?

Does not cap the aspirations in this world .. You have to choose what is sufficient for them then suffice says this much ..

.. Trap ambition ..
Imagine you تصطاده .. If you catch your precious ..
That you do not believe?! ..

Here's the story

Gold friends Astadan the fish hunting one big fish and put it in his bag and got up to go out ..

Asked the other: where to go?! ..

Friend replied: House to have hunted very big fish enough for me ..

The man answered: Wait to catch more big fish like me ..

His friend asked him: Why do it?! ..

The man answered .. When catch more fish you can sell ..

His friend asked him: Why do I do this? ..

Told him to get more money ..

His friend asked him: Why do it? ..

The man answered: You can be saved and more than a balance in the bank ..

Asked: Why do I do that? ..

The man answered: to become rich ..

Friend asked him: What shall I do with wealth?! ..

The man can in one day when you grow up that you will enjoy your time with your children and your spouse

Wise friend said to him:
This is exactly what I'm doing now and I do not want to postpone until the largest and wasted life

.. A wise man .. Is not it!!

They say the future of the share holders difficult questions ..

But as human says Vince Busnt became in this world

Such as Ant riding on the back of an elephant ..

Heading east while he headed west ..

It becomes impossible to reach what you want .. Why? ..

Because the human mind conscious thinking
Bolvin only of cells ..

The subconscious mind So you should think
Four million cell

Thus man lives battles ..
Battle with itself and with the Wild changing world ..
Can not be up to the secret of happiness never.

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