If mutants thought things bad before Alcatraz, well, they were worse now. That incident had not only turned public opinion that much more against them, it had gotten the attention of the whole damn world too. Lots of mutants in other countries blamed Magneto and his lot for that, or blamed the X-Men. But some blamed the humans. Like these four did.
They had held off making a nuisance of themselves to the humans in their home countries so that they’d still be able to travel easily, to come from Spain to America. And now that they were here, they were ready to make up for that. Here was where it was most needed, anyway, here was where it was worst, the hate crimes being committed, the laws being talked about–but here was where the resistance had been birthed as well.
By a man named Magneto.
Finding him not been easy. Case in point, the human government had obviously unable to do it, what chance did four civilians have? But they had found the underground community of his supporters. They were a tight-lipped lot— the US government had of course thought to try to send worms into their midst to get this same info—but Anne Marie could mind-control the truth out of them. It didn’t make them any friends, but it was for the best; they’d surely forgive them when their leader, their savior, was returned.