الخميس، 26 مارس 2020


فالأشياء الجيدة لا تأتي لمن ينتظرون كما هو معروف بل لمن يجتهدون و يصبرون لذا كن منهم حتي يصاحبك الحظ
لأن كلنا خايفين علي حياتنا . حياتك هي وقتك، وقتك عبارة سنين و شهور و أسابيع و أيام و ساعات   بتستغني عنه ليه  شجع نفسك كل يوم و أتقدم  خطوة كل يوم .. و إلجأ لربنا، و أطلب منه و اتحايل عليه و عيطلك كل شيء بتتمناه مش هيسيبك و مش هتهون عليه، و مش هيضيعك مهما كنت بس أبدأ
لأن كلنا خايفين علي حياتنا . حياتك هي وقتك، وقتك عبارة سنين و شهور و أسابيع و أيام و ساعات
 بتستغني عنه ليه
شجع نفسك كل يوم و أتقدم  خطوة كل يوم .. و إلجأ لربنا، و أطلب منه و اتحايل عليه و عيطلك كل شيء بتتمناه مش هيسيبك و مش هتهون عليه، و مش هيضيعك مهما كنت بس أبدأ
1)الحياة تبدأ وتهنتهي ولا تنتظر أحد
لا يوجد نسخة تجريبية من الحياة لذا ابدأ في مشروعك في صنع أفكارك في التعلم

الطريقة الصحية لتعامل مع المشاعر بالميل للتعبير عنها وليس بتخديرها.

"لا تستطيع تخدير المشاعر بإنتقائية، إذا خدرت الحزن، أيضاً أنت تخدر السعادة والمتعة"
الانسان يعكس اللي بداخله عن طريق تصرفاته

اتفق معاك المشاعر مش لعبه بيد أي مخلوق 👌
احترام الآخرين لك حسب لبسك فقط ليس دلالة على قيمتك مهما كان لهذا الزيّ من معاني وقيم في ذهنك، فالانسان المُحترم يحترم ذات الانسان بغض النظر عن مظهره، لذلك لا يستجدي احترام الآخرين له بمظهره.
Withdrawal from chaos and false relationships is a great victory for yourself.
الإنسحاب من الفوضى والعلاقات الزائفه انتصار عظيم بحق نفسك.
الانسحاب من الفوضي
 “قانون الراحة النفسية”
الانسحاب من الفوضي لايقدر بثمن
قالى بحن اليك --وبشوف بنور عنيك
وقلبى مال اليك---وشوقى ملك عنيك
والقلب من فرحتة---مال وسلم عليك
بحلم بيوم اضمك ---واشيل تعبك وهمك

علمت قلبى الا اهواك====حتى روحى تاهت معاك
وعقلى خاصمنى من شوقى معاك===لا تسالينى من 

عقلى يفتح سعد ايامى----ويبهج انوار احلامى
رويدك يا قلبى عقلى هو الهامى=====لا يرمينى فى بحر الاوهام الامانى
بقلبى احبك وبعقلى اهواك====لا ترمينى يا قلبى فى بحر ها
حتى قمرى ينادى بعشقى ---هيهات يا قلبى لن اهواكا
شكوت قلبى لعقلى صدنى======لا يا قلبى ما لك ود بغرامى
سالت عقلى انار لى كل وجدانى----بنور السعد اكفانى
ليس المراد انتى ====بل هو لى وحدى والهامى
فلا تظنى بلى الظنون فانا على العهد باقى
أين أنت ..؟!..
ألا ترحمَ قلباً قد أهواكَ .. يوماً ..
واليوم يتظاهر بكرهك ..
أعيتني بعد المسافات عنك ..
فمتى أصل لمحطة اللقاء ..
فلا أحد حينها يعكّر صفو لقاءنا ..
أنت و أنا والنجوم تضيء لحظنا 
علمت قلبى الا اهواك====حتى روحى تاهت معاك
وعقلى خاصمنى من شوقى معاك===لا تسالينى من كان فى حبك وهواك

هل انت طيب ام حقود ؟
1- طيب لانك ضعيف الشخصية
2- او لانك رجل من سيماتك الطيبة
3- ام انك طيب النفس اصلا
الحقد هل هو من صفاتك؟...
ماذا يحدث لك عندما تحب ؟
1- لا اهتم بذالك
2- اهتم لدرجة الحب كلة
3- اهتم لاشباع نفسى اولا
4- انسجام روحى وعقلى
 الحب والصداقة نادرًا ما يسيران بجانب بعضهما. من الأسهل لك أن تصبح صديقًا لرجل على أن تصبح صديقًا لامرأة، خاصةً إن كانت تلك المرأة جذّابة. خلال حياتي عرفت القليل ممن نجحوا في الحصول على الصداقة والحب معًا. 

 احنا صغيرين بس روحنا هي اللي عجزت !!! 

