U.S. government Tkid morning and evening of Islam and Muslims and do not leave the path of harm to Islam and Muslims, but overwhelmingly, but both honors hurts Muslims as it did honor to the Vice President of Burma.
Appeal to the American people beloved:
Why this hostility to Islam and Muslims from the U.S. government? Islam gave you all goodness.
Vmma by Islam to remind America: -
1 - modern American civilization carried on the shoulders of a lot of Muslim Scholars
2 - U.S. banks have the money delivered "regrettable"
3 - the U.S. economy has and still is based on the wealth of the Muslims America manufactures and the Islamic World Order.
4 - The modern civilization in the entire world has a Muslim civilization.
Muslims, and invented: -
____ CameraIbn al-Haytham invented the world the world of mathematics, astronomy, physics and camera is Imad modern media life.Has taken its name from the word "cockpit" Arab and dark room or private means.
__ PlaneInvented by engineer Abbas Ibn Firnas was previously the Wright brothers thousand years in the aviation industry machine? The Tarlawl once the minaret in the city of Cordoba with the mantle stuffed with wooden materials. The cloak was Ibn Firnas first umbrella in history. Then invented a machine of silk and eagles' feathers and flew from the top of the mountain and stayed in the air for ten minutes and then fell.
___ SoapMuslims were the first to the Toralsabon we use today and added his vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and Perfumes perfume thyme while smelt of the bodies of the Crusaders who invaded Arab land very unpleasant odors, says Muslims of that time? Shampoo has brought to England for the first time a Muslim has been appointed later in the court of kings George and William IV for cleaning and shampoo.
___ Insulating materialsMuslims were the first to manufacture insulating materials.They who invented clothes stuffed with insulation that was and is still worn by the military.
___ Science of surgeryDid you know that all the tools used in surgery and anatomy today are the same ones that invented the world Zahrawi in the tenth century?Did you know that two hundred tool used by doctors today are designed Zahrawi?
Did you know that the first to discover the strings used in surgical operations, which dissolve in the body after the operation?
Ibn al-Nafis world he has discovered the circulatory system in the thirteenth century Harvey for three hundred years ago?
___ Medical vaccination
The first to discover the medical inoculation and vaccination are the Muslims and not the French Pasteur? Has brought him to Europe ZojhassadorBritish in Istanbul in 1724. The Turks were their children vaccinated against some deadly diseases by Europeans more than fifty years.
___ A map of the stars made by Abu Rayhan Biruni in the eleventh centuryWere it not for this science and discoveries known to Muslims as the civilization. In the world today.
Appeal to the American people beloved:
Why this hostility to Islam and Muslims from the U.S. government? Islam gave you all goodness.
Vmma by Islam to remind America: -
1 - modern American civilization carried on the shoulders of a lot of Muslim Scholars
2 - U.S. banks have the money delivered "regrettable"
3 - the U.S. economy has and still is based on the wealth of the Muslims America manufactures and the Islamic World Order.
4 - The modern civilization in the entire world has a Muslim civilization.
Muslims, and invented: -
____ CameraIbn al-Haytham invented the world the world of mathematics, astronomy, physics and camera is Imad modern media life.Has taken its name from the word "cockpit" Arab and dark room or private means.
__ PlaneInvented by engineer Abbas Ibn Firnas was previously the Wright brothers thousand years in the aviation industry machine? The Tarlawl once the minaret in the city of Cordoba with the mantle stuffed with wooden materials. The cloak was Ibn Firnas first umbrella in history. Then invented a machine of silk and eagles' feathers and flew from the top of the mountain and stayed in the air for ten minutes and then fell.
___ SoapMuslims were the first to the Toralsabon we use today and added his vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and Perfumes perfume thyme while smelt of the bodies of the Crusaders who invaded Arab land very unpleasant odors, says Muslims of that time? Shampoo has brought to England for the first time a Muslim has been appointed later in the court of kings George and William IV for cleaning and shampoo.
___ Insulating materialsMuslims were the first to manufacture insulating materials.They who invented clothes stuffed with insulation that was and is still worn by the military.
___ Science of surgeryDid you know that all the tools used in surgery and anatomy today are the same ones that invented the world Zahrawi in the tenth century?Did you know that two hundred tool used by doctors today are designed Zahrawi?
