الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2016

My questions involves many things..i am a very new convert an at first i was praying all prays as best i could (i dont know arabic)someone told me i should only speak in arabic ...so in the end i have stopped praying ..i think of allah many times in the day ..an follow the teachings ..but some things i know are wrong i cannot stop ..since allah called me i have improved my life immensley an am happier than i have been in a very long time ...i used to be drunk every day ..now i almost dont drink at all ..i used to gamble all my money ..now i almost dont gamble at all .....when i do do these wrong things i can feel it is wrong an dont want to go back to my old ways ...i can feel allah is guiding me in ways i dont understand ..i dont feel guilty i just feel why am i doing this ....i have asked a few muslim people i work with an even a person i met online to teach me to pray properly an help me in other ways ..but because i am australian they dont feel i am being serious about being muslim ..so they have been reluctent..i am not a good person i think ..but i am much better than i have been an with his help an guidence i know i will succeed ..there are many things for me to learn ...please give me your advise ......should i keep trying by myself ..or continue to seek help from other muslims evn though they seem not to want to .

Praise be to Allaah first and last, and thanks be to Him always. He blesses whomsoever He will with guidance, and deprives whomsoever He will of happiness. He saves His slave from misguidance and supports His close friends until the Hour begins.

My dear Muslim brother, congratulations on your being blessed with guidance. We ask Allaah to make you steadfast until death.

It was a great achievement when you decided to embrace Islam and give up the misguidance in which you had grown up and the shirk [association of others with Allaah] which is forbidden. We welcome you as a new brother in Islam and we welcome you as a visitor to this site.

First of all, we would remind you that in this world man passes through great tests and trials, which require him to be patient and steadfast, and to stand firm until death.

“O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord  with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, and you will meet (the results of your deeds which you did)”

[al-Inshiqaaq 84:6 – interpretation of the meaning]

One of the trials with which Allaah tests His slaves is the enjoining of obligations and duties such as prayer, fasting, zakaah, Hajj and other acts of worship, and the things that He forbids them to do such as lying, cheating, adultery, homosexuality and all other forbidden things, so as to see the sincere believer who obeys the commands of Allaah, so that He may admit him to Paradise, and the liar and hypocrite who does not obey Allaah, so that He may send him to Hell.

Try to do your best to learn what Allaah commands, and do it, and what He forbids, and avoid it.

There are many commands, and many prohibitions, and it is impossible to list them or explain them all in one place. But we refer you to what is mentioned in this site of ours of questions that deal with the teachings of Islam, so you can look at it and read what it says, and may Allaah benefit you thereby.

With regard to what you mention in your question about having to learn Arabic, this is true, but you do not have to learn the whole language, rather just what you need for religious purposes. See question no. 6524. The fact that you do not know Arabic does not justify your not praying, because you can learn what you need for prayer in a short period of time, and until you learn it you should still continue to pray regularly on time, and pray according to what you are able to do. “Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope” [al-Baqarah 2:286].

With regard to how to pray, you will find the answer to that on this site, under Question no. 13340. See also 8580, 2427, 11040.

Finally we advise you to look for an Islamic Centre in your city, and to keep company with Muslims who practise their religion. Do not forget to read trustworthy websites, and try to benefit from them as much as you can. We will also be happy to help you and others like you who are looking for things that will benefit them, and we will offer whatever advice we can, so keep in touch with us. May Allaah protect you and take care of you.


Islam considers marriage a basis for the Islamic family, since it develops bonds of love and caring and a secure atmosphere for the growth and progress of the human race. This, in turn, produces a sound society. This is why the Prophet taught us in a narration, that although classified ‘weak’, has a valid and important meaning. He said: "The most detestable of all lawful things in the sight of Allaah is divorce."However, this does not mean that divorce is prohibited. On the contrary, it can sometimes be the best alternative. Divorce is a right for both women and men if their problems cannot be solved. Two French legislators, Planoil and Ripert, have said: "Divorce is a mischief. However, it is a measure that cannot be avoided for the welfare of the community, because it is the only remedy for another harm which may be more dangerous, i.e. murder."

The above statement applies to cases where the husband and wife have lost their love for each other and where harmony in the marriage is over. Indeed, any other alternative will make them unhappy and will affect their children in the long run.

In these cases, Islam advises the couple to try to reconcile their differences in the presence of some immediate relatives belonging to both sides. If they are unable to do so, they are instructed to seek counseling through a third party, such as friends or other relatives. If there is still no solution, then they should seek a solution through a judge.

The judge will advise the couple to be patient and think of the children. However, if the problem remains unsolved, the family life becomes unbearable and the children are affected, then divorce becomes the only alternative, to enable them to have other spouses.

