Sisters [aalGaalyh] to you altogether from methods
Sisters to you altogether from methods ] he husband is first: Do not connect on him during his continuity the drawings followed crosses him… so if for the communication on him so the communication is not to request ['aGrD] for sent down…. Or the complaint from the children ..... or to comes with him lunch ..... or to the extent that has lunch outside indeed loved that. Secondly: If surprised you in attendance of guests with him blessing outside…. So requests me from him to their lunch comes in with him…. Punishment for him for that he does not report you before…. After departure of the guest… prepared me many from the words burning…. Which makes him this act does not repeat once again. Thirdly: Thinking my in presenting his present to Allah directed rose…. Makes me your presents [mtbwe't] in requests .....n] that this present came from empty. Fourthly: If returner of blessing was outside…. So seek help me in worldwide experts of the security…. ] in shower from the questions general and special…. Where daughter-in-law? From flag? ? What did.? Why be late? ? Why forgot that resulted with you in purposes sent down? ? ? From bey on the telephone connected….? ? ? Is accepting last woman? ? Fifthly: If ] that he disguises something so his exploitation do not hesitate in period of going for the rotary waters to searching of pockets his and his wallet… and exploits me his period of bath… since she indeed her period of lengths… prohibitor from stealing followed the vision for the numbers which connected in her from his mobile…. So raved already reports you in the future…. Warns me prints for the crime left. Sixth: Introduces me appointment accustomed him tiring from did him…. Before entering his the house in minutes national in the communication on colleague of lac…. Exchanged me edges modern with her corroded comes…. So if income sent down… so movements of inhabitant followed moves… so you is busy… and busy does not employ from your colleague in excuse that your husband is coming… your husband be soft will feel approached her in the estimate…. Already admires himself…. The caper from the devil ..... [aatrkyh] his clothes extract [lwHdh] ..... and delays in status the lunch…. Prohibitor from cutting followed the communication afterwards temporary…. Gave and your justice for colleague in the communication in her after the lunch direct…. Mentions me lack ] the promise. Seventh: Do not tire yourself in decoration lunch your of husband ..... so he is machine does not feel followed feels…. Indeed him comes from did him tiring… followed [ydry] what in front of him is he is stones mother of lunch…. Puts me the food some him above some…. To is on you that be distinguished if civilization of guests to the house…. Be varied me approached her in decoration of the food…the people say about you indeed you acquaintances of arts eighthly: Antagonized him the self-dependence… so young children do not promise the flirtation needs to…. Suffices you the tired children and their requests…. Consequently…. From now so climbing…. Called him clothes of the continuity prepare himself ..... affectations yourself in her evaporation… or her openings…. Or her replacement…. Or her continuation ..... and knows me that raved the husband knows endurance of the responsibility…. Ninthly: Capacity in clarification do not save traveled him from the cash…. So the man if gathering of Dirham… last marriage… ['amTryh] in shower from the requests always…. Requests me what needs him…. What does not need him ..... not waste raved!!! …. Losing needs him Al-Ayyam insinuates from ..... and you now thinking my in the future… and raved not defect ..... tried me that changes ] all month ..... and your perfumes all week…. The domain for woman do not leave last that distinguished formation ..... or that your competition in your beauty ..... tennis sets of the gold followed the set in the diamond…. So this increases you elegance and energy and femininity…. As for if alternative the man in the objection on abundance of the requests or abundance of the expenses ..... verb effervescent [aathmyh] that he does not knit…. My statement for him words in great…. Like: So your behavior insisted on friends…. Leaving our here wear of expense ..... means and yen wants behavior of this fils? ? …. I is first in her blessing strange…. To black other the pillar which introduces her. Tenth: If your club your husband and request from you something…. So the response do not initiate in for him…. For that he raved inspires for him that you other than busy…. Yet always apologized me in work of the children…. Cleaning sent down… even if Dick was for servant…. 