جرب هذا الاختبار واعرف ماذا وهبك الله من صفات , اكتشف نتيجتك الآن ! 
1- الطيبة مع نفسك والناس
3- الشهامة 
4 حسن الاخلاق
5 - نعمة الاسلام
2- ثقة من داخل عقلك؟
3-لانك حقا جدير بالافضلية؟
4- هذة من سمات شخصيتك؟
ربما تحتوي الصورة على: أشخاص يجلسون ونص
تشعر أنك أفضل من الآخرين.للاسباب الاتية1- لانك انت الاحسن من الاخرين؟لماذا تعيش ؟
هنالك سبب تعيش من اجله , اعرف ما هو الآن !
1- دخول الجنة
2-اسرتك واهلك
3-حب الدنيا
4-اشباع نفسك

جرب هذا الاختبار واعرف ماذا وهبك الله من صفات , اكتشف نتيجتك الآن ! 

كل ماسافعله ساخطفك?? 
سالقي عليك تعويذة القمر الوردي ??
وسأحتفظ بك بقلادتي للأبد ??

?? ??عندما يحزن المتفائل
لا يعني انه فشل
بل هي استراحة محارب ??
ن طاب لكم حديثى  فانت المقصود بلا حدود ولا عهود بقلبى مطبوع فى كل القلوب خارج الحدود من عقل محسود احمد على المصرى

?عجبا لهم 
مجرد التفكير بهم يسعدك وبنفس اللحظة تود لو عاتبتهم بقسوة ثم تحتضنهم بقوة وتنهار بالبكاء !

*ساعدهم على التخلي عن الشعور بالخجل:
إن الخجل هو شعور أكثر تعقيدا بكثير من الذنب. عندما يتصرف الإنسان بطريقة خاطئة يشعر بالذنب, وعندما يستنتج أن الخطأ فيه هو, سيعاني من الخجل. أي أن الشعور بالذنب يدين الإنسان بسبب شيء فعله, في حين الخجل يدينه بسبب شخصيته.
على الرغم من التعقيد الغامض الذي يكمن في الشعور بالخجل إلا أن بعضهم صحي, فهو يشعرنا بعدم الارتياح لكوننا أقل مما نريد أن نكون, وهو يذكرنا بالهوة الموجودة بين ما نحن عليه وما نحتاج أن نكون عليه,
تنافر راى 
التنافر الفكري Cognitive Dissonance
بكل بساطة هو عدم تقبل الراى الاخر بسبب ان هذا الراى لم ندرسة بجدية ويحدث ذالك فى المظاهرات والتعبير عن الراىلم نعطى لانفسنة وقت فى التفكير فى الراى ولاكن تدفعنا حماسنا الى التغير الى اخطاء قاتلة والمثال بين فى تمليك الاخوان السلطة فى مصر وهم فاسدون وقتلة بسبب جهل العامة وتغلب الناحية الدينية وخلو الساحة من يقود الامة

 ما هو الشى الذى تخجلى ان تحدثى
 بة نفسك

وأوضح الباحثون ان العواطف والمشاعر

تؤثر في الذاكرة بطرق مختلفة

فالانسان يتمتع بقدرة كبيرة على تذكر الاحداث العاطفية

اكثر من غيرها, كما تؤثر العواطف

في الاشياء التي يمكن تذكرها

فعلى سبيل المثال

المزاج السيىء والكئيب

يجعل الانسان يتذكر أحداث الماضي المحزنة

فنصيحتي ، لا تكبت مشاعرك حتى لا تفقد ذاكرتك !

حفظكم الله من كل شر

حــــــــزن ....غضب ....قهر ....حب ...فرح
كلـــها مشاعر
لـكن الاغلب في الكـــتمان هي مشاعر الحزن والالم والقهر
لا ادري لماذا ...لكن احيانا كبرياء الانسان تمنعه من اظهار ذلك......
 تختلف قوة المشاعر اتجاه موقف ما من شخص الى آخر, حسب تكوينه الشخصي و حالته النفسية.

و اظهار المشاعر ظاهرة صحية شرط ان لا تصل الى درجة الانفعال المفرط و المبالغ فيه.

فقد اثبتت الدراسات ان الاعتياد على كبت المشاعر له انعكاسات سلبية هي نفسها الناتجة عن سرعة الانفعال...من سرعة في تدفق الهرمونات في مجرى الدم , و ما يرافقها من سرعة دقات القلب و الاهتياج والتبادل الكهربائي الدماغي.

