Brother esteemed because your kid and your interest to expose the media client encouraged your page and I was interested in news and this is possible to get it from other sources and it is time not offer what the media client, but must of that show people how to work in clarifying the truth media are more spread and continues to mean worka media integrated statement the truth and the event in his time image and Madiaay be Aalamin for Musrant know that page all Page puppet remnants and asked about a traitor to his country and its principles and this is not I saw it all from dealing with them so you should debunk this page client ćáÇßä Ask others what banner where evennot be the sole opinion first a referendum on the page at least 100 participants and after the result must work a media campaign to broadcast where the lies and incitement of public opinion against the legitimacy and the regime and accept me and respectfully Ahmed Almusryhnak request another form an opinion in a free no hostile legitimacy and governance mean Frontrevolutionary help us to show the facts and show what an offering legitimacy and legitimate criticism in a serious manner advice and provide intellectual alternative to attract new subscribers with science, especially science journalist and graduates from media, youth
السبت، 9 مارس 2013
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