الاثنين، 11 يونيو 2018

Fasting the month of Ramadhan

Question 48: Since no one has able to see God, and since no dead person was resurrected to tell us what happened to him after death, how could we believe in any religion?

Answer 48: This question is based on the material world, where sense becomes the reference to determine the facts of the universe. Fundamentally, this basis is a void one. In this life we believe in many things without being able to see them or feel them tangibly. We do not know for example the essence of the soul, its secrets, and where does it inhabit our bodies? So far this field has been immune to scientists and scientific laboratories, fine radiology and microscopes, which biologists and doctors use. We absolutely believe in the presence of the soul although we do not see it. We also believe in the existence of many other things like magnetism, electric current, air and many other things, which we do not touch physically.

All religions are based on miracles, which God performs on the hands of the prophets. Ordinary human beings cannot perform these miracles. Only prophets could carry out these actions in order to confirm the fact that they are true emissaries of God. All prophets were sent to people and performed miracles in front of them, so that they believed them. These are well-known historical facts.

Prophet Moses (pbuh) performed miracles: his club was transformed into a snake, the sea was split into two parts through a hit with his club, and the bursting of the water from the rock in the form of twelve springs good for drinking.

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) healed the blind and the leprous, and gave life to the dead through God’s will.

Prophet Muhammad also had many miracles including the splitting apart of the moon, the gushing of water from his hands and the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension though the heaven. But the most enduring and challenging miracle revealed through him is the Qur’an.

Belief in almighty God and in the unseen is therefore an intuitive matter, without which life cannot be right; without which the human self does not feel fully contented. People’s lives, both today and land in the past, testify this if only they are truthful about their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Question 49: Do people inherit the religion of Islam from their parents?

Answer 49: It has already been stated above that people are born to be intrinsically God believing, i.e. Muslims. Islam regards a child before puberty to be subordinate to his father in terms of religion and belief. Coming of age, he/she becomes responsible and will be held accountable for his/her deeds. This requires him/her to embrace the religion of Islam as a result of conviction, thinking and choice. However, if the child dies before puberty age (15 years) he/she will be considered as one of the escapees from Hell even though his parents are non-believers. This is a prerequisite of the justice of God who says: “… and no burdens shall bear the burden of another” (Holy Qur’an: 6: 164).

Question 50: Is Islam to be imposed on people or do people have to embrace it willingly?

Answer 50: Islam is the religion of God, He knows human self better than human beings themselves. He also knows what is good and what is bad for them. It is to the best interest and righteousness to man of mankind if they follow the right path revealed by God out of conviction, choice, love and desire, so that they could be salvaged. Almighty God made this clear in the holy book: “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut (false deities) and believes in God, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And God is All-Hearer, All-Knower” (Holy Qur’an: 2: 256). It has never occurred in history that Muslims compelled anyone to embrace Islam even when they were at the height of their power.

Question 51: Is it possible that the whole system of this universe has occurred by coincidence?

Answer 51: This can never be the case at all. In fact, no rational person could ever envisage that this world has come into existence without a wise capable and knowing creator. With the least contemplation, a rational person can recognize the invalidity of coincidence in this case. When a person looks at a beautiful building that is architecturally organized, wonderful and firm, foe example, he intuitively believes that someone must have built, organized and planned its plan and designed its foundations, lounges and balconies. When we look at the watch on our wrists, we cannot believe that its first maker found it by coincidence in that shape. So how could we believe that the creation of man to have come by coincidence? And how could this universe which runs according to an absolute accurate system (in terms of night and day, stars, planets and galaxies) how could it have come by pure coincidence? The idea of coincidence is something obsolete and has become outside the rational circle in the world of science and knowledge, and the world of reason and cause.

Question 52: If a person embraces Islam for mere secular benefits, like marriage, can he/she be still be regarded as true Muslim?

Answer 52: Islam is the religion of almighty God. It should be embraced exclusively for His sake. God says: “Surely the religion is for God only” (Holy Qur’an: 39:3). Almighty God does not accept anyone who converts for a particular interest while implying infidelity, his Islam. Prophet Muhammad reported that deeds will be judged by God according to people’s intentions:

Deeds are rated according to the intentions of the people who carry them out. Each person is to be rewarded according to his/her intention. Anyone who migrates for the sake of God and His prophet, his migration will be to them then, and anyone who migrates for worldly interests, or a woman he wants to marry, his migration will be to what he has migrated to.”1

There are, however, some people who embrace Islam for mere personal interests; but after a while, they become committed and truthful in their intention of faith. God will forgive this group of people and grant them salvation.

