Marital relations »How can liquefy the wife her husband's saliva?
Forget a lot of couples after years of little or too much of marriage exchange of kind words between each other, has Tthbld feelings to a large extent and then complain each of the monotony of married life and chilled sentiment, especially in bed. These are providing this information that has been corroborated by new scientific research, take him significance regardless of the circumstances of the research, participants and posts it. It has been shown a dramatic changes in the saliva of the man when engaged in a brief conversation with an attractive woman, and found that the saliva of man begins gonorrhea during a short period of courtship with the fairer sex, and whenever tried to express himself in enough to make a good impression when women drool over.The researchers at the University of Chicago, and hormonal reactions when testing a number of students in their twenties, engaged in a dialogue with small young woman, and analysis of their saliva samples before and after the start of the study.The results showed no significant changes in the saliva of men after only five minutes were spoken with a beautiful woman, and contains high levels of the male sex hormone "testosterone", while it did not show such changes when they spoke with young people like them.The researchers noted that the changes have been as high as possible when they tried to draw attention and left good impressions with the fairer sex, pointing out that the man's saliva dripped but actually witnessing a lot of physiological and biochemical changes, most notably the increase in the proportion of male hormone in it.The wife received in accordance with the above liability on the pair claim him speech Bmasol, but the research does not overlook the role of the wife Experts have pointed out that the degree of change in the chemical saliva adopted over the women's interest and show kindness and romantic with him.Once again I expect that some women say: our money and these issues that concern the people of seduction?!, And the response is that the women who underwent the study was not supermodels or animate beauty supernatural Extraordinary, which indicates that many possess special abilities to liquefy the saliva of men without the need Beauty and flagrant strife.The researchers explained that occurs when men are attracted to women (and we mean definitely couples) and speak to her, the brain sends multiple messages to the pituitary gland to stimulate the secretion of testosterone has, and can measure the change in the hormone easily in saliva.Does that take a lesson in marital life?
Marital relations overlooked good manners
From Sahl ibn Sa'd may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (God Almighty cream loves generous and loves HE things and hates Sevsaffha) Attabarani, therefore Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal: nine-tenths of good manners in the overlooked. The meaning overlooked cost of negligence with the knowledge and understanding of what misses him, kindly and Tervaa about Sevsav things, from the description has been praised by our master Ali bin Abi Talib, he was in home Kaltalb and outside Kallit. That is, it was Kalmtnawm Amoda kind for the course of events occurring around him, with awareness and knowledge, for the sake of his family, and not critical يوقعهم, and not see him tracking which exhausts the sense of pulling sensations. Said Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him: (Messenger of Allah upon him not face anyone Abeche hated) Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and Women.
He Holy Alngad even not embarrass feelings or breaks Khater, and this of course is sin and God Mgaill. It is that some long despite violating this directive prophetic words of another: (I say to the one-eyed you eyed in the eye) and is intended to tournament and Altmadh. Or some would say: (I bear to see a need The crooked and shut up) and these same words and deeds is that we must not remain silent and incredibly where someone says: lighter than some medication.
Marital relations »how to win the heart of your spouse
Know what you love your wife Vtgahid to achieve and what you hate Stay away with him and drifted away from him.* More than beautiful words dear to the same wife like Honey, I love you, and sophisticated in the output of these words strongly and sincerely.* Listen to it when you talk, especially if talking about a problem experienced by'd like you to share opinion and advice, listen to all Jawarg.* Adorn her always deep in the ornamental* Do not feel your spouse as the humiliation you have but must تشعرها it an honorable, and do not forget to praise them every now and then in front of her parents and your parents attended and absence
Chill marital relationship
Creepeth boredom in family life when losing new, busy husband of taking and working conditions or problems, and preoccupied with the wife of interest with her husband to care for her children, and boredom is one of the problems facing the family and cause trouble and crises, Vcko wife of a lack of interest her husband, and symptoms reported and treated harshly and staleness The lack of appreciation, and the same complaint echoed pair: My wife no longer Ttigueni, no longer loved me and bother me much their actions, and neglected my care, and explain the boys, or we grow old and should not behave like teenagers that chill the marital relationship is reflected on all the conditions of the house, do not rest the wife does not husband and children live in anxiety and tension. Sound high for trivial reasons and minor problems deepen and grow up mistrust and interpret bad speech on the face in addition to the actions and behaviors of others are not satisfied anyoneAnd treatment of apathy is the responsibility of a wife first, and to look for causes of apathy at home and dealt with such touches thin at home and re-arranged and concern for the beauty and vitality and simplicity, attention to herself and her appearance and style in dealing and attention her husband and his tools of! Personal and clothes, books, and privacy and to ensure the respect and esteem, and makes him feel always that the head of the family who gets tired and strive to earning a living for his children and his family ..The wife also not be dealing with her husband of only one door is I want such and such. Boys need as well .. And I need such and such, but there are entrances, such as providing a simple gift on the occasion of, or preparation surprise him all the while of the surprises that Tsaadh, and the intervention of pleasure on his heart; and I do not deny the role of the husband in the treatment of apathy by attention his wife and follow their conditions it from is also importantMarital relations »How can liquefy the wife her husband's saliva?
