الثلاثاء، 4 يوليو 2017


هل جميعهم بالصدفة? يجب ان نختار بحكمة, وهذا يعني ان الحياة مثل السيف ذو حاد.
 اذا كنت تعتقد انها ساعة المنبه التي ايقظتك هذا الصباح, حاول ان تضعها بجوار جثة و ستدرك انها نعمة الله التي ايقظتك. اذا كنت ممتنا لله, تقدم هذا الى كل اصدقائك ل ابلغهم انه فقط بنعمة الله اننا على قيد الحياة.
ملاحظة: انا لا اجبر اي احد على ان يقدم هذا, اذا كان مبارك لك وكنت تريد ان تبارك شخص اخر, مجرد مشاركة!

الاثنين، 3 يوليو 2017

Islam is not a religion of terrorism

Islam is not a religion of terrorism because a group of believers rushed to hijack some of its texts and called it corrupt interpretation. Then they shed blood, kill innocent people, take care of the safe and corrupt the land, and find those who provide them with money, weapons and training.
Christianity is not a religion of terror because a group of its believers carried the cross and began to reap the lives of a man, a woman, a child, a fighter and a prisoner.
Judaism is not a religion of terrorism because of the exploitation of the teachings of Moses - peace be upon him - in the occupation of land, which claimed the lives of millions of right-holders of the people of Palestine, which is on its own.
European civilization is not a culture of terrorism because of two world wars that broke out in the heart of Europe and claimed the lives of over 70 million people.
American civilization is not a civilization of terrorism because of its destruction of human beings and stone in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are all deviations from the approach of religions and the logic of civilizations. This part of the accusation if open - as it is open to Islam now - will not deliver religion, Charge of violence and terrorism.
Ie, terrorism after the killing of children and women and the destruction of mosques and houses by Shiite criminals and Russians infidels. Oh God, we make you in their throats and seek refuge in you from their evils
1- الجهل + الفقر = إجرام
2- الجهل + الثراء = فساد
3- الجهل + الحرية = فوضئ
4- الجهل + السُلطة = استبداد
5- الجهل + الدين = إرهاب
استبدل مكان الجهل بالعلم
وانظر ماذا يفعل العلم بالجهل
1- العلم + الفقر = قناعه
2- العلم + الثراء = إبداع
3- العلم + الحرية = سعاده
4- العلم + السُلطة = العدل
55- العلم + الدين = استقامة
1- Ignorance + Poverty = Crime
2 - ignorance + wealth = corruption
3 - Ignorance + Freedom = Fool
4- Ignorance + power = tyranny
5. Ignorance + Religion = Terrorism
Replace the place of ignorance with science
See what science does with ignorance
1 - Science + poverty = mask
2 - science + wealth = creativity
3 - science + freedom = happiness
4- Science + Power = Justice
5 - science + religion = integrity

Do not leave anything in your heart

Do not leave anything in your heart against anyone .. forgive, forgive, ignore and best guess .. Life is a moment worth living comfortably. ?
In the October war, our Lord honored us with victory, knowing that Jesus was the Messiah, and the path is one hand, and the Hour of Victory are the two.
In the 1919 Revolution, we said, "Long live the crescent with the cross."
Indeed, by the time we say, in our highest voice, the crescent will live with the cross
• Said to be good-looking and will not forget you eyes,
But be good-natured and you will not forget the hearts.
[The disbelievers who said that God is the third of three and there is no god but one God and not finished what they say to those who disbelieve them a painful punishment]
Attention: without request be nicer,
Love: without hesitation be the coolest,
Friendship: Without interests will be greater!
Attention: without request be nicer,

The Egyptian reality

The Egyptian reality and the protection of the Arab nation
The American Zionist plan to demolish the Arab countries and human rights and hit the children of the world with gas and human rights defenders traitors with themselves asleep in the shadow of corruption and financial bribery and the silence of the shameful acts of the American devil the dog of the Jews and the Zionist world and the Zionist cup controlling the minds of the people and US policy and the weakness of the Arab position.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...