الاثنين، 11 مارس 2013

The Koran did not come in vain

The Koran did not come in vain, but came to support goodness and virtue and substance over form, God does not look at our pictures and Ochkalna but to our hearts and our consciences and if God's love anyone to make people love him, فيوسف not need you tremendous amount of beauty even loves people, but enough faith and virtues, has been loved People Muhammad peace be upon him and the rest of the prophets did not say that they have half Beauty which means that love is based on virtue in the same basis, and only to make God messengers angels in everything, even in their camels even influence the people, but that messengers are ordinary people and is with wealth and power, luxury and most of them orphans and shepherds and have no great corner, and if you look that Joseph is just a very nice person, why take advantage of being a prophet? , And women love him not only for the beauty of its shape, consisting of flesh and blood, this is to understand that a woman's heart Ahvo to the ideal man virtuous intelligent sensor that respects feelings, Takriga this where respect for women and thinking rather than naive Abehrha beauty of form without detective, and cut her fingers, this does not mean that women are not interested in the beauty of form never, but just a catchy title you want to look Maurah, but it is not everything, and you know it continued possible irreparable hygiene and care and confusion appropriate, and beauty of form continued to the beauty of content, and the beauty of the content of Joseph reflected on shape, especially as a young man, and he wanted to total face Vlijml inwardly reflected the beauty of the inside to the outside in a way like a charm, a free advice for women and men provide a lot of the costs of beauty, especially the story of Afaf peace be upon him and his attempt to escape the room spread when women of the city, so draw Antbahan and Tsaeln: Who is this person who refuses such an offer of a beautiful princess? , And any ethics displayed by this man who recommended prison cohabitation beautiful princesses with all their influence and their beauty? , It's shocking virtue, but this Aghtazt him wife Aziz, because he broke pride and Aghtrarha beauty and power of attraction and money and influence and love him since he was young, but this Tuadth for women shamelessly them to subject him to the tyranny of beauty and only Stsjnh, because it's women and understand each well, especially after seeing إعجابهن like her, to stand apart from them and it is the only one among them that will receive and account for it, and no mind of its pride.

This is evidence for the possibility of participation of women in love with one man, and so we also know that women are the first to discover goodness and virtue in men by men.

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