It is usually translated as "all praise, because of Allah." What does it mean alhamdulillah? The phrase that led us to many people, Alhamdulillah WA shukr Allaah. "But that is very incorrect, because alhamdulillah is actually a word of praise, including a greater thanks to Allah, as a Muslim we should use it when we see that this seems fine , Shukr appears bad.
But in reality, what is our life, alhamdulillah? What is the real meaning? Just a word for our lips? Or is it a real feeling in our hearts? Someone once told me that alhamdulillah means that when you do not have what you need or want, your fate, your content, when you have a limited number of that stuff, you are content of it, you try to share it when you There are many times when your content is the way you are looking to share it. In other words, regardless of your conditions, you thank God, the conditions. It is to acknowledge that Allah has given us and that what we have taken is the best for us. In practice, what does it mean? For one thing, I like the knowledge and power of Allah when I speak to you and help us explain what I mean. When I was still a new Muslimah, I had the most beautiful white cat. I really like this cat. It used to wake me up and I thought it was a great blessing in my life. The problem, however, is that my landlord did not let pets in my apartment. This means that the cat's existence is still a secret. One day, the landlady called and told me she came and regularly spray cockroaches daily. I knew I had to hide, but in such a way he did not go home I took him from there again, so I decided to take him to a friend's house for a day. So I grabbed my cat and took him to my car. When I drove to her house, the cat was crazy. He caught me, at one point, valued myself my head back. I guess he'd been frightened before the car. He thinks this is the worst thing that could happen to him. Now, I have no cat information. I know my behavior is that it actually saved him. If my landlord's wife discovers cats, we are all homeless. But, of course, there is no way for the cat to know this. This is beyond his understanding. What's the point here? So, Allah we are similar in many situations. He provided us with the circumstances, in our limited understanding and perception, which we find disastrous. We can react to them like cats, fear and pure animal instincts, or we can recognize the wisdom and superior knowledge and content of Allah because we are confident that it is somehow better for us to encounter this . With it's content, will live alhamdulillah. This shows that we accept the power of Allah beyond us, and we confirm his care, our gratitude with us, and his mercy. God says, "... This is the grace of my Lord, He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful; who is grateful, He is grateful, just for his own soul, ungrateful, Then surely my God is self-sufficient respect. (27:40) Allah has given us so much, as a Muslim, it is our duty to thank those blessings. IBIN Abiddon Ya mention David to ask Allah, "At least you What is the blessing? "Allah apologized and took a deep breath, and as Dawwood did, Allah told him it was my blessing to you." (I found this Hadith in patience and thanks IBIN Ben Al Qawim Al-Jawziyyah, seventy-seventh) . Imagine, as a blessing to Allah, took a breath. It is an involuntary move that we basically maintain. With so much participation, not only from a physical point of view, but also from the perfect combination of elements created on Earth, the conditions under which we breathe must exist. By the fact that one's breath involves the work as well as all his internal organs, we are the plant that takes our carbon dioxide and converts it back into the oxygen that is essential as we continue to breathe. With so much detail, they can not be covered unless the entire science curriculum, which will just outline the basic process. Allahu Akbar. We must remember that what we have is from Allah. But we can not stop there. We must also realize that we do not have God's blessing. We must recognize God, power and knowledge, for his blessing. Things do not always look like they are. We may cond the things that are bad, scary or catastrophic, in reality this is purely the blessings Allah has for us. Remember the story of Mussa and Al Khadir: "Moses got up before Barney Israel and somebody asked him," Who is the most learned person among the people? Said Moses, "I (my most learned). So Allah Moses warned him not to blame Allah for all the knowledge (then) coming to God's revelation: "Yes, one of our slaves, at the junction of the two sea, learned more than you did," said Moses. How can my Lord satisfy him? Allah says, "Fish and fish in a basket are lost and follow it (and you'll find him there). So Moses was loaded along with his bin Yushu's bin tender, and they carried the fish with them until they reached the rock and rest there. Moses lay his head to sleep. (Sufyan, a sub-narrator, said that Amrut was outside) "There is a rock called" The Living Newspaper "that does not come in contact with water but becomes a living spring. So some fall, spring water, fish, so it moves and glides out of the basket and into the sea. The Hadith from Bukhare: Volume 6, Number 60, Number 251: Narrated by Benjai'aar: When they have passed (some distance), Moses said to his waiter: "Take us for breakfast; the fatigue we really suffer (Second stage) of our journey. "He replied:" You saw (what happened) that when we betook ourselves on the rocks, I did forget (about) Fish: No, but Satan, I forgot to tell you It's a wonderful way it passes its route through the sea! "Moses said," That's exactly what we're after: "So they went back to their footsteps and they were there already.) So they found out that our civil servants One who gave us from our own benevolence who taught our knowledge from our own being. Moses said to him: "I will follow you, the truth that you teach me is (higher education), what you teach "Something else?" (Other) said: "You are really impotent with patience!" "How can you be patient about your understanding is incomplete?" He said: "If God is pleased, you will find me of Man, I dare not to defy any of your problems, he said: If you want to follow me, do not ask me anything until I talk to you so they go (their way) until they start on the boat when he (Moussa) said: "You made a hole, it wants to inundate its prisoners? Of course, you did a serious thing.He said:" I do not say, will you tell me Do you have patience? He said: "Do not blame me what I forgot, I will not be bound to a difficult thing to do with me, so they went until, when they meet a boy, he died. (Musa) said: You kill an innocent person, or more than a manslaughter? Of course, you have done an evil thing .He