11th: If angry your Al-Ayyam insinuates from…. [f'iyaak] that the apology initiates in… even if the error was from you…. For that raved your multiple indicates on…. Already be used to thereon the man ..... be necessary not to the shaper about week decreases…. Corroded feels that thing not easy…. Respects you later on…. Period fulfilled during [aalze'l]… capacity in the sight do not save to him from your edge of eyes ..... and increase of the negligence for him ..... and lack accepting his of truth the Islamic laws in 12th: Feels me your husband that you tiring and that alpine work big thing very and he does not feel…. Accomplishes me period of Al-Sabah in the sleep…. Eager my when bey of morning connects not to answers him…. For that you asleep…. The stubborn evening…. Your times accomplish [f]�� the markets…. For the sight in all what he is new and useful!!!. 13th: Do not increase from [aaltzyn] sticking your ...... to ends fears indeed [tzynt] for him a lot to his appetites get excited…. So looks to changed you ..... adequate opposite hairy his that you beautiful…. About road [aaltfnn] in [aaltzyn] the stubborn going for the ceremonies and the weddings…. So if faced you that you [ttzynyn] for him ..... so statements for him: I is beautiful without [mkyaaj]? ? So if said: , so the life do not evaluate followed to be crippled her…. Corroded comes kneeling under feet your. Fourteen: If husband from the work returned your [faabdy'y] in the complaint from the children…. Their abundance of worries…. Be impossible me in the delay in status the lunch and lack [aaltzyn] for him…. In excuse of the rising on the young child ..... then [aasrdy] for him in the boring detail all what collected with bellowed you…. What said him hit ..... courage followed from that [tnGSy] on him live his…. That says: You the reason…. Who structures came thereto the house…. Do not turn a lot to his anger or crying his…. Or his attempts the defense about himself…. So this way their the men always… fifteen: More me from criticizing family your of husband and his sisters ..... feels that for him originally or chapter…. If collected anything from his mother or his one of of sisters…. So disturbed me on him live his….] that he he the reason…. Followed pleases corroded relationship with his cuts up his mother and his sisters…. Or knows them studied do not forget him…. To you introduce (girl from) ...... adequate opposite…. More me from comparative yourself in his sisters… and that you generous than them…. Whether from the social aspect…. Or from the scientific aspect and cultural. Will insert ten: More me from throwing comparative between you and between your sisters you and your friends and pulling your…. Explores me that they generous than you immediately in the debt…. That their husbands generous than husband your…. Tells me for him - [le'lh] hears or understands - in to your husbands of friends most romance from him… and to your pulling husbands always [y'atwn] for them in the presents while he does not cost himself day from Al-Ayyam in present…. Followed believes that he needy or other than from the silly excuses…. [w'asme'yh] always cylinder that your sister went in the summer for Malaysian ..... and bellowed you Turk traveled to… and your friend demolished the vacation in Paris ..... as for you so the solitary walls, courage from lowering followed some [aaldme'aat] your lamentation of glance with him and your loss of youths… and beautiful your live periods… with your husband meaning does not introduce for romantic…. Seventeen: If Dick do not harbor for servant ..... so you is mistaken…. Not to sees that [flaant] [wflaant] [wflaant]…. All them at them servant… and driving…. Cook… and cleansing… and washer… and drummer…. Is you less from them? ? ? Mother that your husband impoverished from their husbands.? ? In the printing: ..... hit him [aalskwt] about your truth…. So live on him corroded the headache hits in ..... and lac in servant comes…. Mentions me that formation of the servant is black…. Short…. [dmymt] ..... hit her… energetic… [Fann do not afford now…. So used me malignant ways of the pressing ..... how? ? ? ? …. Leaves me the stubborn children his mother…. In excuse that for Dick work ..... or ceremony will go to prevents in her accompanying 18th: Your husband do not speak with ..... not to in high sound…. The normal talk corroded during…. Of course…. During the problems…. Prohibitor from use the enlarged roadsign…. So the husband fears from the high sound ..... as for the low sound…. The softness in the talk…. Losing understands from her the husband that you weak… or truth do not can have your yourself…. Nineteenth: Hardheads occurrence of the problems…. Recollections of bad what in your husband… and used me high phrases of the generalization and the intimidation with the sound just as preceded, and increases me from use of the phrases identicals…. (you always grumpiness…. You always problems do….] in happy lives of days…. Allah assigns me on lucks…. Acquired with you as that and as that ...... and Allah lac did not to be crippled in the house raved…. Either I and either your mother .....), tennis followed that fall on him the word in ten words….appears in front of him in appearance of the multiple…. Pay attention to me that on you presentation list of the bad memories between his eyes to sees how much he is bad with you ..... and desires me on raising [aal]��[wt]…. The increasing from the looks Which feels him in his lowness…. ] sent down his. The twenty: Hairy his always in your the shortening in truth and your truth of children ..... followed tries that your children appear in front of him in suitable appearance .....