Muslims are required to deal with anyone who proclaims Islam publicly according to his/her actions and/or deeds. Only God can tell about people’s hearts and motivations. The word Muslims scholars most use in such likely contexts is: “We have to judge the apparent and only God judges the actual.” If this fake Muslim continues to be elusive, then he/she is deceiving the community and God will count him/her among the hypocrites. If the true character of this “hypocrite” is revealed to the community, then he/she will be held responsible and the divine rules of apostasy will apply upon him/her.

Question 53: Is person’s intention sufficient for him/her to be a Muslim or does he/she have to say the two testimonies: that there is no deity but God and that Muhammad is His messenger?

Answer 53: Intention is not sufficient. The two testimonies must be proclaimed, as announcing them is what distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim. It is the proof of honesty and of being convinced of Islam, because it is difficult to know that person is a Muslim if he/she does not claim so? How could a Muslim perform his duties towards other Muslims if he does not know them and they do not know him? However, there are cases when intention becomes sufficient, especially if this person is afraid of being killed in case he/she announces Islam in a fanatic non-Muslim environment. In this case, he/she may practice Islam secretly and say the two testimonies privately until he/she could move to a safer environment and could perform their rituals in public.

Question 54: Is it possible for a convert to say the two testimonies in a language other than Arabic if he/she does not know this language?

Answer 54: Yes, it is possible to say the two testimonies in any language. Arabic is not required at this stage. However, once the convert is able to say the two testimonies in Arabic, it is advisable that he/she does so, in which case other Muslims could be more acquainted with him/her. If he cannot do that, it is not obligatory.

Question 55: Is it obligatory for a sister wanting to embrace Islam to be dictated the two testimonies by a Muslim female or should only a Muslim male achieve this?

Answer 55: Islam is the religion of God, it is an open invitation for everybody to join in. Anyone who says the two testimonies out of truthful intention has entered the gate of Islam. A convert does not have to be dictated how to become a Muslim if he/she knows how to. But in the likely case he/she does not know what to do, instructions become indispensable for mere educational purposes.

A convert is never required to have witnesses testifying his/her Islam. Embracing Islam starts with saying the two testimonies, which are followed by manner and conduct: all rites, like prayer, and fasting must be performed. These acts of worship when are performed well become enough witness for someone’s faith.

When need is required that someone proves his/her Islamic faith, like the cases and matters related to law and religious courts, then witnesses are rendered necessary in this case.

Question 56: What is the meaning of polytheism? And why does Islam reject it?

Answer 56: Polytheism means worshipping something else with God whether this thing is animate like a prophet, a messenger, a leader, a wealthy man, or a prominent person; or inanimate, like a stone, a planet and the like. Islam rejects polytheism altogether. It is regarded as the antithesis of faith, as there are different reasons that prove this, the most important of which are:
1. Anyone who really knows God, through His most beautiful Names, Qualities, Acts and Virtues, will despise having a peer to God.

2. Polytheism does not go with the true nature that God gave to man. A God-believing person feels contented, safe and psychologically settled, while a polytheist experiences an uneasy kind of life. His/her feelings are mostly distracted, and psychology unsettled. The least social study will show the great differences between the Islamic societies and other ones, the reason being the dogmas that direct each of these societies.

3. Polytheism contradicts reason. Rightful minds do not place the creator and created on equal grounds. The same applies to learned and ignorant persons, and the able and disable. When contemplating the world around us, we realize it inevitable that there exists a great, all-knowing and able creator of this universe, and all that it includes, according to a very accurate and meticulous system. Normal minds absolutely believe that this creator must be single and all alone, because if there were more than one deity, conflict and difference would have emerged. If there had been more than one deity, things would have gone wrong, and one of them would have dominated the other.

Question 57: What are the qualities of spirit?

Answer 57: Spirit is God’s most ambiguous and invisible secret. Only Him knows and realizes its everlasting truth and essence. Almighty God relates: “And they ask you (O Muhammad, concerning the spirit; say: ‘the spirit is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little’.” (Holy Qur’an: 17: 85).

Contemporary scientists have attempted tom make some research on the truth of this secret. They have held conferences for the same purpose. But their conclusion was that the spirit is an unknown secret which mankind has not known its truth yet.

One of the conferences is the one which was held in New York in 1959, when six scientists from different parts of the world met at a round table in an attempt to understand something about the origin and evolution of life on the surface of this earth. The Russian scientist Alexander Obarin, a biochemist in he Soviet Academy of Sciences, and greatly interested in the evolution of life, was among the participants. The end of the conference was no better than its beginning. It did not lead to any findings, but confirmed the fact that the secret of life is unknown, and that there is no hope that science will reach one day.