Forget a lot of couples after years of little or too much of marriage exchange of kind words between each other, has Tthbld feelings to a large extent and then complain each of the monotony of married life and chilled sentiment, especially in bed. These are providing this information that has been corroborated by new scientific research, take him significance regardless of the circumstances of the research, participants and posts it. It has been shown a dramatic changes in the saliva of the man when engaged in a brief conversation with an attractive woman, and found that the saliva of man begins gonorrhea during a short period of courtship with the fairer sex, and whenever tried to express himself in enough to make a good impression when women drool over.The researchers at the University of Chicago, and hormonal reactions when testing a number of students in their twenties, engaged in a dialogue with small young woman, and analysis of their saliva samples before and after the start of the study.The results showed no significant changes in the saliva of men after only five minutes were spoken with a beautiful woman, and contains high levels of the male sex hormone "testosterone", while it did not show such changes when they spoke with young people like them.The researchers noted that the changes have been as high as possible when they tried to draw attention and left good impressions with the fairer sex, pointing out that the man's saliva dripped but actually witnessing a lot of physiological and biochemical changes, most notably the increase in the proportion of male hormone in it.The wife received in accordance with the above liability on the pair claim him speech Bmasol, but the research does not overlook the role of the wife Experts have pointed out that the degree of change in the chemical saliva adopted over the women's interest and show kindness and romantic with him.Once again I expect that some women say: our money and these issues that concern the people of seduction?!, And the response is that the women who underwent the study was not supermodels or animate beauty supernatural Extraordinary, which indicates that many possess special abilities to liquefy the saliva of men without the need Beauty and flagrant strife.The researchers explained that occurs when men are attracted to women (and we mean definitely couples) and speak to her, the brain sends multiple messages to the pituitary gland to stimulate the secretion of testosterone has, and can measure the change in the hormone easily in saliva.Does that take a lesson in marital life? Internal human world and its potential, and provides us with the tools and skills we can identify the human personality, and his way of thinking and behavior and performance, values, and the obstacles that stand in the way of creativity and excellence. Also provides us with the tools and methods can be rapid positive change in human thinking and behavior and feelings, and its ability to achieve its objectives, according to empirical laws can be tested and measured. In order to draw is of NLP people's understanding and achieving intimacy and harmony with them, and build good relations and strong ties that take into account the specificity of each one of them.Undoubtedly one of the most important relationships that can be programmable nerve that تنميها and intensifies marital relations, we see in reality a lot of families that are thrown down or is about for reasons we see intractable very, which, in fact, minor reasons, lies in the different styles of personal lead to the color of unfamiliarity and lack of understanding, even knew each party the fact that the other party, and realized his behavior drives, and his explanations for his excuse as much or sought to help him; in order to reach a good state of coexistence and handling.And Sabine here - in short - some of the most important Nstvidh of NLP in the field of marital relations.The thus learn NLP how they are monitoring the human realities of the outside world for material and moral, by outlets perception has (senses), and how they shaped the understanding, and the barriers that prevent full understanding and perception full of things, and intuitive interface between what settles in the mind of perceptions, and what is going on in the soul of Khaljat different emotions, and how all this is translated to a positive reaction or negative.
