الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2009

الشارع المصرى

Blog Entrycleaning our streets of the phenomenonFeb 27, '09 7:37 AM
for everyone

Habib spirit 's Site

Blog Entry respect your Feb 27,'09 7:29 AM
for everyone
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings
Many of you joined the group on the basis that they only drew the name or because the problem of harassment are against the public or because they disagree with the style of dress are Paix campaign management, our
Well, I think it was time to clarify the image, and correct many of the concepts and ideas through any Akhozt Anna extent whatever the trends, either with us or against us

Goals: our work is based on three axes

First goal: cleaning our streets of the phenomenon of harassment by some of the youths Playboys
Second goal: cleaning up our streets from the phenomenon of Alambtzlh clothing worn by some girls without taking into account the traditions of the East and of course our society is not our intention to impose the veil, or veil, not because we are religious, we lose a minimum of clothing, which does not exist or are distinguished daughters appear to Surat Almsthtrut
Third goal: the formation of public opinion and voted against a uniform Alaptzal Alheiaffh and which is now before us are imported from abroad and made the young girls and young blind tradition Iqldonha

Primary means: getting the message to young girls to dress Harasser Zew exactly and have feelings and emotions that must be respected and that the awareness of de girls uniforms sister or mother or wife, and the awakening of feelings and morals of children Alnkhuh girls some of the dust that hung from the difficult circumstances experienced by our beloved Egypt is now and has made our young people forget, or forget the kind of original that can move mountains, how the center of the daily frustrations of our uniform and not be to look at the girls on the basis of it is just played as an instrument of nationality or sex

Second: sensitizing young Almsthtrut some traditions of their society intentionally or unintentionally, and that the best way to prevent the harassment they have is respect for the traditions of their societies in the Arab East and the behavior and clothing because of its eastern Alemraeh in our beautiful place in the hearts and respect every man and an Arab Muslim or Christian east

The third way: to alert the media and make us mindful of our cause through the activities and methods to be exercised in the Tnvez shaking targets

Fourth medium: the fight against some of the abusers and Abthat Zeine Tndv only interested in our streets, whether careless or Almsthtrut Zeine Imlan the minds of our daughters and our children do not fit the ideas of our societies and which will eventually take the survey to our cultural identity and pride in our uniform a lot in the way of the illusion called freedom Alkazib absolute per capita in the community to do anything even if he shook the vast majority would be to the detriment of society

As for the activities and methods Atiz on the ground and Fabntzar funding proposals and waiting for meetings to agree joint action where it has been agreed so far

Second: we can treated as a young animal, I can not control the ... hopes Graisah Fein ethics, education and religion ..?

Third: I have to estimates that are Ana Haifa Haifa regular sale of others and vice versa ... I mean, you saw for example the text of your sister wear them! One Tany .. say no defect caution Icollk not unusual, but other Maevrakec Walkate monster with him, but Cat Icollk Alastomk wrong .... Do you get me? This is relative because people are not the same ... Education is not the same level in Culture

Fourth: I do not advocate the sort of outrageous clothes ... I mean, you see one possible foreign Short, dressed up and seemed to feel they are light and simple .. summit Mathsc and sexual attraction, and need not walk by it and one is wearing a veil, but encountered stilted and trite it is not fully Vths ..
Conclusion we can say that I am a girl .. but I wear what I wear girls Maeliq was omitted and the place-bound LES ...

V: You are Mardach high as long as the topic of youth and the suppression of most LES Altrchin over 40 years and Metzugiyn ...
You even when I read the report from the BBC
Hatlaqy that most of the women said they Petaradwa Ana harassment Belpsoa clothes and wide and long and Belpsoa so-called Islamic dress code
Dissemble da poll conducted by the Yahoo site on the subject and Da Hua talking about why what keeps me wearing the cloak of Sixes and remarkably Belftwa for consideration and a return Eibeslhm Izaiqgua


And S against the bonds of an article written by Israeli writer


Ahtjty if any help with translation Colily you, Samar

And I hope after the Report of an expansionist and a little patience, but I hear the response without any controversy or accusations, and the conclusions of prior

Mon Mazboth best answer ... sort of striptease excessive compensation culture or lack of intelligence ... and the form excess choked the way, this is not like in Egypt ...
I mean, you got your bus and Akit one dressed up Stomak?? You entered Cairo University, for example, girls and Akit Bchortat .. you are the Akit Jartk Zmilletk or in the club or at work and parked in the street and knocked Bbdy Stomak Short??
Did you see even a small percentage Hatbaky very, very, very ..
A majority in your country Maptalps like this ... However Bitbhdloa on the street every day ...
By the way I'm not asking, and the duty of my cold logic .. I mean ... what Acollk Italj Bglt biggest mistake .. and of course I do not .. I do not keep asking, and reply with this question myself because I do not need you to answer ..