المعروف أن الصمت من صفات الرجل التي تقلق المرأة وتزعجها كثيراً
وتقول أبحاث علم النفس أن الرجل يعتمد عادة الصمت لأنه بعكس المرأة
قليل الكلام ويشغل تفكيره أكثر من لسانه،
لكن أحدث دراسة اجتماعية تؤكد أن المرأة صارت تعتمد مبدأ الصمت
لكي تكون أكثر قوة وجاذبية.
حتى تضمن أن تكون شخصية واثقة ناجحة من أهمها :-

1. الابتعاد عن ظاهرة الخجل .
2. الخوف من الفشل والمغامرة واكتشاف الجديد.
3. شلل الكمال .
4. الخوف من الانتقادات .
5. الاتكالية .
6. محاولة نيل الإعجاب والرضا من الناس .
وغيرها الكثير .. عتمد بناء الشخصية الاجتماعية على شقّين ، (الأول) : إشباع حاجاته النفسية ، و(الثاني) : إعداده لممارسة حياته المستقبلية .

ألا تستحق حياتك مثل هذا الجهد ..
وبعد كل مرحلة تقطعها أن تعيد النظر فيها .
فالإنسان أحوج ما يكون إلى التنقيب في أرجاء نفسه ليعرف مواطن الخلل والضعف .

فالبداية في كل شيء صعبة . ولكن النهاية مريحة ومثمرة بشرط مقاومة التحديات والمصائب بقوة وعزم وأن تصبر على التغيير والنجاح وتحارب الإحباط واليأس والقنوط .
======================خلينى اِضْحَكْ عَلَى نفسى
يُمْكَنُ يَوْمُ اقول الى فى نُفْسَى
خلينى اُرْسُمْ ضحكةمن نُفْسَى
يَمُّكُنَّ يَكُونُ دى دَواءُ يُشْفَى
خلينى اُحْلُمْ يَمَّكُنَّ اُصْدُقْ نفسى
خُلَّيْنِ ابكى يُمْكِنُ دمعى تُسْعِدُكَ
خلينى اُرْسُمْ بسمةَ يَمِّكُنَّ تُسْعَدُكَ
خلينى اُحْبُكَ يَمَّكُنَّ يَوْمِ اِسْعَدْكَ
خلينى وَرَدَّةُ يُمْكَنُ يَوْمُ تُبْهَجُكَ
خلينى يَوْمُ بسمتُكَ وَضَحْكَتُكَ
خلينى فى قَلْبَكَ اكيد بِحُبِّكَ
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نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب، ولو عاد لكرهناه
We have nostalgia for the past because it is gone. If it comes back we would hate it.
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من علت همته طال همه
The one whose ambition is great so his worries
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من العظماء من يشعر المرء فى حضرته أنه صغير ولكن العظيم بحق هو من يشعر الجميع في حضرته بأنهم عظماء
People feel small in the presence of some of the great personality, , yet the greatest is the one who let all around him feel great as well 
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من يطارد عصفورين يفقدهما معاً
Chase two birds at the same time and you will lose both. 
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المرأة هي نصف المجتمع ، وهي التي تلد و تربي النصف الآخر
The woman is half the society and the one who educates the other half
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لكل كلمة أذن، ولعل أذنك ليست لكلماتي، فلا تتهمني بالغموض
For every word there is a listener and probably my words don't suit your ears. So please don't accuse me of being ambiguous
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كلما ارتفع الإنسان تكاثفت حوله الغيوم والمحن
As more higher up one rises to as more clouds and problems will surround him.
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لا تجادل الأحمق ، فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما
Don't argue with an ignorant for it will be hard for people to differentiate between you
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الفشل في التخطيط يقود إلى التخطيط للفشل
The failure in planning will lead in planning to failure 
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قد يجد الجبان 36 حلاً لمشكلته ولكن لا يعجبه سوى حل واحد منها وهو .. الفرار
The coward will find 36 solutions to his problem but the one will like most is fleeing
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شق طريقك بابتسامتك خير لك من أن تشقها بسيفك

كلمة واحدة تملك المقدرة على إدخال شخصين في عناقٍ حتى وإن كانا منفصلان بقارات، محيطات، مساحات مزدحمة وفارغة.

عندما تحيط نفسك ببيئة واشخاص داعمين ومحبين لك كما انت، فأنت في العمق تحصن نفسك من أي طاقة سلبية تحاول ان تسحبك لها لأنه وقتها طاقات من هم حولك تكون هي درعك الذي تحتمي به وهذا يحدث بشكل تلقائي. وكلما ازدادت شراسة السلب، كلما ازدادت قوة وكثافة طاقات الحب التي حولك. لا تخف من السلب بل ركز على الايجاب وسيكون كل شيء على ما يرام.
أرقى أنواع الاحترام ، احترام مشاعر الناس. -
الذوق العام

