السبت، 6 يناير 2018

Oh, tu sais

Relations matrimoniales »Comment une femme peut-elle divorcer de son mari?

Oubliez beaucoup de couples après des années ou d'échange moins fréquent des mots aimables de mariage entre eux, ils ont des sentiments Tthbld dans une large mesure et se plaignent de chacun de la monotonie de la vie conjugale et les sentiments de lit privés réfrigérés. Nous offrons cette information, qui est confirmée par une nouvelle recherche scientifique, dont nous prenons la signification indépendamment des circonstances de la recherche, des participants et des participants. Présence de changements radicaux dans la salive de l'homme a été démontré lors de l'engagement dans un court dialogue avec une jolie femme, et a constaté que la salive de l'homme commence par la gonorrhée au cours d'une courte période de parade nuptiale avec le sexe plus juste, plus tenté de s'exprimer sont assez pour laisser une bonne impression quand les femmes baver.
Des chercheurs de l'Université de Chicago et le test des interactions hormonales chez un certain nombre d'étudiants dans la vingtaine ont engagé un petit dialogue avec une jeune femme et analysé des échantillons de leur salive avant et après l'étude.
Les résultats ont montré des changements significatifs dans la salive masculine seulement cinq minutes après qu'ils ont parlé à une belle femme avec des niveaux élevés de testostérone, alors que de tels changements n'ont pas été observés chez ceux qui parlaient aux jeunes comme eux.
Les chercheurs ont observé que les changements ont été les plus possibles lorsque ceux qui ont tenté d'attirer l'attention et de laisser de bonnes impressions du sexe plus juste, en notant que la salive de l'homme ne fait pas dégoulinait mais connaît beaucoup de vitalité et les changements physiologiques, l'augmentation la plus importante de la proportion de l'hormone mâle en elle.
Selon les experts, le degré de changement dans la chimie de la salive dépend de l'importance de l'intérêt de la femme et de la gentillesse et de la romance manifestées par la femme.
Encore une fois, je me attends-à-dire des femmes:! Notre argent et ces questions qui appartiennent au peuple de séductions, et la réponse est que les femmes qui avaient subi l'étude n'a pas été des modèles de mode ou des femmes avec la beauté extraordinaire surnaturelle, ce qui suggère que beaucoup possèdent des capacités spéciales des hommes de salive Liquéfaction sans avoir Pour la beauté et la lutte féroce.
Les chercheurs ont expliqué que ce qui se passe quand les hommes sont attirés par les femmes (et les couples certainement moyens) et lui parler, le cerveau envoie plusieurs messages à l'hypophyse stimule la sécrétion de la testostérone, l'hormone a, et peut mesurer le changement de cette hormone facilement dans la salive.
Est-ce que nous prenons une leçon dans notre vie conjugale?


Sahl ibn Sa`d qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui, il dit: Le Messager d'Allah, la paix soit sur lui dit: (Dieu Tout-Puissant Karim aime généreux et aime ses choses Excellence et déteste Sevsaffha) Attabarani, et l'Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal dit: neuf dixièmes de bonnes manières à négliger. Et le sens du coût de l'inattention de négligence à la connaissance et la compréhension de ce qu'il en reste, et ils ont bien voulu faire pour éviter tout Sevsav, et il était de la description qui est loué par le Prophète Ali bin Abi Talib, il était à la maison et à l'étranger Kaltalb Kallit. -À-dire qu'il était la conscience Kalmtnawm Amoda sur le cours des événements qui se produisent autour de lui, avec sa conscience et la connaissance d'eux, pour le bien de sa famille, et de ne pas les faire souffrir l'embarras, et de ne pas le voir trace qui épuise leurs sentiments et leurs émotions raffermit. Anas bin Malik, qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui: (Le Messager d'Allah, paix soit sur lui ne rencontre personne Bshi déteste) Rapporté par Abou Dawoud, Tirmidhi et les femmes.

C'est une vénération noble pour ne pas embarrasser les sentiments ou briser l'esprit, et ceci bien sûr dans le Dieu non-coupable et fâché. Certaines des choses que certaines personnes connaissent, malgré leur violation de cette direction prophétique, certains disent: (Je dis à Al-A'or que vous êtes aveugle dans les yeux) et cela signifie le championnat et la louange. Ou certains disent: (Je ne supporte pas le besoin d'un douloureux et silencieux) et ces mots et les mêmes actes sont ceux qui ne devraient pas se taire et croire la parole du dicton: et cacher des médicaments.