We believe in the existence of the spirit because of its outstanding effects in a tangible world, which is replete with life and living creatures. The difference between the life of human beings and that of animals is that the life of the animal is instinctive and confined to the world of concrete material of food, drink and desire, while the life of man is distinguished to be above that, as it belongs to a world of values, manners, ideals, virtues and noble feelings, and the life of science, thought, and search for the secrets of the universe and benefiting from them. If human beings try to do without these values, they regresses into the world of animals. This fact is typically portrayed in the Qur’an, God says: “while those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat; and the Fire will be their abode” and “And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.” (Holy Qur’an: 7:179)

Question 58: What is the relationship between life, death and the hereafter?

Answer 58: Almighty God is the one who created both life and death to see who is better in terms of deeds. This is the core of the matter “to see who is better in deeds” (Holy Qur’an: 67: 2). God has created this universe and showed the wonders of His capability so that His creatures could really know Him, give Him His due, and observe the system that He designed for them and live according to His decree. The entire universe is bound to show true submission due to God’s supreme power. This worldly life is the experimental setting, God wanted to see on it the obedient and the disobedient, the deviant and the straight, the just and the oppressive, the lost and the guided, the believer and the infidel. This is why God gave man wisdom and freedom, and granted him the authority and ability to choose between good and evil, guidance and aberration. He sent messengers and supported them with miracles in order to warn people and inform them that they should play the role of His vicegerent on earth, and implement His law accordingly.

God has provided man, through His prophets/messengers, with a complete system for life that goes well with his/her mind and nature.

Almighty God has announced to all people that this worldly life is an arena, or a wrestling ring. Reward or punishment is to be delayed to the hereafter, to which all people will go. This worldly life is limited and narrow, and cannot be sufficient for obtaining rights according to God’s criteria. This life is, therefore, a place for work. Death is only a bridge across which human beings move to the eternal life so that each could obtain his/her rights in accordance with fair judgment, which saves nothing, however it is small or big. God said: “So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall see it.” (Holy Qur’an: 100: 7-8). A poet expressed his view about the meaning of life by saying: “Death is but a journey from this perishing abode to the eternal one.”

Question 59: Will the other non-human creatures be resurrected beside man?

Answer 59: On the Doom’s Day almighty God will resurrect all living creatures and then will rule justly among them all. He will obtain the right of the oppressed from the oppressor, even the animals. Then He dignifies his honest worshippers by allowing them into Paradise and granting them eternal stay in it. He will punish the infidels and polytheists by forcing them into Hell and granting them eternal stay in it.

What indicates the resurrection of animals on the doom’s day is the prophet’s saying: “(On the doom’s day) everybody will get his/her due, even the hornless goat will be redressed from the one with horns.”

Question 60: Is man by nature sinful?

Answer 60: God created man and granted him an intrinsic nature of belief in the true religion. He provided him with a potential to do good or evil, right or wrong. He gave him talents and abilities, which enable him to do all of that completely at his own free will. God then sent messengers for man’s guidance, to follow the straight path, and warn people of the grave consequences in case they strayed off. With this perception, test and examination become fair, and man eventually may either succeed this test or fail it; hence, gain reward or punishment. If man had been born to be good and infallible only, how does he/she deserve reward then? On the other hand, if people were created to be evil only, how could they deserve punishment for something they themselves did not choose to do?

Question 61: If man dies as a non-Muslim, will he/she eternally stay in paradise or hell?

Answer: 61: God’s true religion is Islam; all previous religions were no more than preparations for this final and eternal religion, Islam. Before the advent of Islam, religions were limited to a certain time and place, and they were deemed to prepare people for the acceptance of the final divine religion embodied in the message of the last and seal of prophets, Muhammad (pbuh). God almighty says: “And whosoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers” (Holy Qur’an: 3: 85).

Question 62: What does make man eligible to enter Paradise?

Answer 62: Paradise, in the concept of Islam, is a delightful abode prepared for the believers to enter in the Hereafter. Every true Muslim that dies will ultimately enter paradise. This means that if a Muslim commits sins but who repents before his death, will be granted forgiveness by almighty God. God said: “And He it is who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, and He knows that you do” (Holy Qur’an: 42: 25). If, however, a sinful Muslim dies before repenting, it will be up to God, whether He punishes or forgives him/her. Prophet Muhammad reported that no single Muslim would eternally stay in hell, so long as he/she has the slightest amount of faith in his/her heart. The un-committed Muslims in this case will have to be tortured in Hell for a period God knows; then they come out to enter Heaven so that it could be their everlasting abode if God wills. Muslims believe that people would be admitted into paradise not because of their good deeds as much as the mercy of almighty God.

It is reported that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “None of you will enter Paradise owing to his good deeds”. They asked: “Not even you, Messenger of God?” He said: “Not even me, unless God has bestowed mercy and blessing upon me.”2 However, the prophet confirmed the fact that God does not neglect the good deeds of anyone—the ultimate goal being to encourage Muslims to keep in touch with God, to resort to Him and plead Him. This helps to improve the conduct of Muslims in both their private and public lives.