ﻋﻭﺩ ﻨﻔﺴﻙ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺴﻴﻁﺭﺓ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺘﺼﺭﻓﺎﺘﻙ ﻭﺍﻻﺒﺘﻌﺎﺩ ﻋﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﺩﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺴﻴﺌﺔ ﻜﺎﻟﻌﺒﺙ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﺴﻨﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻷﺫﻨﻴﻥ ﻭﺍﻷﻅﺎﻓﺭ ﻭﺍﻷﻨﻑ ، ﻓﻬﻲ ﺃﻋﻤﺎل ﻤﻨﻔﺭﺓ ﺘﺜﻴﺭ ﺍﻻﺸﻤﺌﺯﺍﺯ ﻭﺍﻻﺴﺘﻘﺫﺍﺭ، ﻭﺤﺎﻭل ﺃﻻ ﺘﻅﻬﺭ ﺍﻟﺘﺜﺎﺅﺏ ﻭﺃﻥ ﻟﻡ ﺘﺴﺘﻁﻊ ﺃﺒﻕ ﻓﻤﻙ ﻤﻐﻠﻘﺎ ﺃﻭ ﺴﺩﻩ ﺒﻴﺩﻙ، ﻓﺎﻟﺘﺜﺎﺅﺏ ﺼﻔﺔ ﻤﺫﻤﻭﻤﺔ ﺸﺭﻋﺎ ﻭﻋﺭﻓﺎ ، ﻭﻓﺘﺢ ﺍﻟﻔﻡ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻴﻌﺒﺭ ﻋﻥ ﻗﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﺫﻭﻕ ﹰ ﹰ ﹰ ِ ﻭﺍﻷﺩﺏ . ﺜﺎﻟﺜﺎ - ﺁﺩﺍﺏ ﺍﻟﺤﺩﻴﺙ : ﹰ ﺤﺎﻭل ﺃﻥ ﺘﻜﻭﻥ ﻤﻨﺼﺘﺎ ﻭﻤﺴﺘﻤﻌﺎ ﺃﻜﺜﺭ ﻤﻥ ﺃﻥ ﺘﻜﻭﻥ ﻤﺘﺤﺩﺜﺎ ، ﻭﻓﻜﺭ ﺠﻴﺩﺍ ﻓﻲ ﺼﻔﺔ ﻜﻼﻤﻙ ﻗﺒل ﺃﻥ ﺘﻨﻁﻕ ﺒﻪ ﹰ ﹰ ﹰ ﹰ

مبررات التغيير ( لماذا تتغير ؟ )1
1- لحل المشكلات .
2- لاثبات الذات .
3- للقضاء على الملل .
4- لرفع الكفاءة .

5- لمواكبة التقدم .
6- لتحقيق طلبات الاخرين .

قواعد منهج التغيير:
1- التغيير من داخل النفس لقوله تعالى : { إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بانفسهم } (الرعد:11) فالرسول لم يغير عمه ابا طالب وابا لهب فماتا كافرين .
2- التغيير المادي اسرع من التغيير الفكري .
3- استعداد الطموحين والمثقفين اسرع من غيرهم .
4- الاحتكاك بالمتميزين يزيد فرص نجاح التغيير .
5- تحويل الاهداف الى مشاريع مهم للنجاح .

6- لا تغيير من غير مرونه .
7- الصبر .
8- ابحث عن مساند .
9- التخطيط .
10- كل تغيير سيواجه مقاومه فكن مستعدا .
11- الاخلاق الراقيه .
12- العلاقات الجيده .
13- فهم النفسيات .
:-الشعور بعدم الراحه ( طبيعي ومتوقع )
-عدم تحمل التغيير الكبير : ( رتب الاولويات)
-الشعور بالوحده: (ابحث عن شريك ) .
-لا توجد موارد كافيه : ( الابداع والابتكار ) .
- العوده للماضي : ( عادات جديده ) .

يقوم الناس بالتغيير للاتي
:1- الخوف على المكاسب .
2- الخوف على العلاقات .
3- الخوف من المجهول .
4- الخوف من المعارضه .
5- الخوف من نقص القدرات .

خطوات التغييــــــــر
:1- الشعور بالالم .
2- تحديد الاهداف .
3- تحديد فجوة الاداء ( الفرق بين الواقع والهدف ) .
4- دراسة الاسباب .
5- تحديد المشاريع .
6- المسانده المطلوبه .
7- التنفيذ .

سؤال :

أين الجمال في نفخ الشفاه لدرجة أن
صاحبتها تمشي وفمها مفتوح كالبلهاء
لا تستطيع إطباق شفتيها ؟!
ثم كيف تنام وفمها مفتوح ؟!

و لـ الرجال هل هذا المنظر يشدكم .؟!
, فكل ما تراه عبارة عن شكوك في نفسك , لا مكان لها في الحقيقة ولا وجود لها في الحياة ! . فقاومها وتغلب عليها فأنت قوى بنجاحك , وغالب بتقدمك , نعم هذه هى قوة المواصلة , قوة التقدم , قوة المغالبة ,  قوة الانتصار , كن واقعيا لا أوهام ولا شكوك , وحافظ على نجاحك , فالنجاح أصبح حقيقة تعمل بها , وليس توقعا فقط .  
 وإلى الحلقة القادمة لكم تحياتي ودعواتي بأحلى نجاح فى الحياة
 . فبم تنصحني ؟ . 
الجرأة والثقة 
 كن جريئا , فأنت فى الشوط الأخير , وثق ما تراه من نجاح ينتظرك أصبحت قريبا جدا منه , تجرأ لا تنظر إلى أحد ,  فقط فكر واقتحم ونفذ  وجرب واجتهد , فأنت بالفعل ناجح , ولا تحتاج إلى أحد , مبروك عليك النجاح .  