[ disturbs you in the games with them…. Oasis does not think that his your purchases from the clothes for children suffices… or that enemy your children good clothes identicals [maaqlt] [aarbe'yyyyyn] sharp and the twenty: Do not respond for him quickly in legitimate request the truth (the collector) ..... [HtY] [laa] feels that he possesses you ..... yet apologized me for him insinuates that you tiring…. Or patient ..... adequate today who feels that he will request you in him…. Initiated me in the sleep early ..... followed requests from him the truth raved ...... [HtY] [laa] feels that you likes him…. Or already needs him Al-Ayyam insinuates from ...... transient besieged you in day what…. So seek help me in the children…. So did not grow them early ..... in excuse that the dinner does not prepare after… [w'axbryh] in to your son the child is sick and the sleep needs to beside you on the bed!!! [aalthaan]�� and the twenty: If daughter-in-law wants designating things as set of gold…. Or décor for the house… or designating trip to country…. My openings before period of the collector ..... and requests me requested you…. For that he in the time raved weakened what is ..... already get angry because of requested you ...... to is what does ..... intelligent he who collects on what wants. Third and the twenty: Preparation do not increase from essential which likes her your husband ..... for that raved knows him [aaldle']…. Yet and fornicates me between the matters…. Makes me essential which likes her…. In today who needs in him to thing from him…. Courage from the kindness followed on him that you did for him what likes ..... fourth and the twenty: More me from change of décor sent down and in his characteristic of office or room did him ..... [waaje'lyh] in the status who annoys him…. [HtY] [laa] disturbs you a lot the sitting in the house…. The control in the house. Fifth and the twenty: All child enters in and big from live his special or his life of family…. Knows me that the assumed not to is there secret…. To and you is first of knows in him….] and the twenty: Hairy his in your lack of confidence in him…. [waaje'lyh] always in place of the accusation…. Expanded me his purposes the personality to search is periodic…. Seventh and the twenty: Do not forgive for him any error followed any stumble exceeds about from him ..... for that he fears to get used the matter raved so the stumbles and the errors increase from…. Eighth and the twenty: Seated me with [haalk] in the hours Whether on the telephone or in the special visits ..... and hairy his that [haalk] important than him in hundred bitter. Ninth and the twenty: Used me always way of the stubbornness…. The continuous urging in all what wants. The thirty: If daughter-in-law with him in front of his family or in front of [haalk] especially, so hairy his in the Followed his talk listens for in front of [haalk]…. For that he their blessing will fear, and does not can to returns on you ..... courage from the hinting followed in front of [haalk] and in front of him that you not happy in degree enough ..... and arranged me the matter with [haalk] for the pressing on him in complying what perishes and likes. Atheisms and the thirty: Exploited me his period of sleep after accustomed him from difficult workday, in spreading games of the children…. [w]��[xraaj] the disturbing games…. So the time raved not bedtime… indeed him the children kept for. Second and the thirty: If your husband comes things for the house ..... so enables that thanks him on what came in him…. To is do not stop the stubborn border raved…. Yet searchs me about thing criticizes him while bought him…. [HtY] [laa] feels that he lac presented something. Third and the thirty: If daughter-in-law of employee…. So my delay in the return to the house…. Corroded he comes before you… and the food prepares…. Or buys him ready from the restaurant…. Or food sleeps without…. Fourth and the thirty: His image do not guard in your the personality in wallet ..... [HtY] [laa] feels [baalzhw] and the admiration…. Yet puts me your image of father or your friend ..... fifth and the thirty: If daughter-in-law perishes work of surprise for your husband…. So waited me difficult workday…. Followed prepares in raved today the lunch or the house…. Waited me accustomed him from did him…. After entering his… takes me in his hand to leaving sent down…. [waae'zmyh] on meal of the lunch ��[lY] his account of course…. Sixth and the thirty: Do not feel him in his the interest in talk ..... yet be occupied me during his interview with you ..... in washing of the dishes…. Or nursing of the child ..... or arrangement sent down. Seventh and the thirty: If big shaper collected between you and between your husband…. So initiated me cut off you the house for him and for his children…. Goes me to house of [haalk]…. Fann that lac congratulates…. Hit me your husband learns hard lessons…. Eighth and the thirty: If your request of husband from you something did, so my demonstration that you acquaintances how work be possible the thing raved…. Corroded he straightens himself in his work. Ninth and the thirty: Do not allow for him in your education of children or their the intervention in matters whatever the matter was ..... The forty: Universes of you head sittings of the dialogue between you and between your husband…. Desires me on imposing saw you or making successful his in the end… followed weakens in front of him whatever the cursing was ..... and knows me that the surrender about saw you already your husband means for your multiple… and shortage prevented you… [aaysh] saw you in the four this what leaves him miserable husband what preceded living situations were already does her the woman about flag or ��[hl] ...... hit her for the regret reason from reasons the misery and the disagreements the frequent matrimony…. So how if daughter-in-law [yaa] sisterly does a lot of which antecedence and not divided from him!!!!!. Not the purpose from the subject raved the amusement…. Or guidance of the wives to knock of the misery…. Hit him new method for knowledge of methods the happiness the truth…. Losing straightens the wife in some matters which sees her normal…. Hit her as a matter of fact her misery of the husband caused for, yet for misery of the husband and the wife together ..... already the wife complains from that her touchy husband ..... her acts do not be patient on…. While she straightens in verbs the misery performs to without that hairness ..... what on you except that the last matters pay attention to for and confirming my that she in plenty from the times reason for the misery or the marital disagreements ..... or to understands you your husband in wrong method ..... the transient happiness wanted…. So [e'aaks] my all what passed [baatwfyq] your lac and sticking
The operation has timed out
كتبها احمد في 11:01 صباحاً ::
Sisters to you altogether from methods ] he husband is first: Do not connect on him during his continuity the drawings followed crosses him… so if for the communication on him so the communication is not to request ['aGrD] for sent down…. Or the complaint from the children ..... or to comes with him lunch ..... or to the extent that has lunch outside indeed loved that. Secondly: If surprised you in attendance of guests with him blessing outside…. So requests me from him to their lunch comes in with him…. Punishment for him for that he does not report you before…. After departure of the guest… prepared me many from the words burning…. Which makes him this act does not repeat once again. Thirdly: Thinking my in presenting his present to Allah directed rose…. Makes me your presents [mtbwe't] in requests .....n] that this present came from empty. Fourthly: If returner of blessing was outside…. So seek help me in worldwide experts of the security…. ] in shower from the questions general and special…. Where daughter-in-law? From flag? ? What did.? Why be late? ? Why forgot that resulted with you in purposes sent down? ? ? From bey on the telephone connected….? ? ? Is accepting last woman? ? Fifthly: If ] that he disguises something so his exploitation do not hesitate in period of going for the rotary waters to searching of pockets his and his wallet… and exploits me his period of bath… since she indeed her period of lengths… prohibitor from stealing followed the vision for the numbers which connected in her from his mobile…. So raved already reports you in the future…. Warns me prints for the crime left. Sixth: Introduces me appointment accustomed him tiring from did him…. Before entering his the house in minutes national in the communication on colleague of lac…. Exchanged me edges modern with her corroded comes…. So if income sent down… so movements of inhabitant followed moves… so you is busy… and busy does not employ from your colleague in excuse that your husband is coming… your husband be soft will feel approached her in the estimate…. Already admires himself…. The caper from the devil ..... [aatrkyh] his clothes extract [lwHdh] ..... and delays in status the lunch…. Prohibitor from cutting followed the communication afterwards temporary…. Gave and your justice for colleague in the communication in her after the lunch direct…. Mentions me lack ] the promise. Seventh: Do not tire yourself in decoration lunch your of husband ..... so he