Question 63: Is the reciting of the Holy Qur’an without understanding its meanings considered to be a kind of worship?

Answer 63: Reciting the Qur’an is indeed some kind of worship. However, there is a big difference between the one who recites it passively, and/or the one who deeply contemplates its meaning while reciting it. God rewards both types, but on varying level. The happy life in the shadows of the Noble Qur’an is difficult to achieve, except for one who contemplates ponder it when he reads or listens to it. The Holy Qur’an, has a great influences on man’s life and can easily change the course of people’s history. It did have its great influence on the prophet’s companions when it was being revealed upon the prophet.

Question 64: What is the wisdom behind each of Islam’s five pillars?

Answer 64: The pillars of Islam are five in number, they are:
1. The testimony that there is no deity except God and that Muhammad is His messenger,
2. Performing prayer,
3. Paying zakat,
4. Fasting the month of Ramadhan, and
5. Performing greater pilgrimage to Mecca for the one who can afford it.

It is on these foundations that Islam is built. The question cited above is too wide to handle in a limited period of time. Besides, it requires a comprehensive knowledge of this religion, its fundamentals and branches. This, however, does not prevent us from mentioning some part of the wisdom of these fundamentals and branches in accordance with God’s will and help.

There is no deity except God and Muhammad is His messenger: This is the testimony of truth and the foundation of Islamic faith, as there is no deity except God to be worshipped, to be surrendered to and resorted to in all times especially in crisis. This is the monotheistic creed, which guarantees tranquility and safety that is homogeneous to human nature. If there were two deities in heaven and earth, they would have been corrupted, and one of would have dominated the other. Muhammad is the messenger of God. He is the guide to God, and the conveyor of His system and rules of life according to which God runs life. The prophet is the one who guides people to their God and acquaints them with the methods of virtuous and happy life.

Through this testimony the sources of slavery to God and the revelation from Him are unified. Beyond it, no man lives a lost or uneasy life. Through this testimony, man becomes able to know where he is going and to whom to surrender. With the testimony man cannot be confused as to the path he is leading in his life. It is drawn clearly as it was shown by the messenger who received revelation from God in the form of a complete and integrated system, which is lenient and easy in terms of perception and conduct, and as a method of public and private life.

Performance of prayer: It is the link between man and God. It implies submission to God and surrendering to Him. It is man’s address to the creator, supplication and request to Him for guidance in this world, which is the footstep to the hereafter. It is expressive of man’s willingness to follow God’s commands and avoid what He prohibits. Prayer is the food for spirit, it plants in the human soul emotions, love for purity, and order. A performance of prayer five times a day refreshes the feelings and purifies the soul every now and then. No sooner than man surrenders to life and its worldly affairs, which distract his/her spirit and overwhelm his/her mind and thought, than prayer is called for. When the prayer is called for, the Muslim promptly stands up to prepare himself/herself for the prayer (by cleaning up and/or making ablution). Then men (it is preferable that women perform their prayers at home) move to the mosque to stand in one respectable row addressing the Lord through reading supplications, invocations, and recitation of the Qur’anic verses. The Muslim’s attention in this context is revived and enlivened, his/her heart and conscience are awakened; and all are to be reflected on his/her personal qualities, manners and dealings with the society surrounding him/her, starting with the family and ending up with the society.

There is a huge difference between the life of a committed Muslim and a non-committed one in terms of hygiene, psychology, personality, society, and even private and public life.

Paying Zakat: Paying zakat in Islam is the basis of social solidarity in the Muslim community. It is the guarantor of the rights of the poor, set to them by God in order to sustain communication and mutual mercy among the various classes of society; and to nourish the feelings of love and cooperation among them. It is also meant to put an end to the incentives of grudge and vanity amongst the believers. Zakat is a symbol of an integrated economic structure in Islam, and a clear indication of the fact that this religion is not merely emotions inside the human self; rather a comprehensive system of life; in addition to being a dogma strong and alive in the human self. Islam is a religion that lives up to people’s demands and concerns, and tries to solve whatever problems Muslims face. As such, it paves the way to respectable and virtuous life; eventually makes everybody happy. By this, zakat is deemed to achieves security and stability to the community.

Fasting the month of Ramadhan: Fasting is abstaining from food, drink, and sexual desire for the from dawn to sunset in accordance with almighty God commandment. There is strength in fasting for both man self and will so that it goes above the captivity of necessities and desire and rises to transcendental horizons, and it implies control and order which should be familiar to Muslims in their lives. Thus he does not become negligent or careless.

Fasting makes Muslims accustomed to fasting at a specific time, to abstain from food and drink and at the same time to break their fast at a specific time. When the month of Ramadhan ends, the Muslims become God’s guests on the occasion of the Feast and he is prohibited from fasting that day after fasting was obligatory the day before. It is order, obedience, and noble education of the magnanimous selves.

