Expressions in energy conservation
My brother the citizen
Energy is the nerve of life, so let us cooperate together to preserve it.
Waste energy is a scourge, so cooperate to eliminate it.
Turning off one lamp in each house saves a lot of energy.
Let us cooperate together so as not to deprive future generations of the grace of electricity.
Do you imagine how life would be without electricity? ... if you contribute with us for the continuity of electric power.
Electricity is a blessing and a waste of a curse.
Power saving reduces the burning of fuel needed to generate this energy
The rationalization of electricity consumption is a national duty as well as a personal interest so we have to
My brother the citizen
Energy is the nerve of life, so let us cooperate together to preserve it.
Waste energy is a scourge, so cooperate to eliminate it.
Turning off one lamp in each house saves a lot of energy.
Let us cooperate together so as not to deprive future generations of the grace of electricity.
Do you imagine how life would be without electricity? ... if you contribute with us for the continuity of electric power.
Electricity is a blessing and a waste of a curse.
Power saving reduces the burning of fuel needed to generate this energy
The rationalization of electricity consumption is a national duty as well as a personal interest so we have to