When it is inescapable, divorce is neither harmful to men nor to women. It is also definitely not unjust to women.
First, the couple must seek divorce in an amicable way. They are instructed to separate without hard feelings towards each other. They should keep a minimum of understanding that will secure the children''s situation after the divorce.

The Quran says (what means): "Divorce is twice. Then [after that], either keep [her] in an acceptable manner or release [her] with good treatment. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to keep [within] the limits of Allaah, and then there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by which she ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allaah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allaah -- it is those who are the wrongdoers [i.e. the unjust]." [Quran 2: 229]

In Islam, the woman is not neglected after the divorce. Indeed husbands are instructed to provide housing to the divorced wife until her waiting period is completed, as in the saying of Allaah (which means): "Lodge them (During their waiting period (referring to wives whose divorce has been pronounced) [in a section] of where you dwell out of your means and do not harm them in order to oppress them (so that they would be forced to leave or to ransom themselves). And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth. And if they breastfeed for you, then give them their payment and confer among yourselves in the acceptable way; but if you are in discord, then there may breastfeed for him [i.e. the father] another woman." [Quran: 65:6]

Finally, although it is true that only men are allowed to pronounce divorce, yet a woman has the right to ask for a divorce, which is called ‘Khul’. In this case, she has to return the dowry given by the husband, so that he utters the divorce.


In Islam, one male witness equals two females: The Quran says (what means): "And get two witnesses out of your men. If there are not two men, then a man and two women such as you choose [maybe in place of two men as the witnesses]; so that if one of the women errs, the other one will remind her..." [Quran 2:282]

Here again, many people tend to denounce Islamic principles as unjust to women. They tend to interpret this requirement as proof of men''s superiority over women. Again, this assumption is not true. In fact, various psychological and biological studies conducted on the psyche and hormonal functions of women, have proved that men generally tend to react more rationally and less emotionally, than women.

In cases of crime, for example, torn bodies and pouring blood are more likely to spur an emotional reaction among women than among men. This reaction is alone capable of distorting the female''s perception and/or memory.

On the other hand, men are also bound by rules concerning their testimony. For instance, they must not be parents, friends or enemies of the accused. Can we then conclude that, if it was the case for women, that male parents and friends of the accused must be considered inferior too? Of course, they are not.

Finally, one should note that there are matters where a woman is the only witness required. These are related to areas where women are the experts, for example, in issues of breast feeding, bringing up children and the question of kinship (who is her child''s father).

The Veil

How many times have you seen an educated veiled woman, working and acting normally on television ? Very, very rarely. On the other hand, how many times have you seen a veiled woman being hit by her husband, in tears or fighting and rioting along with fundamentalists?

Just think: What does a black ''Hijaab'' veil evoke in your mind? Certainly not the image it is meant to evoke -- religious commitment and peaceful, deep-rooted faith. How many times have you seen a veiled young girl and said: "Haraam! Poor thing! She has not seen the world yet..." Is all this just a coincidence?

Veiled women today are either associated with alienation or fundamentalism. They are either looked upon with pity or fear. Have people ever asked the question: Where is the woman''s will to surrender to God in this? Where is her choice of protecting her dearest possession, her body?

When Islam ordered women to wear the veil, it did it to privilege her, not constrain her:

The Quran says (what means): "O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw upon them their over-garments. That is more appropriate so that they may be recognized and not molested." [Quran 33: 59]

The above verses show that Islam aims to protect women from being considered sexual objects. It instructs women to uncover their faces in front of their husband, close relatives whom she cannot marry (Mahaarim) and other women. In front of strangers, she must conceal everything but her face and hands.

Why does one need to show a semi-clad woman in a car''s advertisement? Why do we not see a veiled woman? In the first case, because the advertisers are trying to sell the image of the woman with the car. Unconsciously, you buy the car wishing it will provide you with such a "babe." In the second case, the woman has refused to be treated as an object for trade and has worn the veil, a sign of dignity rather than humiliation.

the Muslim upon the Muslim

6 rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim:

Abu Hurayrah (radhiyallaahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,

“The rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim are six.” It was said, “And what are they Oh Messenger of Allaah?” He replied,

1.“When you meet him, give him the greeting of peace,
2.When he invites you, respond to his invitation,
3.When he seeks your advice, advise him,
4.When he sneezes and praises Allaah, supplicate for mercy upon him,
5.When he becomes ills, visit him, and
6.When he dies follow him (i.e. his funeral).”

This hadeeth was reported by Muslim.

