السبت، 2 مارس 2013

U.S. terrorism

Remarks showed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, belonging to the Republican Party that the number of those killed in the strikes carried out by drones around the world amounted to 4,700 people, including, of course, civilians, and the rest of them mostly resistance fighters against the U.S. occupation of Muslim countries.

While apparently figure familiar and logical for a number raids that U.S. aircraft in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other Muslim countries, and that countless hundreds, but it does not seem humanly at all is assured Senator as "not divulge a secret" sees no shame in talking publicly about the death toll, and تبجحه outcome of civilian deaths and considered that this number came as a tax for "kill the largest possible number of al-Qaeda."

Graham, who is considered one of the strongest supporters of the use of drones in the fight "al-Qaeda", said after his criticism to talk publicly about the numbers of the dead that he based his comments on media reports, not formal reports.

The British Broadcasting Corp. radio (BBC) has been transferred Wednesday for Graham as saying, "We have killed 4,700 people, sometimes killing innocent people, and I hate it, but we're fighting a war may enable us to kill a number of senior al Qaeda leaders."

He said that this weapon, which often kills civilians is a "weapon must be used, which is a tactical weapon", throwing out Bcecchekat human rights activists - and even some members of Congress - in secret and the legality of the use of this type of aircraft.

This figure was not announced by Graham known and widely varied estimates number remained a mystery, with U.S. officials refused to go into the matter publicly.

After a torrent criticism on the American and international press to Graham for exposing this shameful figure in the black record of the United States, Graham said in an interview in southern California that he based his remarks on the estimates of the news site.

It was also considered in remarks to CNN that American "did not provide official information based on the numbers of American intelligence, but he deals with the estimates published by the media reports," pointing in the same frame that those figures concerning the number of deaths around the world.

Washington does not disclose never claimed responsibility for the drone strikes, but no country has aircraft of this model and launched air bases in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but the United States of America.

The Yemeni government has already announced that the United States is waging drone strikes on al-Qaeda fighters on its soil. One of the highlights of those raids that killed Anwar al-Awlaki leading to al-Qaeda, a Yemeni-American, and raised the issue of death debates media on the issue of "targeted killings" of U.S. citizens outside U.S. territory, an issue that preoccupied the American media for and opened fire on the U.S. administration and raised questions about Legal those strikes which are believed to come direct order of President Barack Obama.

But more striking in the U.S. Senator's recent statements, is that the number that dealt -4700 - is much more than estimates published by, for example CNN American.

Says Peter Bergen expert terrorism cases in CNN that between 1900 and 3300 people have died as a result of those raids, including the deaths of civilians, which is estimated to number between 261 and 305 people - he said - a figure very little, according to observers.

There was no close to the number that put Graham only for "the Office of investigative journalism" which is likely the arrival of the death toll to 4756.

The target drone strikes U.S. residential houses and civilian cars United States claims that it "haven" for those designated by "terrorists."

The raids caused wide outrage in Afghanistan because of the deaths of dozens of civilians have been killed.

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