Fasting in Islam is deemed to remind the rich and healthy of the concerns of the poor, the sick and the weak. When a wealthy person feels hungry, he/she will mostly remember the needy who might always be hungry. This will make the rich sympathize with them and takes interest in their affairs. Thus, a fasting person may conclude from his fast great spiritual, psychological and social lessons.
1 Cited in all canonical books of hadith.
2 Cited in Bukhari.

Question 40: We Christians have many denominations, and so do you Muslims. You have Shi’as, Druzes, Isma’iliyyas. Why all these sects, and what are the differences between them?

Answer 40: Sectarian divisions occurred in Islam as they occurred in previous religious communities. The prophet (pbuh) had predicted this phenomenon by stating that his community will split up, but only one sect will be on the right path, that is the people of the prophet’s way, the orthodox community (ahl al-sunnah wal jama’a). They will remain true to the path of the prophet and his companions. As for the other sects, which developed in the Islamic world, they have, generally speaking, deviated from the truth. The reasons for this

1. Ignorance about the religion, whims and ethnocentrism.
2. Conspiracy against its people.

Our stance towards these sects depends on how much they have deviated from the truth. Accordingly, we place some of these sects, such the Druze and Isma’ilis, beyond the pale of Islam.

Question 41: Why do you believe that you are the people of truth, while the rest are pagans and have strayed away from the truth?

Answer 41: The case is not a matter of mere claims of superiority, as much as it is an issue of sound common sense, and conclusive proofs which confirm the absolute truth in Islam’s claims, which call for pure monotheism.

Jews for example believe in Yahweh, to whom they attribute qualities that are denigrate God’s majesty. They say for example that He has a son named Uzair, [“And the Jews say: ’Uzair (Ezra) is the son of God’.”] (Holy Qur’an: 9: 30). How can we attribute a son to Him when non of His creation resembles Him? They also ascribed miserliness to Him, God says: “The Jews say ‘God’s hand is tied up’ (i.e. He does not give and spend of His bounty” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 64). They also attributed to Him qualities that are incmopatiable with His majesty, perfection, and power.

Then came the Christians and claimed likewise, that Jesus Christ (pbuh) is the son of God. They also attributed divinity to Jesus and his mother. God says in the Qur’an:
[And (remember) when God will say (on the day of reurrection): “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you say unto men: ‘worship me and my mother as two gods besides God?’ He will say: ‘Glory is to You! It is not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely, have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (and seen). Never did I say to them aught except what You (God) did command me to say: worship God my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them, but when you took me up, You were the Watcher over them; and You are a Witness to all things’.”] (Holy Qur’an: 5: 116-117).

Then Islam came with pure monotheism. God says:
Say ‘He is God, (the) One. God is self-sufficnet. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comaprable unto Him’.” (Holy Qur’an: 112: 1-4).

He also says:
There is nothing like Him; and He is the All-Hearer, the All-seer” (Holy Qur’an: 42: 11).

The religious wars erupted in Europe as a result of the unresolved doctrinal controversies surrounding the person of Jesus. In Islam there are no controversies as to who God is, His names, His essence, and His attributes. The Qur’an’s call remains ever relevent: “Surely, in disbelief are they who say that ‘God is the Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary)’.” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 17).

Our refutation of Christian teachings in this regard are not based on personal whim or malice. We are simply stating God’s judgement on the matter. Whoever ascribes partners to God has rejected faith. God says:
And verily, this is my straight path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His path. This he has ordained for you that you may become the pious” (Holy Qur’an:6: 153).

Question 42: What is Islam’s position with regards to nationalism?

Answer 42: It is natural to love one’s country and people, as long as it does not lead to unjust dealings with other nations and peoples. A Muslim is also expected to show compassion and concern for people outside his country.

Nationalism, according to the contemporary proponents implies a kind of identity based on nationhood without reference to religious considerations. This understanding is clearly false. Nationalism, tribalism and regionalism had great influence on the lives of the people. When Islam came it refined these concepts and set rules and regulations to them, these include: no blind allegiance to nationality, race, country, and skin colour. Loyalty is first and foremost to God, and to His prophet and the community of believers wherever they may be. Love to one’s country must now be defined by the supreme allegiance to God’s religion.

Question 43: Is the one dies defending his country considered a martyr?

Answer 43: Intention is a vital issue here. Whoever is killed while defending his country with the intention of upholding the truth as revealed by God is a martyr. Whoever dies defending his country with the intention of safeguarding his honour and wealth is a martyr. However, if one dies while fighting to gain personal wealth and fame is not a martyr. One has to be a Muslim and be driven by Muslim ideals to be a candidate for martyrdom. The prophet says: “Whoever fights so that God’s word remain supreme is indeed striving on the path of God.”