Bos Iamr ..
I Vahmh campaign .. and had to correct, but Leah reservation campaign .. .. I respect you say was born to Ana Bieks or harassed respect yourself. (By the way, I do not agree on a lot of words I Haeffah it obstinately Hatqlb), but Aho was born .. few literature Bieks reckless campaign Ptcolh respect yourself ... but the meaning will the name of your campaign (Ahtermy yourself to others Ihtermk) Aktar than 80% of the women harassed daily Petaradwa ... Does not all of them respectable??
Harja Hacol sure .. and not sure of them ... very Ktieyer Mahtermat Lahu medicine? I do not Mahtermnhm Why??
The same word offensive ... you say choked Ahtermy your master or a girl ....
Ze Macolt we do not diffuse our terribly hot in Short Alstomak You are in the streets ... Why are you speaking in the text of your Kom .. and long trousers in Bermuda ... a minor discrepancies Ze Macolna subject relative

Generally not the name of our business .. I do not dress Macoltlk I do not need Bhajmkm versa I really wish for you success .. but it points the difference Ana Mapna .. You saw that Ana girl was dressed up confusion from your point of view is not Halal, where the harassment OK ..?
This is to question those Elly replied LES
. I am myself a vacuum Haifa that any excuse for harassment ... no matter how Elly Adami was dressed up for the Lord, I am a human being's mind Adalh estimated in control and Graisah Shahuath

Min You You Colt Colt Egypt meant Eastern Arab country has its own customs and traditions are kept foreigners wear Ilbsuc this matter is important to see what we Nqldhomc in their habits, and we are all believing that this is a mistake
And for the mother and father who allowed his daughter to wear it is not unambiguous and flagrant Hcol Mptzl Hcol because at least a bit of Bizar Draatha on the chest and leg hair definitely not know what to say because frankly محدش Izaal me
I'm sorry, I can not on the mood of the people's, but I'm just saying my opinion
This was the first
Secondly, what is most important that the matter is that we already have to educate ourselves in the ethics and the sons of the country if that's what Ithzuc Cavo, and also to Ischof built in to help the problem, not help them because they are sweet, and telephone number in From
And also the girls needed to maintain the same need for all to wear and not morality, Msheetha
What group should reform the morals first and then we say this Labs, and said this
I محدش Izaal me, but I am saying my opinion and we are all at risk of error is important to speak within the limits of rationality and literature, this is the main objective of this Jerob what I think and then we are coming to solve the problem of not coming true in this Ntkhanq this mistake each and every one and why in his opinion, important We all agree that the move was attributed to the girls in the street and the safety of and respect Ulad Adbam
Regarding the issue that we Bnaguib from the West in the sixties ... America will miss days of UNPROFOR in Tfezat we were paced mini Bnbus and Almikrojib ...
Libby, and do not mean to say one of the dresses and fashion de jeeps and the West ... we Bnachdha your country all the women were in the sixties .. Ertduha campaigns Walkate were normal and nothing Aterbua their grandmothers and Khalatna time of day .. UNPROFOR country and its people well ..
Valle says girls dressing like this, the role of Baz in the albums of old photos Elly came over the wheel and a black and white pictures and see how the confusion ...

Tani reply .. I'm Ana, we can protect girls dress a certain Btalps (whether in hijab veil in her hair and does not close the Bbdy or pocket) ... we can only say is the de Fulani remains doubtful precious .. and the rest do not protect ... the right person walking in the street safely, dress you, ...

Basma Htterdy Tketby I wish you could if the letters do not the Arab and Anglo-Arab Anti ... this is not from the West Ptcoly Mankhaddc Medicine .. at least for Negi write letters to the Arab hold on .. If only the language but Arabic or English:)


Thank you and sorry to keep Alatalpkman .. eh?? Waiting for your suggestions
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