الاثنين، 2 فبراير 2015

To searching for love

Ahmedaly45, Egypt46×10
Love the confluence with the spirit of love is far from the whims of the flesh, and that was one of the basics of love
Physical gratification is wonderful with the feeling of love, love, and the neTo searching for lovet saturation physical finest kinds of love Love is not possession for sex only for Apple is to have a spirit and love and companionship, loyalty, and satisfaction with the other party
The most important condition for the love compatibility psych and spiritual harmony and respectTo searching for a offline
Would not not help sense of love or satiated or satisfaction with, but through the satisfaction spiritual sense must be your heart be loving to God saturated with the love of God and then be ready to love the love your heart and love of God should be your abuser that God is one does not have a the second and this faith is the key to of happiness and love the net Your heart is happy, who love God and love manTo searching for a offline
Another condition for the love of the net is washed that your heart the love of God and faith in in one God the Irresistible who created everything and has no a partner and that love makes your heart paved love the man who I love to be here and eternal happiness, which have taste like honey and satisfy you and your body lights offlineTo searching for a offline
To satisfy the sap the body with love and happiness of love and stabilization to psychological and physical This is the happiness in the world and the happiness of faith in the the Hereafter

To searching for a love
Markd do not believe me and I this is the truth and without them will not help happiness with half the men of the world happiness here in your heart be your heart loves God first and God loves you then reconciles God to love physically and a sense of happy with the plump without the piece there is only the misery and unsatisfaction and marital cohabitation should be In the framework of a legitimate law of God, agree

8/9/2011 1:04 PMالمجهول

Ahmedaly45, Egypt46×10
السعادة ماذا تمثل هل خليط من الصراعات والاحزان ؟
انما تمثل لحظة فرح تغمر القلب و الروح
كل دة يدخل فى محيط الصراعات
بين رغبات وحب
لا اظن
صراع ما تحبى ان تحصلى عليم وبين الرجاء والشوق
دة كلة صراع
السعادة مش صراع
مع ما وهبك الله من اسباب السعادة
لا صراع
انما لحظات جميلة قلما نجدها امامنا
وادا وجدناها نعيشها بحب ولهمة وحنية
هذة الحظات هل تاتى من فراغ ام من محاولة منك ان تكونى سعيدة
حسب الوقت
لما يكون عندك استعدادلتسعد
نعم والصرع يحدث عندما تكونى حزينة وترفضى هذا الحزن
او تغيرى نفسك
احيانا ارفضه
واحيانا اعيش جواه
على ان تكونى سعيدة
جوة الحزن
دة يدل على انكى ماذلتى تعانى من حبالتعذيب للذات النفسى
لا مش تعذيب
تعذيب اكيد
ولا اعرف اي شيء من مصطلحات الاطباء النفسانيين
اذا استمر الحزن اكثر من 1 ساعة
المهم تاتي عندك لحظة من لحظات الحزن
اذا لم تغيرى فانتى تحبى ان تكونى مقهورة
ولا مقهورة
صاحبة الحرمان
انما خلجات نفسية
: كده ممكن
ما هية الخلجات النفسي
فيها كثير
الحزن القلق
عدم الاستقرار
الاحتياج للاخر
كلها امور سهلة الخروج منها
لو عندك ثقة
فى نفسك
طبعا سهلة جدا
تمام اتفقنا
الانسان صراع
صح مش صراع واحد نقول صراعات
التوازن ومن والاحباط والسقوط هل لديكى اصرار على الاستمرار والعودة مرة اخرى؟
صرا ع نفسي
العودة لايه
الى انكى تكونى سعيدة
ام تستمرى فى السقوط فى بئر الاحزان
اعيشها في كل لحظة كاني اسرقها من الزمن
ومن اللحظة التي اعيشها
ما هية نوع السعادة التى اتمناها من حبيبى؟
ولا اترك الاحزان تهزمني
كدة برافوا
مادية ام نفسية ام دعم عام
ما نوع التمنى
كي نعيش لحظة من لحظات العمر
احتواء ام مزج كا كيان
ما يدخل في قاموس هده الكلمة وما تحويها
كل شيء
ما هو سر سعادة نفسك من الداخل هل الاستمرار ام اقتحام المجهول ؟
اقتحام المجهول