الخوف كان شبحا  !! 
سألت الكثير من الشباب : ما الخوف ؟ أو لنسهل الإجابة على التساؤل : لماذا نخاف ؟ .... فلم أعثر على معنى معين , فأيقنت أن الخوف وهم , لا حقيقة له ولا وجود , ولا يحتل أى جزء فى حياة الشباب , مثله مثل شبح الأطفال , نحن نصنعه ونحن نحكي عنه , ونحن نصدقه , ولا وجود له في الوجود ! .تعال نفكر بوضوح إذن , ومعنا هذا الكشاف القوي فى إضاءته , وهو اكتشافنا أن الخوف ما هو إلا شبح  ووهم   , والسؤال : ها هو النجاح أمامنا نراه وتلمسه , فكيف نصل إليه ؟ . 

لا تنتظر حياة كاملة خالية من أي نقص
بحثك الدائم عن السعادة المطلقة سيضيف
إلى تعاستك تعاسة أكبر
لقد علمتني الحياة أني إن أردت أن أعيشها
بضمير مرتاح لابد أن أتقبلها كما هي ببؤسها
وفرحها بنقصها وإكتمالها بضعفي وبقوتي
بفشلي وبنجاحي ..

الستر على الناس قل من يستطيعه وهو
من اهم الامور التى تكسبك حب الناس
واحترامهم، فإذا علمت او رأيت شخص
تعرفة يفعل شئ خاطئ فلا تفضحة امام
الاخرين، بل قدم لة النصيحة واستر علية
لعل الله يجعلك سبب في هدايتة، فجميعنا
نخطئ وان فضحت اخيك فستُضح ذات
يوم وان سترت علية فسيستر الله عليك ..

نصيحه لـ بعض المتزوجات :

دائماً كوني في أفضل حالاتك أمام زوجك
كوني نظيفه وشكلك مرتب وحاولي مهما
كان لايشوفك في وضع مقزز ولأحايسه لأنه
ماراح ينسى هذا المنظر بالذات طول عمره

وإذا قمتي من النوم ادخلي الحمام واغلسي
وجهك ورتبي شعرك قبل لايشوفك أغلب
المتزوجات تهمل هذا الشي رغم سهولته

حيث أن أقل إمرأة تعمل بتكون ١٠ساعات
ع الاقل خارج البيت ٨ ساعات دوام وساعة
في الطريق للدوام وساعة في الرجوع للبيت
يعني نص اليوم راح غير وقت النوم، تقريباً
٧٠٪ من حقوقك كزوج ضائعة
سيدنا موسى دعا ربة تزوج بعدها ل١ ساعة

التغير الجوهرى فى الشكل واللغة والسلوك
دة محتاج شرح
لما اروح اكتبلك
 البنطلون أصبح ضيقا جدا عليك
 من حقكِ لفت انتباه زوجكِ إلى أن وزنه زاد، ولكن الرجال أيضا مثل النساء يكرهون انتقاد مظهرهم، لذا يمكنكِ نصيحته بأن وزنه زاد بطريقة أكثر لطفاً، مثلاً ذكريه بقطعة قديمة أصبحت غير مناسبة له، بعد زيادة وزنه، وقولي له إنكِ تحبين رؤيته في تلك القطعة، أو اعرضي عليه أن تمارسا رياضة المشي سوياً، بعد الغداء، فهكذا سينتبه لزيادة وزنه.
أمي حذّرتني أنك ستفعل هذا الأمر
 العلاقة بين الحماة وزوج ابنتها هي علاقة حساسة يشوبها في الغالب بعض الخلافات لذا، يزداد الأمر ضيقاً إذا شعر الزوج بتدخل حماته في تفاصيل الحياة، حتى إن كانت نصيحة والدتكِ في محلها، فلا تشعريه بأن شخصاً آخر يشكل حياتكما، أو أنكِ تمثلين جانبا معاكسا لرؤياه، لذا، ابتعدي عن الحديث عن رأي والدتكِ، وتحدثي عن رأيكِ أنتِ.