Relations »Comment gagner le coeur de votre femme

Sachez ce que votre femme aime et efforcez-vous de l'atteindre et ce que vous détestez, alors restez à l'écart.
* Plus que les beaux mots qui sont aimés à la même femme, comme mon amour, je t'aime, et je suis très dévoué à sortir ces mots avec sincérité et force.
* Ecoutez-les quand vous parlez surtout si la discussion d'un problème que vous avez passé vous a fait partager votre avis et vos conseils, écoutez tous vos conseils.
* Toujours la parer et l'adulte en parure
* Ne vous sentez pas à votre femme que vous avez humilié, mais doit Tchaaraa il est honorable, et ne pas oublier de les louer de temps en temps devant leurs parents et vos parents étaient présents et en son absence

Rechute de la relation conjugale

Rampent l'ennui dans la vie de la famille quand la nouvelle perdre, mari occupé Bohawwalh et les conditions de travail ou des problèmes, et préoccupés par l'intérêt de la femme dans son mari pour prendre soin de leurs enfants, et l'ennui est l'un des problèmes de la famille et causer des problèmes et des crises, Vcko la femme d'un manque d'intérêt pour son mari, et les symptômes signalés et traités durement et caducité et le manque d'appréciation, la même plainte est repris par le mari: ma femme n'est plus Ttigueni, et ne me aiment et me dérange pas tant leurs actions, et négligé mes soins, et expliquer aux garçons, ou que nous vieillissons et ne devrait pas agir comme un jeune adolescent que le froid de la relation conjugale se reflète sur toutes les conditions de la maison, ne reposent pas la femme ne Mari et enfants vivent Dans l'anxiété et la tension. Le son est élevé pour des raisons futiles et des problèmes simples approfondir et grandir la méfiance et la mauvaise interprétation du discours sur le visage, en plus des actions et des comportements d'autrui ne satisfait personne
Le traitement de l'apathie est la responsabilité de l'épouse d'abord, et il devrait chercher les raisons de l'apathie chez elle et traité ces touches fines à la maison et réarrangés et assurer sa beauté et sa vitalité et la simplicité, l'attention sur elle et son apparence et le style dans la manipulation et l'attention à son mari et ses outils un! Personnalité et ses vêtements, livres et la vie privée et d'assurer le respect et l'appréciation, lui fait toujours sentir en tant que chef de la famille qui se fatigue et diligent dans la collection de gagne-pain pour ses enfants et sa famille .. et la femme aussi être ne pas traiter avec son mari d'une seule porte est que je veux tel ou tel. Les garçons ont besoin de ça .. J'ai besoin de tel ou tel mais il y a d'autres entrées, comme un simple cadeau
Oh, you know

Marriage Relationships »How can a wife divorce her husband?

Many couples forget after years of less or more marriages exchange the words kind between each other, and may devour feelings to a large extent and then complain both of the monotony of married life and the coolness of emotions, especially in bed. We offer this information, which is confirmed by a new scientific research, from which we take the significance regardless of the circumstances of the research, participants and participants. There were dramatic changes in the man's saliva when he engaged in a short dialogue with an attractive woman. He found that the saliva of the man begins with gonorrhea during a short period of flirtation with the gentle sex and whenever he tried to express himself enough to make a good impression on the woman,
Researchers at the University of Chicago, and the hormonal interactions test at a number of students in their 20s, engaged in a small dialogue with a young woman and analyzed samples of their saliva before and after the study.
The results showed significant changes in male saliva only five minutes after they spoke to a beautiful woman with high levels of testosterone, while no such changes were seen in those who spoke to young people like them.
The researchers noted that the changes were as high as possible in those who tried to draw attention and leave good impressions of the gentle sex, pointing out that the saliva of the man does not actually leak but it is witnessing a lot of biological and physiological changes, the most important increase in the proportion of male hormone.
According to the experts, the degree of change in saliva chemistry depends on the extent of the woman's interest and the kindness and romance shown by the woman.
Again, I expect some women to say: Our money and these issues that concern the people of seduction?! The answer is that the women who studied were not models or supernatural beauty, which indicates that many have special abilities to shed men's saliva unnecessarily To the beauty and the fierce strife.
The researchers explained what happens when a man is attracted to a woman and speaks to her, his brain sends multiple messages to the pituitary to activate his testosterone secretion, and the change in this hormone can be easily measured in saliva.
Do we take a lesson in our married life?


It was narrated that Sahl ibn Sa'd (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Allaah loves the generous and loves the honorable and loves his sins." Narrated by al-Tabarani. And the meaning of the neglect of the cost of negligence with science and perception of what is overlooked by him, the honor and superiority of the Sufaf things, it was the description praised by our master Ali bin Abi Talib that he was in his home like foxes and outside Kalith. That is to say, it was like a blind person who was blinded by the events that took place around him, with his knowledge and knowledge, in honor of his family, and not to embarrass them, and not to see from him a trait that exhausts their feelings and strengthens their feelings. Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not face anyone who hated him." Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasaa'i.