said: "I'm not saying to you, you will not be patient with me? He said: "If I do not ask me to be in your company after I ask you, you really should have (at the time) found an excuse in my case, so they went on until they came to a small The town people asked for their food, but they refused to entertain him As guests, they found that it was a wall-drop, so he put it in the right state (Musa) and said: "If you're happy, you're sure to reward it," he said. This is a separation between you and me, and now I will inform you that you may have no patience.As for the boat, it belongs to () the work of the poor man on the river, I think I should be damaged, and there is a king behind them, Who grasps every ship's power, and as a boy, both his parents are believers, and we are afraid that I am afraid he will be disobedient and ungrateful to them: so we want their Lord to give them a better place in their own place Purity approaches compassion. For the wall, it belongs to two orphaned boys in the city, beneath it there is a treasure belonging to them and their father is an upright man, so hope your Lord that they should reach their maturity and take out My treasure is from your Lord's mercy, and I did not do it myself, and that is, you may have no patience (18: 60-82). Mussa is impatient to learn what is the significance, he had seen. But he learned a very important leasson and we should take the heart. Allah's knowledge so far surpasses us, and even when he gives us a little bit more, and the rest, we can not see superficial implications of events that easily transcend life, and we must believe Allah's judgment and thank him for the grace we. We must say, feel alhamdulillah's. We must make it a real part of our lives. The foundation of our faith. So simple a word, but it carries so much. It tells us Allah of faith. It shows how we must accept Qadr's Allah, what we think is good, what we think is not good, and what we want, but whatever happens What good thanks or bad. Allah says he is the one who made you travel by land and sea until when your boat sails with them in a pleasant breeze, and their delight, the violent winds surpass them in all directions and surges in their waves To be affirmative, they all have something to do with, they pray to God, sincerely He is obedient: If you save us from this, we must be grateful. But when he saves them, look! On earth, they are unjust treason. Man! Your rebellion is about your own soul - providing the head (only), the life in this world - then we should pay you back, so what have you done and we will inform you. (10: 22-23) We can not just say alhamdulillah, thank you for your slaves, and when we have what we want, we must also be thankful for the worst disaster we hit. In my humble opinion, the most serious loss that this country had ever had was the death of our beloved Prophet Muhammad. We know his humanity, but it is when he left us that divisions began in Umma. Unity, he has not been awarded to his Lord, blessed, is a terrible black mark of Umma. However, we must be confident that to some extent this is good for us. To some extent, it is a kind of happiness, we must say, alhamdulillah. Allah says that Muhammad is no more than an envoy who has passed before the messenger leaves and if he dies or is killed you will look back after your heels? After returning to his heel he will never do harm to Allah at least, and Allah will reward you with thanks. (3: 1 44) Our beloved prophet is dead, we want to thank? This is incomprehensible to human mind and heart, but this is where our faith comes in. If we truly believe God's judgment, we must be grateful. Alhamdulillah Rabi Al-Amiin, whom he brought to us. Bitter sweet, because we believe in Allah, we have to accept, we trust him, we know he is the best judge, the most sensible, he plans for us is the most fair and most benevolent and we in this life And later generations. Allah says, so remember me, I will remember you, thank me, do not live up to me. (2: 152) And keep it fast, Allah stretches out for you whether it is a rope between you, and remember to thank Allah for your favor; for you are enemies and he is joining you in love, making him Grace, you became brethren, and you are on the verge of a pit of fire, and He saved you. Allah is such a sign of His presence for the world that you know it well: You may guide. (3: 1 03) And you who believe it! The good things we eat, the ones we provide for you, thank Allah, and if it is him you worship. (2: 172) Moreover, let us remember to be especially grateful, "When what comes to the peace of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) brings pleasure (or he is pleased), he pours over to thank God." Narrative AbuBakrah. Sunan Abu Dawood: 14 volumes, No. 2768. What is ours, is us. We can not avoid our Qadr's. How we handle it when it comes to our control. Ali IBIN Abitarib saw adiyy IBIN Hatim looked for sorrow, so he asked him: "Why are you so sad, ØAdiyy?" Adiyy replied, "How could I not be in such a state when two Son was killed and my eyes dug up? "So Ali said to him:" It is with the content of Allah's decrees ØAdiyy, who will meet and reward, who have no content and God's decree will certainly experience it, Allah will make his actions worthless. " (Purifying the soul, P119). We will experience what Allah has set for us. But it will give us blessings or just suffering. We must accept God's decree, its content, and thank it, for we know what God has decreed is what is best for us. This is the implementation of alhamdulillah. Now, the blessing of alhamdulillah itself is very much. Below I will show a few so many blessings: Narrative Ali: Fatima go prophet complain about the hand-worn impact of the stone in her hand. She heard that the Sage had received several female slaves. But (when she came) she did not find him, so she mentioned her question, "Aishah. When the Prophet came," Aisha told him. "Ali said," so when the Prophet came to us we went to bed and we wanted to get up to him, but he said, "Keep where you are." And then he came and sat where I thought I was Indifference between her, his feet in my abdomen. He said, "What can I do to guide you better than you ask? When you go to bed and say 'extremely limited to Allaah 33 times,' Alhamdulillah'33 times, Allahu Akbar's 34 times as it is more Good for your servant. "Bukhari Hadith: Volume 7, Book 64, number 274. Allah (peace_be_upon_him), the angel of AbuMalik al-Ash'ali, said: "Cleanliness is half faith, Alhamdulillah (praising Allaah) fill in scale, Subhan Allah (glory to Allah) and Alhamdulillah (praising Allah) fill what is between heaven and earth , Prayer is a Light, The Charity is to prove that a person's faith and endurance are a brightness and the Qur'an is a