 متى ستبحث عن عمل آخر؟
 لا يحب الرجل أن تطالبه زوجته بشكلٍ فج بتغيير وظيفته، لأن الوظيفة هي أحد العوامل التي يقيس بها الرجل نجاحه في زواجه لأنها انعكاس قدرته على تلبية حاجات أسرته. 
instead of saying, "I is."
When Allah uses the term "HE" in Quran it is similar to the above
answer. The word "He" is used when referring to Allah out of respect,
dignity and high status. It would be totally inappropriate to use the
word "it" and would not convey the proper understanding of Allah being
who Allah is; Alive, Compassionate, Forgiving, Patient, Loving, etc. It is
not correct to associate the word "He" with gender, as this would be
comparing Allah to the creation, something totally against the teaching
of Quran.
12. "Is 'Allah' the same god of the Jews and Christians?" 
Yes. The word in Hebrew came from "El" and in Arabic from "Elh". The
word for "god" (note the small 'g' in English) is "Elah". Compare this to
"Eloi" and "Eli" in the New Testament. 
The word "Allah" is the perfect word to describe the God of Jews and
Christians as it does not permit gender nor plural. Therefore, when the
word is used as in "Eloihim" or "Allahumma" (these would appear at
first to be plural and/or female genders) it becomes clear it is the royal
usage such as a king would use in referring to his royal station while
make a decree of some type. The king would state, "We decree the
following..." and he is actually talking about his royal position rather
than plural status.
There is no word in English for the "God" of Israel, the "God" of Jesus.
This explains why the spelling remains the same whether speaking of a
false "god" or page idol and the "God" of Abraham or Moses or Jesus
(peace be upon them). Note the use of the capitol "g" (G). This is the
only way English can present a difference between the two. In the
semitic languages it is easy to distinguish the difference between a
"god" and "The God" due to the structure of the word itself.
Evidence for this is quite simple. Visit any motel or hotel and remove the
Bible located in the drawer next to the bed (placed they courtesy of the
Giddeon Society). Note inside the first few pages a reference to the
translations of the Bible they have made into 27 languages. The second
example they give is to the Arabic language of the passage in the New
Testament from the Gospel of John 3:16. The verse begins in English;
"For God so loved the world.." and in the Arabic translation the word
used for "God" is "Allah."
The Arabic Bible beginning with the Book of Genesis uses the word
"Allah" to represent "The God" of Creation; Adam and Eve; Noah;
Abraham; Ishmael and Issac and Israel. Page one of Genesis has the
word "Allah" 17 times.
13. "Is Allah going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims?"
Yes. Actually, the Jews and Christians who believed in Allah as One God
and obey the commandments sent with their particular messenger
(such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.) are mentioned many times in
These are the Verses of Allah: We recite them to you (O Muhammad peace be upon him) in truth,
and Allah wills no injustice to the Alamin (mankind and jinns). 3:108
And to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And all matters go
back (for decision) to Allah. 3:109 
You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad, peace be
upon him and commandments with him] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you
enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar
(polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the
people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them;
among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fasiqun (disobedient to Allah -
and rebellious against Allah's Command). 3:110
Whoever believes in Allah, as One God and is trying their best to follow
the most recent of the prophets, peace be upon them all, could well be a
Muslim (submitter to the Will of Allah) and as such, it is up to Allah to
be their Judge, just as He is the Judge in all matters.


Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this realization.

Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in fact, exist.

Miracles of prophets and messengers of Allah have come to people through the ages. Moses, peace be upon him, showed many miracles to pharoah and to the children of Israel. Plagues, locusts, water turning to blood, his stick becoming a snake, the voice in the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea were are clear miracles for the people of Moses time.

Again, Allah sent Jesus, the son of Mary, peace be upon him, with clear miracles for the people of his time. Speaking from the cradle while still a new born infant, creating birds from clay, curing the sick, giving sight to the blind and even bringing a dead man back to life, were all clear signs to the people to know Jesus, peace be upon him, was a messenger of Allah as was Moses before him.

Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the last and final messenger of Allah, and he was sent to all of mankind. Allah sent him with a number of miracles, not the least of which was the Quran. The predictions and propheies of Muhammad, peace be upon him, have come true even in this century and the Quran has been used to convince even scientists of the existence of Allah.

[Please visit "Science Proves Allah": Watch video of famous scientists admit Quran is from Allah and even accept Islam]

The Quran is the best of proofs for the existence of Allah and today over one and half billion people memorize and rectie from the exact text, in the exact same language it was revealed in; Arabic. More than 10 million Muslims have completely memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover, and can recite it from memory without looking at it.

No one sees or hears Allah, not even the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize all of this universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. This is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something we can understand.

We know from the teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, the proofs for the existence of God (Allah) are most obvious to us in our everyday surroundings. Anyone with understanding would quickly acknowledge His existence provided they are not so stubborn as to ignore the obvious

evidencers in front right in front of us.

We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).


2. "How can we prove there is a God?"


