السبت، 9 مارس 2019

If you want to respect, you have to respect the feelings of others ,,, فلاااا ask what you can not do ,,, فابتيدي بالخير find it ,,, غير ذاااكك لم تأ ,, ,, !!!!
اذا أردت ان تُحترم ،،، لابد ان تحترم مشاعر الآخرين ،،، فلاااا تطلب ما لم تستطيع انت فعله ،،، فابتيدي بالخير تجدهُ ،،، غير ذااالك لم تجد ،،!!!!
Love is not compensated for lack ... Love is complete spirit ,,, !!!!
Few realize, !!!
ليس الحب تعويض نقص ... الحب أكتمال روح ،،،!!!! قليل من يدرك ،،!!!
دائما في الظلام ،،، يأتي بصيص نور ،، يقول لنا ان الحياه ،،، لن تقف عند احد ،، وياتي من يرسم علي شفاهك البسمة ،،،!!!

Yesterday I rolled a cardboard film


 Yesterday I rolled a cardboard film

But I was impressed


tell me

A family of stone age lived in a cave

Father and mother and son of Oujda and animals

The 17-year-old son came out of the cave and was crucified by Bold and was different from the nature of the cave people

He is clever with ideas

And then

The life of the family depended on the strength of the father

And not to think

Family rules were rigid to maintain family safety

The rules of the boy are different for the better


The girl loved the young man

The family suffered from mental retardation and almost died

And every time the young man saves them from the scourge of nature

And then

In the end, the young man succeeded in spreading the spirit of thinking about the cave man, Ahba and Ja'ala from the family, because he violated the rules of the cave to the rules of change


The film is an hour and a half

Shortened to

Very interesting

Love was the biggest mistake in a girl's life

Because Xi is a new generator of emotions and upgrading to the best

Far from the darkness of the cave

Let's change the rules

End Chat

write a message...
دائماً ياتي من يحرك فيك ،،، شيء ما ،،، ويخرجك من ضيق الحياة وظلم الآخرين ،،، وبقول لك انا معك ولَك ،،!!!


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