الجمعة، 3 أبريل 2020

Whoever uses it to obey Allaah is an

Whoever uses his money to preserve his dignity is rational ...
       It was used by the multiplication of his friends is wise.....
       Whoever uses it to obey Allaah is an optimist...
 Sufyan ate al-Thawri at night until full. Then he said that if the donkey was added to his feed, he was added to his work, so he rose and prayed until morning.
 Small minds discuss people ...
        Medium minds discuss things ........
        Big minds discuss principles ...
If you want to be loved, be sure to show your mistakes, not your advantages.
Four leads to four:
     Silence to safety.
     Righteousness to dignity.
     Generosity to sovereignty.
     Thanks for the increase.
 Whoever uses his money to preserve his dignity is rational ...
       It was used by the multiplication of his friends is wise.....
       Whoever uses it to obey Allaah is an optimist...
 Sufyan ate al-Thawri at night until full. Then he said that if the donkey was added to his feed, he was added to his work, so he rose and prayed until morning.
 Small minds discuss people ...
        Medium minds discuss things ........
        Big minds discuss principles ...
If you want to be loved, be sure to show your mistakes, not your advantages.


 من استعان بماله عل

ى حفظ كرامته فهو عاقل...
       ومن استعان به على تكثير أصدقائه فهو حكيم.....
       ومن استعان به على طاعة الله فهو محسن...
 أكل سفيان الثوري ليلة حتى شبع ثم قال إن الحمار إذا زيد في علفه زيد في عمله فقام فصلى إلى الصبح .
 العقول الصغيرة تناقش في الأشخاص ......
        العقول المتوسطة تناقش في الأشياء ........
        العقول الكبيرة تناقش في المبادئ........
إذا أردت أن تكون محبوبا فاحرص على إظهار أخطائك لا مزاياك.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...