Questions and Answers on

Islamic Jurisprudence:

Wisdom & Purposes

Translated by
Ahmad H. Al-Hout

Chapter 1:

Islamic Jurisprudence: Wisdom and Purposes

Question 44: What is the meaning of Islam?

Answer 44: Islam is total surrendering to almighty God’s command and obeying Him in all of His legislation and rules whose basis is the well-known five pillars: The two words, prayer, zakat, fasting and pilgrimage.

The perfect form of Islam is achieved when the Muslim’s life is completely involved in Islam. almighty God said: “[Our sibghah (religion) is] the Sibghah (religion) of God (Islam) and which Sibghah (religion) can be better than God’s? And he is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. (Holy Qur’an: 2: 138) and ‘Say (O Muhammad) Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for God, the Lord of all that exists’.”) (Holy Qur’an: 6:162).

Question 45: What does faith mean?

Answer 45: Faith is the absolute belief in God, whose location is the heart. It is associated with the saying of the tongue and the observation of the senses. The basis of this faith is the belief in God, His angels, books, messengers, the doom’s day, fate (both good and evil) are all from almighty God. Therefore, the saying of the tongue indicates this absolute belief in those fundamentals and rules. The perfect action can best be testified by the implementation of Islam in the private and public life.

Question 46: What is the meaning of “perfect worship”?

Answer 46: This means “to worship God as if you were seeing Him; as you cannot see Him, He sees you”, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) related. It is a high degree of emotional feeling to the Muslim when dealing with God as if he were seeing Him before his own eyes in terms of ability, greatness, authority and power, mercy, assistance and generosity. One who feels these divine qualities and other ones in all his conditions, will be whole-heartedly sincere and good in all his acts, behavior, manners, and will not be affected by his materialistic and personal interests and benefits. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked by `Uqbah bin Nafi’ about the perfect manners, he said, “O `Uqbah, visit those who refrained from visiting you, be kind to whoever deprived you, and do not harm those who have harmed you.” This kind of honesty makes the self of the Muslim pure, immaculate privately and publicly, whether one is alone or with others, in times of prevention and bounty, in loyalty, and in integrity—indeed, in all matters, small and big, it is a self that believes in God and attached to Him while looking at him all the time. If man’s eye may sleep sometimes, it believes, nevertheless that God’s eye does not sleep and continues to see him, that is perfect worship (ihsan).

Question 47: When did man known faith for the first time? Did people in ancient times believe in almighty God, or were they unbelievers, as anthropologists claim?

Answer 47: Belief in God is deeply rooted in the human nature. It is intrinsic in people. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Every child is born intrinsically believing in God, but his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magi,”1 i.e. every newborn is born with spontaneous belief in almighty God and surrendering to him. Islam has its own concept about the beginning of creation and human evolution. The gist is that almighty God created Adam from earth and soul was then blown into him. Next Eve was created from Adam. Then marriage began and people multiplied and populated the earth.

Adam was the first believer. He recognized God’s power and greatness. Therefore, when he sinned, he soon regretted and asked God to pardon him: he prostrated before Him implored for reconciliation and forgiveness. Almighty God said; “They said ‘Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If you forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers”(Holy Qur’an: 7: 23). Almighty God has already said to them: “And We said; ‘O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in paradise, and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight, of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of thewrong-doers.’ Then Satan made them slip therefrom (paradise), and got them out from that in which they were. We said: O get you down, all, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time.” Then Adam received from his Lord Words. And his Lord pardoned him (accepted his repentance). Verily, he is the One Who forgives, the Most Merciful.”

It is clear from the holy verses that Adam was a true believer in God. He lived in Paradise with his spouse, then he sinned because of the insinuations of Satan. But Adam soon repented, and God accepted his repentance. This incident indicates that faith occurred before disobedience, unbelieving and polytheism took place. Prophet Muhammad confirmed this fact by saying: “God created people to be intrinsically believing, but they were deceived by the devils.”2 This means that devils ornamented polytheism for people and they deviated from the right path.

1 Cited in al-Siuti, vol. 2, hadith No. 6356.
2 Cited in Muslim, hadith No. 2637.

Question 04: How can you claim that your God is Mercifu and Compasionate, while He created evil in the world, expressed in illnesses, volcanoes, toxics, earthquakes, hatred, etc.?

Answer 04: The answer to this question is threefold:
1. God almighty is a universal God, the God of all creation. This is obvious in the following verse: “And your God is One (God), there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful…” (Holy Qur’an: 2: 163).

2. Undoubtedly, God’s mercy is comprehensive. It encompasses all creatures under its canopy. The evidence is clear: “…And My Mercy embraces all things...” (Holy Qur’an: 7: 156). Such a spacious clemency expresses itself in bestowing upon His creation so much bliss: material sustenance, the gifts of sight and hearing. Indeed, such blesisngs are countless.

