Superior wisdom
Hear ye boys to instruct the father, and listened to Tkedzbwa acumen, 2, I present to you a good education, do not neglect Shariati. 3 When you're the son of dad, غضا and lonely for Mom, 4 said to me: «garnered in your heart, my words, and keep my commandments Pethahiah. 5 Do not forget and do not subject the words of my mouth, but teach wisdom and Aqtn acumen. 6 Do not renounced Fathfezk. Ahbbha Vtsonk. 7 the beginning of wisdom to gain wisdom, and Aqtn acumen if all you have made. 8 glory Vtmagdk, espoused Vtakermk. 9 crowned head crown of beauty, and you enjoy the crown of splendor.
Comparison between the wise and wicked
10 listened Iaabna and accept my words, Snow goes your life. 11 may Erhdtk to the path of wisdom, and your gift in the curricula of integrity. 12 When you walk narrowing your steps, and while running you will not stumble. 13 stuck to guidance and subtract. The year because it is your life. 14 are not included in the path of the wicked and pursues their approach. 15 moved him not. End him not Tgtz which. 16 they do not poring over the sleep unless offend, Evargahm drowsiness what they did not find anyone. 17 because they eat bread wickedness and drink the wine of injustice. 18 As for the righteous Vknor Mtlole increasingly Sunrise to be completed by the day, 19 and the way of the wicked the Aldagih darkness affects not realize what they find .16 six things abhorred by the Lord, and has seven hated: 17 eyes Mtgrftan, San liar, and convicted Tesfkan innocent blood. 18 and conspires with evil heart, and two feet speed up Besahbhma to commit sin, 19 and a false witness falsely puffing, and a grown man feuds between brothers.
Warning of adultery
0 Iaabna save your father's commandments not ignore the law of your mother. 21 most complex always on your heart, and held them in the neck, Vtahedak whenever I walked, Traak whenever grown, Tnagiu when you wake up. Indeed to Sharia lamp light, and in a disciplinary reprimand is a way of life, in order to protect you from the evil woman and a San sweet bitch. Not covet her beauty in your heart not enthralled to make your Bohdabha. That because women bitch lacks rights to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress married capture by engaging them self-dignity. Can one put a fire in his lap and not burn his clothes? Or to walk on coals not bear the foot? This affects all of adultery with a woman other; inevitably solve punishment. Although people may not despise a thief if it is stolen to a full stomach is hungry, but if you catch it in the act to compensate crime seven times, even if it cost him all what يقتنيه. The adulterer Vivtqr to common sense, and every person who commits adultery destroys himself, as he would be beaten and humiliation, and indelible reproach never. Because jealousy, anger erupted man no mercy when he presents on revenge. 35 does not accept ransom, and refuses to appeasement important reciting a bribe.
Warning of adulterous seduction
Iaabna save my words and Azkhr my commandments with you. 2 Obey my commands Pethahiah, Sun Shariati, Khaddqh eye. 3 Aasbha on your fingers, and write them on the pages of your heart. 4 Say to wisdom: you are my sister, and acumen: you Qrepta. 5 understanding Thfezank woman a bitch, and wife Slut that flatter Pklamha.
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