It is a noble veneration so as not to embarrass feelings or break the mind, and this of course in non-sinful and angry God. Some of the things that some people know about, despite their violation of this prophetic guidance, some say: (I say to Al-A'or you are blind in the eye) and that means the championship and the praise. Or some say: (I do not bear the need for a painful and silent) and these words and the same acts are that should not be silent and believe the saying of the saying: and hide some medicine.

Relationships »How to win the heart of your wife

Know what your wife loves and strive to achieve it and what you hate so stay away from it.
* More than the beautiful words that are beloved to the same wife like my love, I love you, and I am proficient in taking out these words with strength and sincerity.
* Listen to them when you talk especially if the talk about a problem passing by you would like to share your opinion and advice, listen to all your advice.
* Always adorn her and adult in adornment
* Do not feel your wife as an insult to you, but you should feel that it is a generous booster, and do not forget to praise it from time to time in front of your parents and your presence in the presence and absence

Relapse of marital relationship

The wife is preoccupied with caring for her husband to take care of her children, and boredom is one of the problems facing the family and causes problems and crises. The wife complains of her husband's lack of interest in her, and the symptoms of her husband and treated her harshly and unfairly. And not to appreciate, and the same complaint echoed by the husband: My wife no longer bothers me, and no longer love me and bother me a lot of behavior, neglect my care, and children, or that we are old and should not act like young adolescents that the cooling relationship is reflected in all marital conditions, Husband and children live In anxiety and tension. The voice is high for the simplest reasons and minor problems deepen and grow the misgivings and the interpretation of speech on the bad face in addition to other behaviors and behaviors do not satisfy anyone
The treatment of apathy is the responsibility of the wife first, and must look for the causes of coldness in her home and treat such as putting the delicate touches in the house and re-arrange and care for the beauty and vitality and simplicity, and attention to itself and appearance and style in dealing and attention to her husband and his tools! To his personality and clothes and books and privacy and respect for respect and appreciation, and always feel that the head of the family who is tired and strive to make a living for his children and his family .. And the wife also not be treated with her husband from the door only one is wanted such and such. Boys need this .. I need such and such but there are other entries, such as a simple gift


Christian recibió a un hombre musulmán en su casa

Le dio una uva .. فأكله Muslim ..

Y luego le trajo vino

Muslim dijo: haram !!

Dijo Aalchrista: Qué maravilloso eres, Musulmanes Thlon esto

Y تحرمون esto ..

Con esto que esto !!

Dijo Muslim: ¿esposa de Alec?

Christian dijo: Sí ...

Muslim dijo: tráeme ... فأحضرها

Entonces él le dijo: ¡¿Chica Alec ?!

Qqal Christian: Sí

Muslim dijo: tráeme ... فأحضرها

Muslim dijo: Como ves que Dios te ha permitido esto y tu vas a campus esto ..

¡Con estos de estos!

Christian dijo: Doy testimonio de que no hay más dios que Alá y que Muhammad es el Mensajero de Allah

Doy testimonio de que no hay más dios que Alá y que Muhammad es el Mensajero de Allah

Arte de administrar la vida marital

Arte de administrar la vida marital


La familia representa una de las instituciones sociales más importantes y las sociedades humanas más antiguas conocidas a través de las edades, y la familia es la estación base en la vida de un individuo; como imbuido en que los estándares y valores de la sociedad, el individuo que vive dentro de la familia y aprende a través de estándares socialmente aceptables. La estación se casa con uno de los eventos más importantes en la vida de cada joven y una niña como representante de esta estación paso básico y necesario para la estabilidad y construir una familia e independencia de la gran vida familiar o familiar, y la composición del núcleo de la nueva familia en la comunidad. A pesar de la importancia del matrimonio en la vida de cada persona, cada joven y una mujer, pero hay algunas dificultades y problemas que pueden enfrentar la pareja dentro del matrimonio dificultan disfrutar de esta nueva vida.

Intentaremos en esta parte del libro arrojar luz sobre la vida conyugal y cómo se puede gestionar de manera efectiva, y Sir life vessel para la seguridad. Aunque la vida conyugal ha enfrentado muchas dificultades y problemas cada día, nos centraremos aquí después de una de las dimensiones de las disputas matrimoniales, una comunicación social entre cónyuges.