3. Whatever adversities may befall man in this world, like pain, illness, poison, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc., are not exclusively evils. They are mixed blessings. For some who are harassed by such evils they are a punishment for their disobedience or heresy, while for some others they are a reminder, a nudge, to awaken them from their slumber. They also indicate the absolute power of God, His ability to deal with His creation, the sphere of His dominion, in the ways He deems just and wise. All that God decrees emanates from His compassion, wisdom and justice.


Chapter 2:

Belief in Prophets and Missions

Question 06: What is the indisputable evidence that the teachings of Muhammad have all come from God?

Answer 06: There are numerous irrefutable evidences indicating that such teachings originated from God almighty. Here are some:
1. All that has been enjoined, and denied, can be found highly propitious and useful to all mankind, everywhere and at any time. They are commensurate with the sound mind and the chaste insight. Examples are commandments on solidifying family ties, preserving superior moral qualities, avoiding usury and all misdemeanors. All that the prophet (pbuh) has been told in inspiration has been proved valid. Such material falls in two categories:

A. Pertaining to the past. These are corroborated by former books as well as authenticated evidence confirmed by science and modern discoveries, e.g. finindgs in geology as the era of the deluge, in archeology as the relics from the epochs of Thamud and the Pharaos.

B. Pertaining to the future. Certain incidents were predicted by the prophet, e.g. the fire which blasted Medina in 654 hijra, the good offices performed by Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib in reconcilating between two major factions of Muslims, the gathering of the Jews in Palestine today, the emergence of nudist women who earn their living in immodest ways, and the spread of ususry, corruption, murder, etc.

C. Evidences derived from the prophet’s own life and morals, a study of both of which can only cofirms that such actions can never emerge except from one who is both true and honest. Whoever considers God’s support of His prophet (pbuh), the victory over his enemies, and the spread of his religion, must come to the conclusion that this prophet was sustained by God and that all he preached had come from the Almighty.

D. Some contemporary scientific discoveries support the prophet’s tenets, e.g. stages of the life of the embryo, the way in which milk comes into being in the mammals, the existence of the aquarian barrier between two adjecent seas, the fact that the Dead Sea is the nethermost place on earth, etc.

E. The miracles performed by him: these were simultaneously witnessed by both his followers and antagonists, e.g. the fissure of the moon surface, the springing of water from his fingers, the healing of the sick, etc. His greatest miracle remains the glorious Qur’an that has proved the authenticity of its contents over the ages.

Question 07: Who is the prophet?

Answer 07: He is a man chosen by almighty God, inspired by Him, and enjoined to proclaim the call to the people he was sent to.

Question 08: How can prophet Muhammad (pbuh) be the imam (leader) of all the prophets when he is the last messenger?

Answer 08: Preference is God’s own prerogative. It is exclusive to such and not to others, in accordance with His emmiscience and wisdom. Preference has no relation with precedence or antecedence in time. Moses and Jesus are are among the latter batch of prophets, still they are the best among all those who preceded them except Noah and Abraham (peace be uponh them). Furthermore, prophet Muhammad’s religion, in terms of creeds and the morals, conforms to those preached by the previous prophets. As for the rules of these religions, the prophet (pbuh), by commandments from almighty God, nullified some, modified others; altered some, and augmented others. Accordingly, his call has become more comprehensive, more perfect, hence has dominion over precedences. The one in charge of such a call deserves being an imam to those who preceded him. Those were made to pledge to the be faithful to him and support him, almighty God says:
And (remember) when God took the covenant of the prophets, saying: ‘Take whatever I gave you from the book and hikmah (understanding of the laws of God), and afterwards there will come to you a messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him.’ God said: ‘Do you agree (to it) and will you take up my covenant (which I conclude with you)?’ They said: ‘We agree.’ He said: ‘Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses (for this)’.” (Holy Qur’an: 3: 81).

Such favours prove that he is the best.

Question 09: What evidence proves that Jesus was not a God, but only a messenger from God?

Answer 09: Jesus Christ (pbuh), following both the Gospels and the Qur’an, was born of the virgin Mary, who was just like any other human being. It is common knowledge that whoever is born cannot be deified. Jesus Christ was a human being who used to eat and drink just like anybody else. He was susceptible to hunger, grief and/or merriment. He experienced all the paraphernalia pertaining to human life. His miraculous creation from no father is no stranger than that of Adam, a being who was both fatherless and motherless. This is an evidence of God’s omnipotence. Jesus Christ was no more than a servant to, and messenger of God, who revealed the scripture in order to promulgate it and carry out His call. On the day of judgement Jesus Christ is not to be judged because of those who deified him in exclusion of God or thought of him as parallel. In the Qur’an we have a mentioning of this, where in the hereafter God will ask Jesus if he had asked his followers to deify him, whereby Jesus will answer God by saying: “If you punish them, they are your slaves, and if you forgive them, verily, you, only you, are the all-Mighty, the all-Wise” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 118). Here is one more reply to the one who seeks an evidence as to the deification of Jesus Christ, while he has none of the qualities of God. Whatever miracles he performed emanated from God, just as He supported other prophets.