is machine does not feel followed feels…. Indeed him comes from did him tiring… followed [ydry] what in front of him is he is stones mother of lunch…. Puts me the food some him above some…. To is on you that be distinguished if civilization of guests to the house…. Be varied me approached her in decoration of the food…the people say about you indeed you acquaintances of arts eighthly: Antagonized him the self-dependence… so young children do not promise the flirtation needs to…. Suffices you the tired children and their requests…. Consequently…. From now so climbing…. Called him clothes of the continuity prepare himself ..... affectations yourself in her evaporation… or her openings…. Or her replacement…. Or her continuation ..... and knows me that raved the husband knows endurance of the responsibility…. Ninthly: Capacity in clarification do not save traveled him from the cash…. So the man if gathering of Dirham… last marriage… ['amTryh] in shower from the requests always…. Requests me what needs him…. What does not need him ..... not waste raved!!! …. Losing needs him Al-Ayyam insinuates from ..... and you now thinking my in the future… and raved not defect ..... tried me that changes ] all month ..... and your perfumes all week…. The domain for woman do not leave last that distinguished formation ..... or that your competition in your beauty ..... tennis sets of the gold followed the set in the diamond…. So this increases you elegance and energy and femininity…. As for if alternative the man in the objection on abundance of the requests or abundance of the expenses ..... verb effervescent [aathmyh] that he does not knit…. My statement for him words in great…. Like: So your behavior insisted on friends…. Leaving our here wear of expense ..... means and yen wants behavior of this fils? ? …. I is first in her blessing strange…. To black other the pillar which introduces her. Tenth: If your club your husband and request from you something…. So the response do not initiate in for him…. For that he raved inspires for him that you other than busy…. Yet always apologized me in work of the children…. Cleaning sent down… even if Dick was for servant…. 11th: If angry your Al-Ayyam insinuates from…. [f'iyaak] that the apology initiates in… even if the error was from you…. For that raved your multiple indicates on…. Already be used to thereon the man ..... be necessary not to the shaper about week decreases…. Corroded feels that thing not easy…. Respects you later on…. Period fulfilled during [aalze'l]… capacity in the sight do not save to him from your edge of eyes ..... and increase of the negligence for him ..... and lack accepting his of truth the Islamic laws in 12th: Feels me your husband that you tiring and that alpine work big thing very and he does not feel…. Accomplishes me period of Al-Sabah in the sleep…. Eager my when bey of morning connects not to answers him…. For that you asleep…. The stubborn evening…. Your times accomplish [f]�� the markets…. For the sight in all what he is new and useful!!!. 13th: Do not increase from [aaltzyn] sticking your ...... to ends fears indeed [tzynt] for him a lot to his appetites get excited…. So looks to changed you ..... adequate opposite hairy his that you beautiful…. About road [aaltfnn] in [aaltzyn] the stubborn going for the ceremonies and the weddings…. So if faced you that you [ttzynyn] for him ..... so statements for him: I is beautiful without [mkyaaj]? ? So if said: , so the life do not evaluate followed to be crippled her…. Corroded comes kneeling under feet your. Fourteen: If husband from the work returned your [faabdy'y] in the complaint from the children…. Their abundance of worries…. Be impossible me in the delay in status the lunch and lack [aaltzyn] for him…. In excuse of the rising on the young child ..... then [aasrdy] for him in the boring detail all what collected with bellowed you…. What said him hit ..... courage followed from that [tnGSy] on him live his…. That says: You the reason…. Who structures came thereto the house…. Do not turn a lot to his anger or crying his…. Or his attempts the defense about himself…. So this way their the men always… fifteen: More me from criticizing family your of husband and his sisters ..... feels that for him originally or chapter…. If collected anything from his mother or his one of of sisters…. So disturbed me on him live his….] that he he the reason…. Followed pleases corroded relationship with his cuts up his mother and his sisters…. Or knows them studied do not forget him…. To you introduce (girl from) ...... adequate opposite…. More me from comparative yourself in his sisters… and that you generous than them…. Whether from the social aspect…. Or from the scientific aspect and cultural. Will insert ten: More me from throwing comparative between you and between your sisters you and your friends and pulling your…. Explores me that they generous than you immediately in