السبت، 3 فبراير 2018
Points to change your life for the most
aly.matrix: Points to change your life for the most beautiful: take your time 10 to 30 minutes to walk, sit silent for 10 minutes a day, and allocated for your sleep 7 hours a day
aly.matrix: Most people are as happy as they want to be
aly.matrix: Adopt yourself to achieve your dreams
aly.matrix: Be diplomatic and honest in all directions, things will not stay the same.
aly.matrix: Do not listen to the rumors, share the love of life in good and bad ..... because it is so.
aly.matrix: Listen to your heart, it is the only one who does not betray you and seize the opportunity
aly.matrix: Depend on yourself You are the only one who can solve your problems
aly.matrix: When you have small family problems, you have to be quieter to handle them properly
aly.matrix: When your mood is awkward on this day, beware that showing this in your business may negatively impact your performance.
aly.matrix: Often enjoy a lot of activity and vitality, try to take advantage of this period.
aly.matrix: Try to use dialogue with those around you. You are not smarter than them, do not underestimate the abilities of those around you
aly.matrix: Avoid negative relationships so that you do not lose the important person in your life
aly.matrix: Live your life with three things: (energy + optimism + passion))
aly.matrix: Life is too short .. Do not spend it in the hatred of others
aly.matrix: You have to face up to yourself, you are the only one who can find the right solutions.
aly.matrix: Get rid of hesitation and support your decisions with wise judgment
aly.matrix: Get rid of hesitation and support your decisions with wise judgment
aly.matrix: Do not worry about minor things
We often leave ourselves to indulge in anxiety about things if we examine closely. We find that it is not in fact such a magnitude. We focus on small problems and concerns and exaggerate them. For example, someone might cut the road in front of our car instead of not paying attention to it. We convince ourselves that there is justification for our anger and then imagine a confrontation between us and this person in our imagination and may tell many of us another person this modernization later, instead of forgetting ..
aly.matrix: We are fighting a losing battle and instead of feeling complacent about what we have, we focus on what is wrong with something and our need to fix it. Our focus on what is wrong includes our dissatisfaction and discontent.
aly.matrix: The mere focus on the defect keeps us away from our goal of being a true heart of the dammit of creation .. This strategy is not related to close or far to stop doing your best but too much attachment and focus on the shortcomings of life .. It is related that with the existence A better way to accomplish things does not mean that you can enjoy and appreciate the way things are currently.
aly.matrix: The solution here is to get yourself out of the delving into insisting that things are not what it is now .. And remind yourself gently that life is fine in its current situation and in the absence of your judgment on things, everything will be fine and with Getting rid of the need to reach a perfect degree in all aspects of your life will begin to discover the perfect existence in life itself.
aly.matrix: The reality of the situation is true, because the fear and panic thinking consumes a great deal of energy and exhausts the ability to create and the driving force of our lives .. When you are afraid and terrified you deprive yourself of your best abilities not to mention all that you enjoy and every success you have achieved, Despite the existence of this fear and not as a result.
aly.matrix: Most people are as happy as they want to be
aly.matrix: Adopt yourself to achieve your dreams
aly.matrix: Be diplomatic and honest in all directions, things will not stay the same.
aly.matrix: Do not listen to the rumors, share the love of life in good and bad ..... because it is so.
aly.matrix: Listen to your heart, it is the only one who does not betray you and seize the opportunity
aly.matrix: Depend on yourself You are the only one who can solve your problems
aly.matrix: When you have small family problems, you have to be quieter to handle them properly
aly.matrix: When your mood is awkward on this day, beware that showing this in your business may negatively impact your performance.
aly.matrix: Often enjoy a lot of activity and vitality, try to take advantage of this period.
aly.matrix: Try to use dialogue with those around you. You are not smarter than them, do not underestimate the abilities of those around you
aly.matrix: Avoid negative relationships so that you do not lose the important person in your life
aly.matrix: Live your life with three things: (energy + optimism + passion))
aly.matrix: Life is too short .. Do not spend it in the hatred of others
aly.matrix: You have to face up to yourself, you are the only one who can find the right solutions.
aly.matrix: Get rid of hesitation and support your decisions with wise judgment
aly.matrix: Get rid of hesitation and support your decisions with wise judgment
aly.matrix: Do not worry about minor things
We often leave ourselves to indulge in anxiety about things if we examine closely. We find that it is not in fact such a magnitude. We focus on small problems and concerns and exaggerate them. For example, someone might cut the road in front of our car instead of not paying attention to it. We convince ourselves that there is justification for our anger and then imagine a confrontation between us and this person in our imagination and may tell many of us another person this modernization later, instead of forgetting ..
aly.matrix: We are fighting a losing battle and instead of feeling complacent about what we have, we focus on what is wrong with something and our need to fix it. Our focus on what is wrong includes our dissatisfaction and discontent.
aly.matrix: The mere focus on the defect keeps us away from our goal of being a true heart of the dammit of creation .. This strategy is not related to close or far to stop doing your best but too much attachment and focus on the shortcomings of life .. It is related that with the existence A better way to accomplish things does not mean that you can enjoy and appreciate the way things are currently.
aly.matrix: The solution here is to get yourself out of the delving into insisting that things are not what it is now .. And remind yourself gently that life is fine in its current situation and in the absence of your judgment on things, everything will be fine and with Getting rid of the need to reach a perfect degree in all aspects of your life will begin to discover the perfect existence in life itself.
aly.matrix: The reality of the situation is true, because the fear and panic thinking consumes a great deal of energy and exhausts the ability to create and the driving force of our lives .. When you are afraid and terrified you deprive yourself of your best abilities not to mention all that you enjoy and every success you have achieved, Despite the existence of this fear and not as a result.
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