8/9/2011 1:03 PMme

Ahmedaly45, Egypt46×10
ما هو الشى الذى تخجلى ان تحدثى
بة نفسك
لا اخجل من شيء
ابدا من اجمل الصفات الي الانسان لازم يتحلى بيها إن كان رجل او امرأة ، واني اتوقع انه برأيج الخاص انه هذه الصفات في زماننا الحالي تعتبر سيئة ، لكن صديقني تبقى صفات جيدة ورائعة مهما تغير الزمان واصبح الناس سيئين .. واتمنى من الله ان متحاولين تغيرين هذه الصفات وانما تحديد الوقت والاشخاص الملائمين لهذه الصفات .
لاني لا اعمل الغلط وان وقع اعتذر
هل تعتذرى لتفسك؟
اعتذر للكل
حتى الي اساؤو الي

2/11/2011 1:11 PMinstinct

Malakai31, Baltimore, United States
Hi,can you add me as a friend?don't know why,but am interested in knowing you.

2/11/2011 10:49 PMRe: instinct

missy miss h46, United States
sure,, another way of healing our world with the power of love, for the time being, love as a friend.... of course, love has many faces right?

2/11/2011 9:35 AMHi

anyanwu36, Puchong, Malaysia
my name is ezeaka,i am a guy of 32yres old.i am single and never married.i came across your profile today and became interested in you.i will like us to know much better if you don't mind,please i will wait for your reply at my private mail box so that i can send you my picture and more about my selves.waiting to hear from you,

2/11/2011 9:51 AMRe: Hi

missy miss h46, United States
yeah, we can b friends

2/9/2011 4:45 AMinf

Parlind47, Palembang, Indonesia
halllo halimah apa kabar...add aku yaaa

2/9/2011 4:39 AMHI

Nasir30, Afghanistan
Hi dear hope u are fine and healthy i want to know u more because i am interested in u u have a nice name Halimah i want to send me a message on nasir.zaland ATTTTTT yahoo dot com thanks so much nasir ahmad

2/7/2011 11:31 AMhi 2 u

Bashir33, Srinagar, India
hiiiiiiiii add me a rose love u & u reply......

2/8/2011 1:32 AMRe: hi 2 u

missy miss h46, United States
greetings to india from alaska..... nice to meet u... who's the picture with u? your son? nice knowing u

2/7/2011 5:05 AMahmed

Ahmedaly45, Egypt46×10
I want to know you and honor you and are happy to bring happiness to communicate the intellectual and social networking is far from what makes a man unhappy I am pleasemakd to introduce myself to you I am from the land of the Nile and the development Asma Ahmed
I live in the city of Cairo Age over 40
I love people, communication and love of othersThanks for your reply and also for your interest to know about me. .
I wish to develop honest and faithful friendship with you and also meet each other after my service.
I will also need your assistance and partnership, but I will explain more to you after knowing little about yo

Call for Interviews Almighty understand one true God says to in your heart and your mind says corrected your thoughts corrected values can be needy Order or Check or charge your mind with ideas make you in the best level and best case help you to a good life says I know something about the other values can be happy with your life in the world and the Hereafter tried to find out On the ideas of others love the Almighty God help you to enter Paradise Almighty Lift your worry and anxiety I am the listener you
People need to the warmth of others Mlmama not be communicating with them Why not be named by Tzerahavy hearts of the people perhaps this man close to you may be standing beside you one day you need to support Believe me, you will be happy if you communicate with others Awather extend the meaning of love and friendship with others, no matter how they differed

2/8/2011 1:33 AMRe: ahmed

missy miss h46, United States
nice knowing u.. u must have strong faith, good for u

الأحد، 1 فبراير 2015

“مهما اخطأت او عصيت لا تترك الصلاة 
ليبقى لك بابا مفتوحا مع الله ، لا تيأس 
من رحمة الله تعالى ابدا مهما فعلت..”