We conclude from the fact that the mental picture of the realities of the outside world vary from one person to another, which is when everyone is perfectly matched what in fact, because of the weakness of our senses and our understanding of failure. And that if a man be in his mind a certain impression about something or someone, the impact of this impression more than the impact of the truth itself, and this was reflected on his behavior towards him, and this right is not denied but ignorant, so hurry validation and identification.
And validation is humility in estimating the initial impressions, and not to surrender to suspect who does not sing the right thing, and checking in clarifying things evidence and Brahinha one, lest the share of people in ignorance.
One of the greatest marital problems (rushing - doubt - jealousy negative - misunderstanding - accusing purposes) and all related personal perceptions and initial impressions, which may have been far from the truth.The neural networks have learned ways and strategies to check and make sure, and we stopped on the methods to extrapolate information seen and spoken, connotations of Visage features (body language in: body and outlook and overview and reference) and semantics melody say (in words and style and tone of voice), and that of sites perception different, for Ntgerd Znonna and impressions, and stand on the facts of information that makes us closer to the truth, and make our judgments and our decisions section on perceptions minutes.This partial alone is enough to spare our families a lot of differences ridden, which is capable of - if mastered widespread social level - to reduce divorce rates that tell us about the frightening statistics.It learned in NLP classifying people into patterns considerations different, each of them a special strategy to interact and respond to the effects of internal and external, and therefore can be aware of the source of the actions of people, and we know the nearest way to achieve intimacy with them, and win them over and the positive impact them.
The difference typical personal between men and women is not the problem, but it may be a requirement for integration sometimes, but the biggest problem in Jhlhma this difference, and believe one that the other like him, or should be like him, in convictions and desires and ways of thinking and preferences and so on.One case ended in divorce complaint was the husband where to his wife were not assessed nor respected, they did not reflect the day for love him, and did not reflect the day thanks to known him, and that very car sitting in front of her mirror and styling her hair, and they ask him whatever lies upon the same, which endure and which can not endure, why not let a magazine for fashion or for decoration or furniture but acquired, and demanded half their content, and lamented the loss of the rest, and she did not see anything in the house of another woman - which she has no - only suspended parable itself, without regard to the conditions of limited financial, even worsened ten between them, and the disappearance of understanding and impact of divorce.
The complaint was women than it colorless felt, did not appreciate her beauty was her feel value has, and that his spiel and promises glamorous, but you do not see something from him, do not remember that gave her days gift تشعرها Ptkadirh her, it also philosophical logical Ahasabha on every word , and thinks every tone of voice she carries money is likely, as he was not interested in form and appearance with her, and very energetic his telephone calls that are not interrupted even in times of comfort, which raises doubts.
The synthesis of these problem between them that the man (audio) and women (sham), and they did not understand this difference, though Vhmah for custom each source behaviors owner and excuse them, and deal with the strategy that suits him, but as long as their affection and compassion, but God forbid what willing to do, and too late.
The NLP teaches us that people are not all the same though we also Nznhm, but they are patterns and styles, and each style of them indicators infer it on him, and strategies for dealing with him.And which we learn in the NLP laws assumptions and expectations how نعززها and believe it and how does it affect us?, And how to deal with it, whether positive or negative.Perhaps the most important problems in the early married life related laws assumptions and expectation, since often builds couple or one of them assumptions and expectations of exaggeration in the ideal, regarding owner or married life or House and physical requirements, then shocking that actually less than that, Fasthompsk Ptoukath prior, The trip begins claim and resentment, or surrender receipt is frustrating satisfaction, you may end up in the two cases to the separation.It learned in NLP ways to achieve intimacy and deepen in four levels scalable, up to friendliness deep and total harmony with the other party, no doubt that this is an important requirement in married life, which is an essential component gives marital life Adhuptha and beauty, and ensures - God willing - survival and stability.It learned also in programming neural multiple strategies to deal with the problems, analysis and characterization and treatment, and aids for reflection had to focus on the problem, focus on the solution, planning and generating ideas and find alternatives, then the configuration and change and install and leadership for the future, and neutralize the internal resistance and external, account the effects and consequences and measure the pros and cons of each.There is no doubt that these methods of great and positive impact fast in solving problems in marital life, private and we often money person such methods to solve the problem himself, Fazfr Bmaxben simultaneously: solve the current problem, and learn a skill that benefit him in the future.This urgency brief the most important thing Nstvidh of this science great in the field of marital relationship private, that bond that is based on the validity and stability is very good, beyond the pillars of the relationship to the family and the children and the community, a call to take advantage of this science, which has a great impact in the fields of advocacy and education and dealing and planning for the success of individual and institutional, which is the wisdom that is the goal of the believer, wherever he found it first.