Note: "Proving" God exists is really not our purpose. We are only interested in providing clear statements based on facts and logic and then allow the individual decide for themselves who they would like to believe. There have always been people who believed in the existance of God and there have always been those who have denied in His existance. We must realize there are those who will never believe no matter how much proof or evidence we produce. The reason is some people don't want to believe in a Creator or Sustainer. They would not like to consider one day they will have to answer for their actions and for their refusal to acknowledge their Benefactor to whom they owe their very existance. We come to know it is not so much a matter of us trying to convey our beliefs as it is for them to set aside preconceived perjudices against proper belief. Meaning: this is really a matter of guidance from Above. If they refuse even with evident proofs in front of them, this is not between us and them; it is between them and their Creator. Again, it is not our job to "prove" anything to anyone. We only need to present the facts in truth and allow the listener to make up their own mind.

We just begin with simple logic. When something is right in front of our eyes it is difficult to deny it, right? Asking rhetorical questions can be very helpful in presenting our case. Begin by asking the question; "Can you prove you exist?" Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine what you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things He has created and the way He cares for things and sustains us, to know there is no doubt of His existence.

One approach is to suggest simple yet convincing experiements anyone could comprehend. For instance, say to someone, "Consider this the next time you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not."

Another example is have them consider what might happen if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Or ask someone to consider what it would be like if someone told us about a fast food restaurant operating itself without any people there? The food just cooks itself, flys from the kitchen to the table and then when we are done, the dishes jump back the kitchen to wash themselves. This is too crazy for anyone to even think about.

After reflecting on all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the molecules in a microscope an
d then think all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident?"

(see also "Quran")


3. "Where is God?"

الخميس، 23 يناير 2020

instead of saying, "I is."When Allah uses the term "HE" in Quran it is similar to the above
answer. The word "He" is used when referring to Allah out of respect,
dignity and high status. It would be totally inappropriate to use the
word "it" and would not convey the proper understanding of Allah being
who Allah is; Alive, Compassionate, Forgiving, Patient, Loving, etc. It is
not correct to associate the word "He" with gender, as this would be
comparing Allah to the creation, something totally against the teaching
of Quran.
12. "Is 'Allah' the same god of the Jews and Christians?"
Yes. The word in Hebrew came from "El" and in Arabic from "Elh". The
word for "god" (note the small 'g' in English) is "Elah". Compare this to
"Eloi" and "Eli" in the New Testament.
The word "Allah" is the perfect word to describe the God of Jews and
Christians as it does not permit gender nor plural. Therefore, when the
word is used as in "Eloihim" or "Allahumma" (these would appear at
first to be plural and/or female genders) it becomes clear it is the royal
usage such as a king would use in referring to his royal station while
make a decree of some type. The king would state, "We decree the
following..." and he is actually talking about his royal position rather
than plural status.
There is no word in English for the "God" of Israel, the "God" of Jesus.
This explains why the spelling remains the same whether speaking of a
false "god" or page idol and the "God" of Abraham or Moses or Jesus
(peace be upon them). Note the use of the capitol "g" (G). This is the
only way English can present a difference between the two. In the
semitic languages it is easy to distinguish the difference between a
"god" and "The God" due to the structure of the word itself.
Evidence for this is quite simple. Visit any motel or hotel and remove the
Bible located in the drawer next to the bed (placed they courtesy of the
Giddeon Society). Note inside the first few pages a reference to the
translations of the Bible they have made into 27 languages. The second
example they give is to the Arabic language of the passage in the New
Testament from the Gospel of John 3:16. The verse begins in English;
"For God so loved the world.." and in the Arabic translation the wordused for "God" is "Allah."
The Arabic Bible beginning with the Book of Genesis uses the word
"Allah" to represent "The God" of Creation; Adam and Eve; Noah;
Abraham; Ishmael and Issac and Israel. Page one of Genesis has the
word "Allah" 17 times.
13. "Is Allah going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims?"
Yes. Actually, the Jews and Christians who believed in Allah as One God
and obey the commandments sent with their particular messenger
(such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.) are mentioned many times in
These are the Verses of Allah: We recite them to you (O Muhammad peace be upon him) in truth,
and Allah wills no injustice to the Alamin (mankind and jinns). 3:108
And to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And all matters go
back (for decision) to Allah. 3:109
You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad, peace be
upon him and commandments with him] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you
enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar
(polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the
people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them;
among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fasiqun (disobedient to Allah -
and rebellious against Allah's Command). 3:110
Whoever believes in Allah, as One God and is trying their best to follow
the most recent of the prophets, peace be upon them all, could well be a
Muslim (submitter to the Will of Allah) and as such, it is up to Allah to
be their Judge, just as He is the Judge in all matters.



Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this realization.

Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in fact, exist.

Miracles of prophets and messengers of Allah have come to people through the ages. Moses, peace be upon him, showed many miracles to pharoah and to the children of Israel. Plagues, locusts, water turning to blood, his stick becoming a snake, the voice in the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea were are clear miracles for the people of Moses time.

Again, Allah sent Jesus, the son of Mary, peace be upon him, with clear miracles for the people of his time. Speaking from the cradle while still a new born infant, creating birds from clay, curing the sick, giving sight to the blind and even bringing a dead man back to life, were all clear signs to the people to know Jesus, peace be upon him, was a messenger of Allah as was Moses before him.

Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the last and final messenger of Allah, and he was sent to all of mankind. Allah sent him with a number of miracles, not the least of which was the Quran. The predictions and propheies of Muhammad, peace be upon him, have come true even in this century and the Quran has been used to convince even scientists of the existence of Allah.

[Please visit "Science Proves Allah": Watch video of famous scientists admit Quran is from Allah and even accept Islam]

The Quran is the best of proofs for the existence of Allah and today over one and half billion people memorize and rectie from the exact text, in the exact same language it was revealed in; Arabic. More than 10 million Muslims have completely memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover, and can recite it from memory without looking at it.

No one sees or hears Allah, not even the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize all of this universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. This is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something we can understand.

We know from the teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, the proofs for the existence of God (Allah) are most obvious to us in our everyday surroundings. Anyone with understanding would quickly acknowledge His existence provided they are not so stubborn as to ignore the obvious

evidencers in front right in front of us.

We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).


2. "How can we prove there is a God?"


Note: "Proving" God exists is really not our purpose. We are only interested in providing clear statements based on facts and logic and then allow the individual decide for themselves who they would like to believe. There have always been people who believed in the existance of God and there have always been those who have denied in His existance. We must realize there are those who will never believe no matter how much proof or evidence we produce. The reason is some people don't want to believe in a Creator or Sustainer. They would not like to consider one day they will have to answer for their actions and for their refusal to acknowledge their Benefactor to whom they owe their very existance. We come to know it is not so much a matter of us trying to convey our beliefs as it is for them to set aside preconceived perjudices against proper belief. Meaning: this is really a matter of guidance from Above. If they refuse even with evident proofs in front of them, this is not between us and them; it is between them and their Creator. Again, it is not our job to "prove" anything to anyone. We only need to present the facts in truth and allow the listener to make up their own mind.

We just begin with simple logic. When something is right in front of our eyes it is difficult to deny it, right? Asking rhetorical questions can be very helpful in presenting our case. Begin by asking the question; "Can you prove you exist?" Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine what you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things He has created and the way He cares for things and sustains us, to know there is no doubt of His existence.

One approach is to suggest simple yet convincing experiements anyone could comprehend. For instance, say to someone, "Consider this the next time you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not."

Another example is have them consider what might happen if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Or ask someone to consider what it would be like if someone told us about a fast food restaurant operating itself without any people there? The food just cooks itself, flys from the kitchen to the table and then when we are done, the dishes jump back the kitchen to wash themselves. This is too crazy for anyone to even think about.

After reflecting on all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the molecules in a microscope and then think all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident?"

(see also "Quran")


3. "Where is God?"


3. "Where is God?"


Some other religions teach "God is everywhere." This is actually called "pantheism" and it is the opposite of our believe system in Islam. Allah tells us clearly there is nothing, anywhere in the universe like Him similar to his likeness, nor is He ever in His creation.

He tells us in the Quran He created the universe in six "yawm" (periods of time) and then He "astawah 'ala al Arsh" (rose up, above His Throne). He is there (above His Throne) and will remain there until the End Times.

Allah has such complete Knowledge as to be able to Know all things past, present and future in all places at exactly the same time. The same can be said for His absolute Hearing and Seeing. In this way, His Knowledge, His Hearing, His Sight are everywhere simultaneously.

In this regard, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, told us He is as close to us as our jugular vein. He also explained Allah "with us" when we are in sincere worship to Him and in times of need. Naturally, this would not compromise His existance outside of His creation.

The Quran offers us a more detailed understanding of Where (and Who) Allah is.

7 - Al-A'raf. Verse 54

Certainly your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above) His Throne. He He brings the night as a

2. "How can we prove there is a God?"


Note: "Proving" God exists is really not our purpose. We are only interested in providing clear statements based on facts and logic and then allow the individual decide for themselves who they would like to believe. There have always been people who believed in the existance of God and there have always been those who have denied in His existance. We must realize there are those who will never believe no matter how much proof or evidence we produce. The reason is some people don't want to believe in a Creator or Sustainer. They would not like to consider one day they will have to answer for their actions and for their refusal to acknowledge their Benefactor to whom they owe their very existance. We come to know it is not so much a matter of us trying to convey our beliefs as it is for them to set aside preconceived perjudices against proper belief. Meaning: this is really a matter of guidance from Above. If they refuse even with evident proofs in front of them, this is not between us and them; it is between them and their Creator. Again, it is not our job to "prove" anything to anyone. We only need to present the facts in truth and allow the listener to make up their own mind.


سرعة الانفعال تشير إلى استجابة الأفراد بشكل سريع وعاطفي لمواقف معينة، مما قد يؤدي إلى ردود فعل غير محسوبة. إليك بعض النقاط المتع...