the debt…. That their husbands generous than husband your…. Tells me for him - [le'lh] hears or understands - in to your husbands of friends most romance from him… and to your pulling husbands always [y'atwn] for them in the presents while he does not cost himself day from Al-Ayyam in present…. Followed believes that he needy or other than from the silly excuses…. [w'asme'yh] always cylinder that your sister went in the summer for Malaysian ..... and bellowed you Turk traveled to… and your friend demolished the vacation in Paris ..... as for you so the solitary walls, courage from lowering followed some [aaldme'aat] your lamentation of glance with him and your loss of youths… and beautiful your live periods… with your husband meaning does not introduce for romantic…. Seventeen: If Dick do not harbor for servant ..... so you is mistaken…. Not to sees that [flaant] [wflaant] [wflaant]…. All them at them servant… and driving…. Cook… and cleansing… and washer… and drummer…. Is you less from them? ? ? Mother that your husband impoverished from their husbands.? ? In the printing: ..... hit him [aalskwt] about your truth…. So live on him corroded the headache hits in ..... and lac in servant comes…. Mentions me that formation of the servant is black…. Short…. [dmymt] ..... hit her… energetic… [Fann do not afford now…. So used me malignant ways of the pressing ..... how? ? ? ? …. Leaves me the stubborn children his mother…. In excuse that for Dick work ..... or ceremony will go to prevents in her accompanying 18th: Your husband do not speak with ..... not to in high sound…. The normal talk corroded during…. Of course…. During the problems…. Prohibitor from use the enlarged roadsign…. So the husband fears from the high sound ..... as for the low sound…. The softness in the talk…. Losing understands from her the husband that you weak… or truth do not can have your yourself…. Nineteenth: Hardheads occurrence of the problems…. Recollections of bad what in your husband… and used me high phrases of the generalization and the intimidation with the sound just as preceded, and increases me from use of the phrases identicals…. (you always grumpiness…. You always problems do….] in happy lives of days…. Allah assigns me on lucks…. Acquired with you as that and as that ...... and Allah lac did not to be crippled in the house raved…. Either I and either your mother .....), tennis followed that fall on him the word in ten words….appears in front of him in appearance of the multiple…. Pay attention to me that on you presentation list of the bad memories between his eyes to sees how much he is bad with you ..... and desires me on raising [aal]��[wt]…. The increasing from the looks Which feels him in his lowness…. ] sent down his. The twenty: Hairy his always in your the shortening in truth and your truth of children ..... followed tries that your children appear in front of him in suitable appearance .....[ disturbs you in the games with them…. Oasis does not think that his your purchases from the clothes for children suffices… or that enemy your children good clothes identicals [maaqlt] [aarbe'yyyyyn] sharp and the twenty: Do not respond for him quickly in legitimate request the truth (the collector) ..... [HtY] [laa] feels that he possesses you ..... yet apologized me for him insinuates that you tiring…. Or patient ..... adequate today who feels that he will request you in him…. Initiated me in the sleep early ..... followed requests from him the truth raved ...... [HtY] [laa] feels that you likes him…. Or already needs him Al-Ayyam insinuates from ...... transient besieged you in day what…. So seek help me in the children…. So did not grow them early ..... in excuse that the dinner does not prepare after… [w'axbryh] in to your son the child is sick and the sleep needs to beside you on the bed!!! [aalthaan]�� and the twenty: If daughter-in-law wants designating things as set of gold…. Or décor for the house… or designating trip to country…. My openings before period of the collector ..... and requests me requested you…. For that he in the time raved weakened what is ..... already get angry because of requested you ...... to is what does ..... intelligent he who collects on what wants. Third and the twenty: Preparation do not increase from essential which likes her your husband ..... for that raved knows him [aaldle']…. Yet and fornicates me between the matters…. Makes me essential which likes her…. In today who needs in him to thing from him…. Courage from the kindness followed on him that you did for him what likes ..... fourth and the twenty: More me from change of décor sent down and in his characteristic of office or room did him ..... [waaje'lyh] in the status who annoys him…. [HtY] [laa] disturbs you a lot the sitting in the house…. The control in the house. Fifth and the twenty: All child enters in and big from live his special or his life of family…. Knows me that the assumed not