الثلاثاء، 2 مارس 2010


n More on Islam on Terrorism:
Islam, Muslims, and Violence (a special report and coverage by IslamOnline web site)
Islam, Jihad (Holy War), and Terrorism
Is Islam A Religion of Terror?
Attack on the USA - A Muslim Response
Islam and Terrorism (by Dr. Bilal Philips)
Tolerance in Islam
Jihad (Holy War) Explained
A Condemning Statement on 9/11 Tragedy by the President of the Committee of Senior Scholars of Saudi Arabia
A Condemning Statement on 9/11 Tragedy by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia
A Condemning Statement on 9/11 Tragedy by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, an Islamic Scholar
The Islamic Verdict on Hijacking and Kidnapping
The Islamic Verdict on Suicide Bombings
(Back to List of Subjects)

n In-Depth Articles on Women in Islam:
More on Women in Islam (from this web site)
Women in Islam (from About Islam and Muslims web site)
Women in Islam (from BeConvinced web site)
Women in Christianity and Islam in Brief
Women in Christianity and Islam in Depth
(Back to List of Subjects)

n How to Perform Prayer:
The Right Way to Pray
How to Perform Ablution (which is necessary
for Prayer)
The Muslim Prayer
Prayer Time Calculator
(Back to List of Subjects)

n To Ask a Live Person About Islam by Phone:
Toll free Tel. # within the USA and Canada: 1-877-WHY-ISLAM
or 1-877-949-4752
(from 9 am to 9 pm Eastern Standard Time)
(Back to List of Subjects)

n Questions and Answers on Islam (and to submit a question about it):
Ask About Islam (from IslamOnline web site)
Islam Questions and Answers
FAQ on Islam (by Dr. Zakir Naik)
FAQ on Islam (from Lord’s Words web site)
Ask the Scholar (from IslamToday web site)
Questions and Answers About Islam (from IslamWeb web site)
(Back to List of Subjects)

n Online Islamic Bookstores:
Darussalam Publications
Al-Basheer Publications
(Back to List of Subjects)

Islamic Organizations:

Also, If you would like more information on Islam, or if you have any questions or comments, you may contact one of the following organizations (Note: To search for addresses of Islamic centers near you, please visit Islamic Finder):

1) The United States:
Islamic Assembly of North America
3588 Plymouth Road, Suite # 270,
Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
Tel.: (734) 528-0006 - Fax: (734) 528-0066
E-mail: IANA@IANAnet.org
Islamic Foundation of America
PO Box: 3415, Merrifield, VA 22116, USA
Tel.: (703) 914-4982 - Fax: (703) 914-4984
E-mail: info@ifa.ws
Alharamain Islamic Foundation
1257 Siskiyou Blvd., no. 212,
Ashland, OR 97520, USA
Tel.: (541) 482-1116 - Fax: (541) 482-1117
E-mail: haramain@alharamain.org
Understanding Islam Foundation
11153 Washington Pl., Culver City,
CA 90232, USA
Tel. and Fax: (301) 558-9865
E-mail: info@understandingislam.us
World Assembly of Muslim Youth
PO Box: 8096, Falls Church,
VA 22041-8096, USA
Tel.: (703) 820-6656 - Fax: (703) 783-8409
E-mail: support@wamyusa.org
Islamic Information Institute
of Dar-us-Salam
5301 Edgewood Rd., College Park,
MD 20740-4623, USA
Tel.: (301) 982-9463 - Fax: (301) 982-9849
E-mail: iiid@islamworld.net
Al Jumuah Magazine
PO Box: 5387, Madison,
WI 53705-5387, USA
Tel.: (608) 277-1855 - Fax: (608) 277-0323
E-mail: info@aljumuah.com
2) Canada:
Islamic Information & Da’wah Center International
1168 Bloor Street West, Toronto,
Ontario M6H 1N1, Canada
Tel.: (416) 536-8433 - Fax: (416) 536-0417
E-mail: comments@islaminfo.com
3) The United Kingdom:
Al-Muntada Al-Islami Centre
7 Bridges Place, Parsons Green,
London SW6 4HW, UK
Tel.: 44 (0207) 736 9060
Fax: 44 (0207) 736 4255
E-mail: muntada@almuntada-alislami.org
Jam’iat Ihyaa’ Minhaaj Al-Sunnah
PO Box: 24, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 8ED, UK
Tel. and Fax: 44 (01473) 251578
E-mail: mail@jimas.org
4) Saudi Arabia:
Alharamain Islamic Foundation
PO Box: 69606, Riyadh 11557, Saudi Arabia
Tel.: (966-1) 465-2210 - Fax: (966-1) 462-3306
E-mail: haramain@alharamain.org
World Assembly of Muslim Youth
PO Box: 10845, Riyadh 11443, Saudi Arabia
Tel.: (966-1) 464-1669 - Fax: (966-1) 464-1710
E-mail: info@wamy.org

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