The Testimony that ‘Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’ and what it Necessitates

  1. To believe that he is a Messenger, and that he is the best, and last of the Messengers; no Messenger will come after him. Allah says:
    "Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets." (33:40)
  2. To believe that he is infallible in the teachings he conveyed from Allah. Allah, the Exalted, says:
    "Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only an Inspiration that is inspired." (53:3-4)
    As for the affairs of this world, he was a human, and he would perform ijtihaad in his judgments. The Prophetsaid:
    “Indeed I am only a human. It may be that a claimant comes to me with a dispute, and due to one of them being more coercive in speech than the other, I may rule in his favor. Whoever was ruled in his favor while he is wrong, [what he is receiving without right] is only a portion of the Hellfire, so let him take it or leave it.” (Muslim #1713)
  3. To believe that he is a Messenger to all creation; to Jinn and men until the Last Hour. Allah says:
    "And We have not sent you (O Muhammad «peace be upon him») except to all of humanity, as a giver of glad tidings and a warner, but most people know not." (34:28)
  4. To obey the Prophet in what he ordered, to believe in everything he said, and to abstain from what he forbade and warned against. Allah says:
    "And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)." (59:7)
  5. To follow and adhere to the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) Sunnah, without innovating matters in it. Allah, the Exalted, says:
    "Say (O Muhammad «peace be upon him» to mankind): If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (3:31)

السبت، 31 يناير 2015

انا واحد عادى من المعادى
كل يوم حبك خلانى  عادى
بحبك ودة مش عادى
اهواك وقلبى بيك نادى
انت فى خيالى  وكل حياتى
عيونك تسحر كل كيانى
وشهدك يشفى قلبى ووجدانى
مش عارف لية بحبك  تانى
انا واحد قلبة مش عادى
ولى زمانى وسابنى وحدانى
لية تهجر وقلبك ينسانى
بحبك بحبك  يا نور زمانى
اهواك يا سعد ايامى

It is disliked  to use names that have bad or distasteful meanings, or which sound odd, or would cause others to mock a person, or cause him embarrassment.  It is also better not to use names that are associated with sinners or tyrants.  Some scholars also dislike naming children after angels or the names of chapters of Quran. Names have meanings and implied meanings and these meanings will have an effect on the child for good or for bad.  Parents must take great care when choosing an appropriate name for their newborn child.
In Islam it is recommended that parents observe the birth of a child with an offering known as the aqeeqah. When a child is born it is commonplace for the family to slaughter one or two sheep and to invite relatives and neighbours to a meal, in order to allow the community to share in the happy event.  
 Although an aqeeqah is not obligatory it does contain many benefits.  Ibn al-Qayyim, said that the aqeeqah is a sacrifice by means of which the child is brought close to God soon after he comes into this world, it is a sacrifice by which the newborn is ransomed just as God ransomed Ismael with the ram[6] and it is the gathering of relatives and friends for the Waleemah (feast).
One of the rituals pertaining to newborn children and part of the rights due to children is circumcision. It is obligatory for baby boys to be circumcised.  Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said that five things are part of the inherent nature of people.  They are circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hair, cutting the nails, and trimming the moustache.[7]  These things are related to purity and essential conditions of prayer and imply complete submission to the will of God.
It is from the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad that the new born child’s hair be shaved and that the weight of the hair be given in gold or silver to charity[8].  It is sufficient to estimate the weight and give the equivalent  amount in currency.
Welcoming the newborn child into the family and community is more than a celebration; the rights and rituals performed serve to remind believers that children in Islam have rights.  Whether the parents are alive or deceased, present or absent, known or unknown the child is entitled to be cared for and raised in security, surrounded by God’s love and laws.  Next week we will discover and explore the rights of children as they grow into adulthood.