Marital relations »Yes I advise Baltberg
I sat pondering the words of the Prophet Muhammad - [- to Jabir ibn Abdullah: «Hala virgin manipulation and Tlaabk» In the novel «Tdaabha and Tdaabk», and perhaps the word first is (manipulation) did strikes me as a man of nature initiative and innovation in marital cohabitation, but that struck me is the word ( Tlaabk) any same level man of appetite and the thrill of the temptation, and perhaps this text inconsistent with our contemporary reality and what we live retardation in the culture of marital cohabitation, prompting a lot of couples and sometimes wives in terms of (the defect and modesty fake) to infidelity.
Hence warned Prophet - [- nation has Tabaraniyy Prophet - [- saying: «wash your clothes and take your feeling and Astakoa Tzinoa and Tnzvo, the children of Israel were not doing it Vznet wives.I wanted to write this introduction I invite wives to (Finery doubles), which differs from the finery of ignorance, which warned of God of it, but I want to (Taatberg) wife to her husband, and use all their feminine to enjoy married life so full each and every one of them the other.Write these words after fell on the many messages via e-mail abuse husbands and wives in their relationship private with each other, and some messages answer them and most Ahalha to a friend specializes in sexual matters to answer them on it, but what caught my attention in these messages semi culture exist in men not to adorn the man to his wife and beautification her and satisfy their desire, on the grounds that this reduces the prestige, and traditional culture similar to have is that when they closer the man's wife to him and excel in that her clothing and adornments, it asks: Where I learned these behaviors?!, and doubted where and opens her investigation file Vtnqlb the moments of happiness and pleasure to the misery and suffering, and this man forgot that the Prophet - [- Description and those who wish to have a recipe (and Tdaabk), (and Tlaabk). Any ignorance nationality today's is far from the guidance of Habib Muhammad - [-, and also say that I have noticed from the messages that modesty fake when women in non Tbergha to her husband and sophistication to satisfy the senses, while she Taatberg abroad flaunt ignorance is modesty, what a contradiction this experienced by our sleep rooms?, but this notice disjointed families and flimsy because of sexual instability between spouses.Some messages coming to me from couples asking their wives to speak with them words flirtatious Verwdhan, and some ask his wife to dance his rejects, and another asked to wear his clothes a certain rejects, and if he goes out of his house and signed his eyes all fallen and Pick then complain of frequent treason! And some wives complain of odors husbands unpleasant, and some treats her husband as if marital cohabitation duty must get rid of him, shares a family suffering and the reality today is ruthless, as stated so British writer «Fix Ward» in achieving a press revealed alliances between women's magazines and journals Gender clearly , and the satellite channels increases the flame of excitement In return for all this does not flaunt my husband.For this we note that the Prophet - [- was a matter upon his return from traveling from telling the people of the city Bakdomanm on (even hair shaggy and preparing absent), and I've had Prophet recommends owners will not enter their families at night so as not to see them only in the best body and appearance.All of this jurisprudence great that we have to emphasize (Finery doubles) today needs to be shown again starting from (manipulation and Tlaabk) and the end of those texts that we have mentioned, God says: {are to dress you and you dress them} on the grounds that Vallzh joint parties. The strange topic as mentioned d. Ahmed white that Europe did not discover that the woman received the thrill only in the nineteenth century by the advocates - D - (I mentioned Cherader Klibert in her book - the Cultural Revolution for Women).I say conclusion: that Islam is always up to race in sex education and say to the husbands and wives: Yes I advise Baltberg, and I would advise husband Baltberg you.
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