to is there secret…. To and you is first of knows in him….] and the twenty: Hairy his in your lack of confidence in him…. [waaje'lyh] always in place of the accusation…. Expanded me his purposes the personality to search is periodic…. Seventh and the twenty: Do not forgive for him any error followed any stumble exceeds about from him ..... for that he fears to get used the matter raved so the stumbles and the errors increase from…. Eighth and the twenty: Seated me with [haalk] in the hours Whether on the telephone or in the special visits ..... and hairy his that [haalk] important than him in hundred bitter. Ninth and the twenty: Used me always way of the stubbornness…. The continuous urging in all what wants. The thirty: If daughter-in-law with him in front of his family or in front of [haalk] especially, so hairy his in the Followed his talk listens for in front of [haalk]…. For that he their blessing will fear, and does not can to returns on you ..... courage from the hinting followed in front of [haalk] and in front of him that you not happy in degree enough ..... and arranged me the matter with [haalk] for the pressing on him in complying what perishes and likes. Atheisms and the thirty: Exploited me his period of sleep after accustomed him from difficult workday, in spreading games of the children…. [w]��[xraaj] the disturbing games…. So the time raved not bedtime… indeed him the children kept for. Second and the thirty: If your husband comes things for the house ..... so enables that thanks him on what came in him…. To is do not stop the stubborn border raved…. Yet searchs me about thing criticizes him while bought him…. [HtY] [laa] feels that he lac presented something. Third and the thirty: If daughter-in-law of employee…. So my delay in the return to the house…. Corroded he comes before you… and the food prepares…. Or buys him ready from the restaurant…. Or food sleeps without…. Fourth and the thirty: His image do not guard in your the personality in wallet ..... [HtY] [laa] feels [baalzhw] and the admiration…. Yet puts me your image of father or your friend ..... fifth and the thirty: If daughter-in-law perishes work of surprise for your husband…. So waited me difficult workday…. Followed prepares in raved today the lunch or the house…. Waited me accustomed him from did him…. After entering his… takes me in his hand to leaving sent down…. [waae'zmyh] on meal of the lunch ��[lY] his account of course…. Sixth and the thirty: Do not feel him in his the interest in talk ..... yet be occupied me during his interview with you ..... in washing of the dishes…. Or nursing of the child ..... or arrangement sent down. Seventh and the thirty: If big shaper collected between you and between your husband…. So initiated me cut off you the house for him and for his children…. Goes me to house of [haalk]…. Fann that lac congratulates…. Hit me your husband learns hard lessons…. Eighth and the thirty: If your request of husband from you something did, so my demonstration that you acquaintances how work be possible the thing raved…. Corroded he straightens himself in his work. Ninth and the thirty: Do not allow for him in your education of children or their the intervention in matters whatever the matter was ..... The forty: Universes of you head sittings of the dialogue between you and between your husband…. Desires me on imposing saw you or making successful his in the end… followed weakens in front of him whatever the cursing was ..... and knows me that the surrender about saw you already your husband means for your multiple… and shortage prevented you… [aaysh] saw you in the four this what leaves him miserable husband what preceded living situations were already does her the woman about flag or ��[hl] ...... hit her for the regret reason from reasons the misery and the disagreements the frequent matrimony…. So how if daughter-in-law [yaa] sisterly does a lot of which antecedence and not divided from him!!!!!. Not the purpose from the subject raved the amusement…. Or guidance of the wives to knock of the misery…. Hit him new method for knowledge of methods the happiness the truth…. Losing straightens the wife in some matters which sees her normal…. Hit her as a matter of fact her misery of the husband caused for, yet for misery of the husband and the wife together ..... already the wife complains from that her touchy husband ..... her acts do not be patient on…. While she straightens in verbs the misery performs to without that hairness ..... what on you except that the last matters pay attention to for and confirming my that she in plenty from the times reason for the misery or the marital disagreements ..... or to understands you your husband in wrong method ..... the transient happiness wanted…. So [e'aaks] my all what passed [baatwfyq] your lac and sticking
The operation has timed out
كتبها احمد في 11:01 صباحاً ::
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