Question 10: In what way was Jesus Christ a Muslim, as well as all the other prophets?

Answer 10: There is no doubt that all prophets (peace be upon them), beginning with Adam and ending in Muhammad, preached one religion—the worship of God alone and disregarding all other powers. This is something advocated by Islam. God says: “Truly, the true religion with God is Islam” (Holy Qur’an: 3: 19). About Abraham (pbuh), God says: “Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but was a true Muslim (hanif: monotheist—a worshipper one God alone) and he was not a mushrik—a polytheist” (Holy Qur’an: 3: 67). On the question of the disciples of Jesus, God says: “And when I (God) inspired al-hawariun (the disciples of Jesus) to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said: ‘We believe. And bear witness that we are Muslims’.” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 111). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) confirmed this in his saying: “Prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one.”1

Question 11: If people have managed to distort the message of Christ, is not this sufficient evidence that he failed in his mission? If he was great, how could God allow his call to peter out into failure?

Answer 11: Christ (pbuh) cannot be said to have failed in his mission. God supported him with astounding miracle and convincing arguments. Whatever distortion has befallen the scripture preached by Christ, it must have happened after his ascention to heaven. Failure and disintegration are the works of the followes who fell a prey to whims and caprice. In this connection God says:
[And (remember) when God will say (on the day of reurrection): ‘O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you say unto men: ‘worship me and my mother as two gods besides God?’ He will say: ‘Glory is to You! It is not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely, have know it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (and seen). Never did I say to them aught except what You (God) did command me to say: worship God my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them, but when you took me up, You were the Watcher over them; and You are a Witness to all things’.”] (Holy Qur’an: 5: 116-117)

Question 12: Seeing that God’s message to humanity is one and the same, why was it partitioned among more than one prophet and not revealed in one package?

1 Cited in Bukhalri, Hadith No. 1437.

Question 02: What is the penultimate reason behind the creation of man? Does God need man’s worship?

Answer 02: Man has been created in order to worship God: “And I (God) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me (alone)” (Holy Qur’an: 51: 56). The Primary incumbency on man is to know God through His oneness, and thence to worship Him truly. Secondly, man is required to act his role as God’s vicegerent on earth, so as to enjoy bliss both here and hereafter. Indeed, his/her need to acknowledge the supremacy of God exceeds his/her need and drink: “O mankind! It is you who stand in need of God. But God is rich, worthy of all praise” (Holy Qur’an: 35: 15).

God is above the need for man’s worship. He does not benefit from man’s devotion, nor would He be adversely affected by man’s blasphemy. From beginning to end the story of man’s existence on earth, no matter how many are its incidents, is an ordeal, a test, whether for him/her as an individual or for all humanity. Man’s performance in this test determines either his praise and reward or reproof and punishment.

Question 03: You Muslims claim that you worship One God, while in actual fact you resemble the Christians who say “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,” for you say “In the name of God, the Mercifu; the Compaasionate.” How would you account for this resemblence?

Belief in Almighty God

Question 01: So long as the three principal religions have emanated from God, why should differences appear as to the essence of God among their adherents? Why should a Christian or a Jew be required to abandon his religion and adopt Islam?

Answer 01: There is no doubt that the three religions acknowledge one source, God. They all agree as to the uniquness, the absolute omniscience and omnipresence of God, to the exclusion of any parallel power to be worshipped. All agree as to attributing to God all perfection and excluding all defects and blemishes. Whatever differences may appear is sporadic extraneous, accretious developing over the ages from distortions interpolated by members of both Judaism and Christianity. Herein came differences as to the essence of God. The difference, therefore, is between Islam, which God entrusted His prophet with, and other religions which have been distorted and adulterated. The difference is not between authentic religions, rather, it is between a true religion and others that have been invalidated and turned away. The latter category has been manipulated by vicious hands which misdirected them.

When we call upon a Jew or Christian to discard his/her religion and adopt Islam, we are in reality asking him/her to revert to the true religion which has been preached by all prophets. Should an impartial thinker consider Islam in relation to other religions, he/she is bound to acknowledge the radical difference between both categories. He/she is likely to find in the former the truth and monotheism, while the latter would reveal innovations and polytheism. Moreover, Islam advocates justice and tolerance, while the others imply racism and discrimination. In the one there are moral commitment and decency; in the other, disintegration and corruption.


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