Did you know that the first to discover the strings used in surgical operations, which dissolve in the body after the operation?
Ibn al-Nafis world he has discovered the circulatory system in the thirteenth century Harvey for three hundred years ago?
___ Medical vaccination
The first to discover the medical inoculation and vaccination are the Muslims and not the French Pasteur? Has brought him to Europe ZojhassadorBritish in Istanbul in 1724. The Turks were their children vaccinated against some deadly diseases by Europeans more than fifty years.
___ A map of the stars made by Abu Rayhan Biruni in the eleventh centuryWere it not for this science and discoveries known to Muslims as the civilization. In the world today.
نداء للشعب الأمريكي الحبيب:
لماذا هذه العداوة للأسلام والمسلمين من الحكومة الأمريكية؟ إن الإسلام قدم لكم الخير كل الخير.
فمما قدمه الإسلام لأمريكا اذكر:-
1-حضارة أمريكا الحديثة قامت على أكتاف الكثير من العلماء المسلمين
2- البنوك الأمريكية قامت على الأموال المسلمة"مما يؤسف له"
3-الاقتصاد الأمريكي قام ومازال يقوم على أموال المسلمين فأمريكا تصنع والعالم الإسلامي يشتري.
4- إن الحضارة الحديثة في العالم بأسره قامت على حضارة المسلمين.
المسلمون، وما أخترعوه:- ____الكاميرااخترعها العالم ابن الهيثم عالم الرياضيات والفلك والفيزياء والكاميرا تعتبر عماد الحياة الإعلامية الحديثة. وقد اخذت اسمها من كلمة "قمرة" العربية وتعني الغرفة المظلمة أوالخاصة.
__الطائرةاخترعها المهندس عباس بن فرناس كان قد سبق الأخوين رايت بألف عام في صناعة آلة للطيران؟ وقد طارلأول مرة من على مئذنة في مدينة قرطبة مستخدماً عباءة محشوة بمواد خشبية. وقد كانت عباءة ابن فرناس أول مظلة في التاريخ. ثم اخترع آلة أخرى من الحرير و ريش النسور وطار فيها من أعلى جبل وبقي في الجو لمدة عشر دقائق ثم سقط. ___الصابونالمسلمون هم أول من طورالصابون الذي نستخدمه اليوم وأضافوا له الزيوت النباتية وهايدروكسيد الصوديوم والعطورات كعطر الزعتر بينما كانت تفوح من أجساد الصليبيين الذين غزوا الأرض العربية روائح كريهة للغاية حسبما يقول مسلمو ذلك الزمان؟ وقد جلب الشامبو إلى انجلترا لأول مرة شخص مسلم وقد عـُين فيما بعد في بلاط الملكين جورج وويليام الرابع لشؤون النظافة والشامبو.
___المواد العازلةالمسلمون هم أول من صنع المواد العازلة. وهم الذين ابتكروا الألبسة المحشوة بمواد عازلة التي كان ومازال يرتديها العسكريون.
___علم الجراحةهل تعلمون أن كل الأدوات المستخدمة في الجراحة والتشريح اليوم هي نفسها التي اخترعها العالم الزهراوي في القرن العاشر؟ هل تعلمون أن المائتي أداة التي يستعملها الأطباء اليوم هي من تصميم الزهراوي؟ هل تعلمون أنه أول من اكتشف الخيطان المستخدمة في العمليات الجراحية والتي تذوب في الجسم بعد العملية؟ الدورة الدمويةــــــــ العالم ابن النفيس هو الذي اكتشف الدورة الدموية في القرن الثالث عشر قبل هارفي بثلاثمائة سنة؟ ___التطعيم الطبي إن أول من اكتشف التلقيح والتطعيم الطبي هم المسلمون وليس باستور الفرنسي؟ وقد أوصلته إلى أوروبا زوجةالسفيرالبريطاني في اسطنبول عام 1724م. وقد كان الأتراك يلقحون اطفالهم ضد بعض الأمراض المميتة قبل الأوروبيين بأكثر من خمسين عاماً.
___خريطة للنجوم صنعت على يد أبو الريحان البيروني في القرن الحادي عشرولولا هذه العلوم والاكتشافات التى عرفها المسلمون ما كانت حضارة.في العالم اليوم.
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