Y nuestro enfoque en esta dimensión no significa descuidar otros aspectos, sino que apunta a arrojar luz sobre el tema que dudan un montón de contactos familiares; como se quejan muchas de las esposas de la ausencia de actor de diálogo con sus maridos, como se concentran muchas quejas por falta de conocimiento de las esposas, los maridos, tanto los activos del manejo adecuado del marido o el marido es incapaz de comprender o entender las necesidades de su esposa o algo así repetidas diferencias no reflejan necesariamente la ausencia de un diálogo de actor de método entre los cónyuges.

Muchas esposas y maridos se preguntan con fuerza sobre las razones de la disputa permanente entre ellos, y las formas adecuadas de lidiar con las disputas matrimoniales, y cómo podría يخططا para una feliz vida matrimonial. Todas estas preguntas comienzan desde el eje de la comprensión adecuada de los mecanismos para tratar con el otro socio. Hay una serie de pasos que la pareja debe entender; porque ayuda a construir relaciones felizmente casadas y trataremos de arrojar luz sobre los aspectos que causan las disputas matrimoniales comunes como resultado de la falta de comunicación adecuada entre los cónyuges.

Como la mayoría de los problemas sociales relacionados con la vida matrimonial, que hemos revisado en las páginas anteriores de este libro es producto de la falta de conocimiento de los métodos más adecuados para tratar la vida matrimonial, y en esta parte del libro repasaremos veinte base para manejar la optimización en la vida matrimonial; tal vez sea útil para los esposos y las esposas para deshacerse de los problemas y obstáculos matrimoniales de la siguiente manera:

La primera regla: encuentra el modelo que falta:

El desarrollo de la visión o modelo ideal para la otra parte es una amenaza para la vida matrimonial al principio, y cualquier cambio en el patrón de este modelo después del matrimonio causa de la relación conyugal un montón de sacudidas y golpes. La chica que tiene en cuenta un modelo integrado de la pareja puede no encontrarlo en su pareja, así como el marido que está mirando a su chica por el modelo imaginado en su mente y quiere يسقطه en su pareja se enfrentará a muchos problemas cuando no se convierta en socio por modelo de Decreto de antemano.

Entonces, al final de la relación (esposo y esposa) entendiendo desde el principio que la vida matrimonial es una compañía que debe proporcionar concesiones a ambas partes a la otra parte y estar dispuesta a adaptarse a la otra parte, y proporcionar todo lo posible para facilitar su vida juntos. La vida es un proyecto de matrimonio que requiere sacrificios de ambas partes para que sea un éxito.

La segunda regla: comparación con esposos (esposas) Otros:

El Dios Todopoderoso creó a cada uno de nosotros los pros y los contras para que ambos tengamos ventajas y desventajas y, a menudo, mostramos lo mejor que tenemos frente a los demás y no conocemos información privilegiada solo a través de la convivencia y la vida cotidiana. Cuando una pareja comienza la marcha de sus comparaciones de contrato de matrimonio con otros, ellos gobiernan la institución del fracaso y el colapso del matrimonio. Cada pareja es única y refleja el modelo especial para ellos, por lo que en lugar de la comparación con otros mejora la pareja para centrarse en las áreas de fortaleza que tienen y el potencial positivo de la inversión que efectivamente tienen para agregar más felicidad a sus vidas.

Se debe enfatizar que lo que se ve de los demás en eventos públicos es solo una parte de sus personalidades, no representa necesariamente la forma completa para ellos; como si fueran algunas deficiencias como nosotros, por lo que no debería derivar a ninguno de los cónyuges para comparar con las cifras establecidas de otros a expensas de su matrimonio donde hay aspectos de la luminosa irradian a otros, y la necesidad de la pareja descubrió y invertido.

La tercera regla: Aceptar al otro socio tal como es, no como yo quiero:

Está tratando de adaptarse a la vida matrimonial; - para hacerlos más serenos y felices
The brothers have no mercy for them, and they have no religion. They are the Kharijites. They have to be killed wherever they are. Jihad fights them, and they avoid them. They always betray them. There is no morality and no safety for them. They never give them safety, they betray their drinking water, they deny the Prophet's prayers. He may be a doctor Vikhun God by killing you deliberately wrong medicine because you love the army and you love them to the roles of the despicable with the Zionist enemy before and during the war of October glorious. And if they did not want to reveal their order they revealed their true knowledge and are different from our knowledge. No loyalty to Egypt, but to Iran ...
Get your virginity back in five minutes, the high-tech product. Your shark goes away forever, get your virginity back for fifteen dollars, no surgery, no injections, no drugs and no side effects for just $ 15. "This is the ad text in China's streets to promote its revolution. The new in the field of patching the virginity How China does not think in the manufacture of this membrane, which was issued to the Gulf and some Arab countries dummy doll and legal foreclosure and wall clock ears, China has lied to the need or invention of the invention of their wives not in need of the hymen and not a poor country.
China is not an enemy of Islam, and its goal is not to be a moral degenerate in the Arab countries, but purely commercial. Do not be surprised that in the future, Chinese will be the first foreign language in many Arab countries. China has studied Arabic culture and mentality and knows the needs of Arab people. I do not speak about the manufacture of the membrane, but about the necessary things, they could not even put a hole in the needle until they imported in recent years machines to make needles pierced ready,
As for the Chinese film, it is clear that its effects will be very negative, such as the lack of differentiation between the chaste girl and the corrupt woman, the spread of corruption and venereal diseases, and a number of other problems that can not be predicted by anyone because any problem that can be born is in turn other problems. I do not want a girl who has had sex with someone I have married. I do not accept him. I want a girl who has a respectable daughter.
True, but for what is always to blame the girl and forget the men
Adan the pure man marries the pure and the venerable Lkhbita and the infidel to infidel, thank God and thank you and want topics Hkda I like. The most authentic Hadith is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance of our master Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
.. And the evil things are updated and all updated innovation and all heresy and misguidance and every error in the fire ..
O you, O mercy, too, young man, do not think about offering your fiancée to a female doctor before you enter her to make sure of the presence of the membrane, this is a Girrerrerah Kbeieyeier, and a disgrace to the dignity and chastity of women.
And finally they sought good women
Treat women kindly
And keep the devil away from you, and make him not a way for you

Is it right for a young man to be circumcised on a pure girl ???? Why did not you say that the right of the girl to get a young man pure virgin ???
Why are we always hating? It is the right of the young man to play and be fooled by whomever he wishes, but he also has the right to choose the pure one !!! What a contradiction
Do not be my good brothers.
Whores, so let them see this is the view of religion ...
As for you, believe in some of the scriptures, and you will disbelieve in some, so that this may be with your interests ...
The punishment of God will come down on the adulteress and the adulteress, and not on the harlot only. This supper of virginity is not evidence of the honor of women. So even if his lover does not enter her in her vagina, I will put him in her anus.
For virginity is not the decisive and decisive evidence for the honor of women ..
Our masculine society is the reason for the entry of these cheap goods that dominate from all directions because if the young man is afraid of his honor as the girl does, even if he was held accountable for his mistakes, as the girl is charged with a thousand good, but vice versa, hold the girl and unleash the boy ...
He wants to be pure and pure
Yes, I consider that pleasing women and their community for money is cheap
Of course this is far from the culture of trivial Islam when imposing the limits of adultery did not impose on women without men, both in the sin

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Allah, forgive your women." He also says: "Whoever commits zina,
Valzani and if long-time will pay his mother or sister or his wife or daughter
Do whatever you want as condemned condemned
Malignant malignancies
Good people are meant to be with good people
The quality of your wife is determined by your behavior
Choose with whom you want to
This is a story told by a distinguished teacher who was intelligent

Wisdom and promptness, and this teacher was a teacher of Arabic,

In one year, he gave the lesson to the class's students before two of the ministry's mentors, who came to assess it.

This lesson was just a few weeks before the final tests, and during

Taking the lesson, one of the students interrupted the professor saying: "Professor ... .. Language

Arabic) very difficult ??! ".

This student almost did not speak until all the students spoke the same

Speak, and become like an opposition party !!, it speaks there and this

Screaming and this is trying to waste time and so ..! The teacher quieted a bit, then

He said: Well I do not study today, and I will replace the lesson with a game !! The joy of the students,

And the proof of the proof.

This teacher drew on the blackboard a bottle with a narrow neck, and a draw

Inside a chicken, then said: Who can come out of this chicken from

Bottle?!, Provided that the bottle does not break and does not kill the hen !!

The attempts of the students, who failed all, as well as the proofs that were consistent with the puzzle and tried to solve it, but failed all attempts failed ?!

One of the students cried out from the end of the classroom, desperate: "Professor, do not go out."

The chicken only broke the bottle or killed the hen, the teacher said: No.

You can violate the conditions, the student said mocking: So Professor, say to those who put in that bottle to come out as I enter.

The students laughed, but they did not laugh for long, they made a sound

The teacher is saying: True, true, this is the answer, put out

The chicken in the bottle is the only one who can take it out, as well as you !!

You have understood in your mind that the Arabic language is difficult. Whatever I explained to you and tried to simplify it I would not succeed unless you brought this concept out of yourself without help, as you put it yourself without help.

The lesson ended and the teacher was very impressed with the teacher.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...