Noted Islamic scholar Imam an Nawawi said that it is recommended to dotahneek with dates for the child when he is born; if that is not possible then to use some similar kind of sweet. The date should be chewed until it becomes soft enough for the baby to suck on it with ease. 
The words of the call to prayer are often recited softly into the new born baby’s right ear soon after birth.  The first thing the child hears in this world, are the words of submission to One God.  It was reported that one of Prophet Muhammad’s companions saw him say the call to prayer in the right ear of one of his newborn grandsons.[2]  The newborn child is entitled to a good name.  Names are important; a person’s name conveys meaning and becomes a symbol of that person.  It is recommended that the child be named on the seventh day after his or her birth, however Islamic scholar Ibn al Qayyim said the matter was “wide in scope” and that it was permissible to name the child after birth,  or on the seventh day or at any time before or after those days.[3]
 It is usual for the father to name the child however scholars recommend that parents choose the name together.  More important is that the child should be given a good name, such as ‘Abd-Allah or ‘Abd al-Rahmaan. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said  “The most beloved of your names to God are ‘Abd-Allaah (slave of God) and ‘Abd al-Rahmaan. (slave of the Most Merciful)”[4]  It is also recommended that the child be named after Prophets, or righteous predecessors.  Prophet Muhammad named his own son Ibrahim after Prophet Ibrahim.  He said,  “A child was born to me last night and I called him by the name of my father Ibrahim.”[5]
It is forbidden to use names that belong only to God, such as al-Khaaliq (the Creator) and al-Quddoos (the Most Holy), or names which are not befitting for anyone other than God, such as Malik al-Mulook (King of Kings).  It is also forbidden to use names that imply enslavement to any one or anything but God, such as ‘Abd al-‘Uzza (slave of al-Uzza – a pagan goddess), Abd al-Kabah (slave of the Kabah), Abd al-Daar (slave of the House).

     One of the most important obligations in Islam is for parents to love and nurture their children.  Children have the right to be protected, and the right to learn how to worship and obey God.  As previously discussed children’s rights come into play even before their conception and birth and God warns humankind to protect themselves and their families from the torment of the fire.
  • in 30 minutes
لم اراكى وعقلى يشدوا انغامى----وكلى يهفوا الى بستانك

جميل والله
خانتى عينى ولمحت سراب هواكى---رحماك يا من تجمع الارواحى

Thank you for the My name is Ahmed I’m from Egypt over the age of45 I would like to know you love all the people do not like arrogant people I am a Muslim and I love all Nasahb friendship and mutual understanding and constructive interaction and useful knowledge like Humanitarian and social sciences and technology for the process name is Ahmed I’m from Egypt over the age of 30 I would like to know you love all the people do not like arrogant people I am a Muslim and I love all Nasahb friendship and mutual understanding and constructive==================================Welcome to the increased number of visitors and I am happy to continue Booze on skype sweet3366 I hope to communicate to deliver what Bsarkm residents, especially in America and Germany
مصداقاً لقوله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
( لاتتمارضوا فتمرضوا فتموتوا )
الرسائل الدماغية سواء الإيجابية أو السلبية تحدد نهج حياتنا التي نعيشها
( تقنع نفسك إنك مُرهق راح تكون أكثر إرهاق وتعب )
( حاول تعطي "عقلك" رسائل إيجابية إنك آقوى بالتحمل
أو إنك نشيط 
أو إنك تقدر تواصل يومك
بقليل من الراحة
العقل يستجيب للرسائل سواءً
( إيجابية أو سلبية )
حتى حين تكتب " sick " 
فعلاً ستبقى مريض أطول فترة ممكنه !
أو تكتب "ضايق صدري "
أو "bad mood"
سيكون صدرك متضايق أطول فترة ممكنة
تصنعوا السعادة وستسعدوا فإن للسعادة مكونات
لا تكثر الشكوىَ .. فيأتيكَ الهم
أكثر من الحَمدُ لِلَّه .. تَأْتِيِكَ السَّعَادَة
♡♡راقت لي فأحببت أن تشاركوني الفائدة وبإذن الله الذين يكثرون من عبارات التشاؤم يستبدلوها بعبارات التفاؤل والانشراح ومسائكم همة ونشاط ورسائل ايجابية تبعث الأمل

موقع تواصل


الجمعة، 30 يناير 2015

ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ ﺗﻜﻮﻥ ﺍﻟﻤﺮﺃﺓ [ﻣﺤﺘﺸﻤﺔ]
ﻫﺬﺍ ﻻ‌ ﻳﻌﻨﻲ ﺃﻧﻬﺎ ﻻ‌ ﺗﻌﺮﻑ [ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺿﺔ]
ﻟﻜﻨﻬﺎ ﺗﻌﻨﻲ (ﺃﻳﻦ) ﻭ (ﻣﺘﻰ) ﻭ (ﻟﻤﻦ) ﺗﻠﺒﺲ
كن راقيا بفكرك بكتباتك بافعالك باخلاقكك
ستجذب اليك قلوب الناس وان كانو لا يعرفون
عنك شيئا
جعلتنى اعشق الحياة

وجودك يجعلنى اكون فى عالم اخر

سرقت قلبى

اصبحت اشتاق ليك كتير

شوق .جنون. عشق. حنين .امنيات فى وجودك وغيابك
ان كلامي هيكون عن الدين والاخلاق هتكمل ولا اكنها شافت البوست بس انا عيزا اؤل لكل بنت بتلبس لبس ملفت وبضيع فلوسها علي النت الي بتفتحو علشان تكلم ولاد ولكل بنت بضيع فلوسها علي اي حاجه تغضب ربنا انتي كده بتدفعي فلوس علشان تكسبي تزكره للنار 
.بس انتي ممكن ببعدك عن كل الحجات المش كويسه دي وبصلاتك وتوبتك واعمل الخير الي انتي تقدري عليها بالنيه الخير بتكسبي تزكره للجنه ببلاش واحب اؤل لكل بنت بتكلم ولد علي الفيس هو مش هينفعك لما تيجي تتحسبي تحياتي لكل الناس الي قرءت كلامي 

الثلاثاء، 27 يناير 2015

حبيبى صبرا على اشواقى--انا قلبى من زمان بيهواكى
حبيبى صبرا صبرا --انا كلى فداكى
حبيبى صبرا عيونك ضيائ----تشع فى وجدانى هواكى
حبيبى تعالى نرتوى----من من ماء الشهد الصافى
حبيبى انت من سحر الخيالى---انت انت سعد ايامى
حبيبى خلينى همسة تسعدك---او لمسة تبهجك

الأحد، 25 يناير 2015

كل شيء يأتي بالسعي
إلا النصيب !
فهو الشيء الوحيد الذي يسعى إليك.

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الجمعة، 23 يناير 2015

‏‏فكر فيما سيكون عليه شعورك في الغد .. فالأمس قد مضى .. واليوم يوشك على الانتهاء .." ب“ الوهم نصف الداء، والاطمئنان نصف الدواء، والصبر أول خطوات الشفاء "النقود لا تجلب السعاده .. السعاده تاتي مجانا مع النقود 😉😉 #درر #حكم
كل بنت بتكلم واحد من ورا اهلها ... :- إنتى راضية عن نفسك , طيب ضميرك مبيأنبكيش !!! طيب باباكى اللى شقيان علشانك , ومامتك اللى بتفتخر بيكى و تقول بنتى مفش زيها و مفيش في اخلاقها ..
تفتكري هما غلطو لما جابولك النت والموبايل ؟؟!! و بباكى اللى بيديكى الفلوس علشان تشحنى وتكلمى صحابك وتكلميه لما تتأخري مش تكلمى كوكو اللى بتكلميه ده !! تفتكري هما غلطوا لما ادوكى الثقة وادوكى كل حاجة ؟؟!! .. و إنتى في الأخر خنتيها طيب انتى بتكلميه من وراهم علشان خايفه منهم صح ؟؟ .. يعنى خايفه من بنى ادم ومش خايفة من ربك اللى شايفك !! وبعدين هو لو بيحبك هيجى يتقدملك , هتقولى صغير خلاص يستنى لما يكبر ويجى يقولك بحبك قدام اهلك إنما انتى متخونيش ثقة أهلك و محدش يستاهل تدخلى النار علشانه
حافظى على نفسك !
انتى مش شبه حد
فـَ متسمحيش لـِ نفسك إنك تكونى زى أى " بنت " ...
انتى ملكة جمـال بس مِش فـِ الدُنيا
انتى ملكة جمال عند " ربنا "

قوة المراءة

أنت على حق، القوة العاطفية والحدسية هي من أهم مصادر القوة الفريدة للمرأة التي يمكن الاستفادة منها في المواقف الصعبة. دعني أوضح أكثر: 1. القو...