Some people love their desires more than they love Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) or His Messenger(صلى الله عليه و سلم) . Consequently, they would follow their desires even when they lead to disobeying Allah(سبحانه و تعالى): "Do you see the one who is taking as his lord his own desires?" (Qur'an 25:43). أَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَ?هَهُ هَوَاهُ أَفَأَنْتَ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِ وَكِيلًا {43}

Therefore, loving Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) and His Messenger(صلى الله عليه و سلم) more than anything is a precondition for tasting the sweetness of faith. It has been narrated in an authentic hadith that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم), said: "There are three qualities whosoever has them will taste the sweetness of Iman: loving Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) and His Messenger(صلى الله عليه و سلم) above all else, loving someone solely for the sake of Allah(سبحانه و تعالى), and hating to return to disbelief after Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) has rescued him from it, as much as he would hate being thrown into Hellfire." (Related by Al-Bukhari). Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) has put two criteria to test whether one's love for Him is more than the love of anything else. The first is the following of the Sunnah of the Prophet(صلى الله عليه و سلم). Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) says: "Say (Muhammad), if you do love Allah, follow me, Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) will love you (in return) and forgive your sins" (Qur'an 3:31). قُلْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ ? وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ {31}Thus, following the Sunnah in all aspects of our lives is absolutely essential.
The second criterion to know if one's love of Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) is more than anything else is through jihad for the sake of Allah(سبحانه و تعالى): "Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives or your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline or the houses in which you delight, are dearer to you than Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) or His Messenger(صلى الله عليه و سلم), or the jihad for Allah(سبحانه و تعالى)'s sake; then wait until Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) brings about his decision; and Allah does not guide the rebellious," (Qur'an 9:24). قُلْ إِنْ كَانَ آبَاؤُكُمْ وَأَبْنَاؤُكُمْ وَإِخْوَانُكُمْ وَأَزْوَاجُكُمْ وَعَشِيرَتُكُمْ وَأَمْوَالٌ اقْتَرَفْتُمُوهَا وَتِجَارَةٌ تَخْشَوْنَ كَسَادَهَا وَمَسَاكِنُ تَرْضَوْنَهَا أَحَبَّ إِلَيْكُمْ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَجِهَادٍ فِي سَبِيلِهِ فَتَرَبَّصُوا حَتَّى? يَأْتِيَ اللَّهُ بِأَمْرِهِ ? وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْفَاسِقِينَ {24}Something men should consider before doing anything stupid:
A woman's heart doesn't belong to the man who breaks it. It belongs to the man who repairs it. :)“When my heart became constricted and my paths became narrow, I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness, as an opening and an escape. My sins seemed very great to me, but when I compared them to Your forgiveness My Lord, I found Your forgiveness to be greater.” [Imam ashShafi’ee, rahimahuAllah]Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ”Three are the signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].CONOCIMIENTO: Cuando un hombre muere no hay recompensa m?s se registra por sus acciones, con tres excepciones: Sadqa, que sigue siendo alimentado, o el conocimiento del que se benefician contin?a siendo cosechado, o las oraciones de un buen hijo para su padre muerto. (Muslim).Oh ALLAH! be with us at every step we take,
Oh ALLAH! guide us in each decision we make,
Oh ALLAH! help us when life gets rough,
Oh ALLAH! bless us with more than enough,
Oh ALLAH! protect us when we fall,
Oh ALLAH! hear us when we call,
Oh ALLAH! sooth our heart when we don't understand,
May we Always be in ALLAH's loving hand.  I looked at all friends, and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience.
Del gasto en aquello que gusta y en lo bueno


Dijo Allah, Alt?simo sea:

“No alcanzaréis la cualidad del virtuoso mientras no gastéis de aquello que os gusta.”
(La familia de Imran /92)

“?Oh creyentes musulmanes! Gastad de lo bueno que hay?is conseguido l?citamente y de lo que he¬mos sacado para vosotros de la tierra. Y no persi¬g?is lo detestable ni gas¬téis de ello.”
(La vaca /267)If we really think about life we surely can see that it is very short...so why waste it with negativity we should strive to do our best, to live in harmony, take care of each other, give to others...you want to be remembered for your kind heart, positive attitude an the will to never give up no matter what situation you had to face...is your life, live it , love it because we only live once....( In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful )

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, informed us about the Negus, the ruler of Abyssinia, on the day he died and he said to us, “Seek forgiveness for your brother.”

علمت قلبى الا اهواك====حتى روحى تاهت معاك
وعقلى خاصمنى من شوقى معاك===لا تسالينى من كان فى حبك وهواك
كم أهواك يا قلمي عندما تكتب رغماً
عني ما لم يستطع أن يبوح به قلبي
على أوراق يسطر عليها مكنون صدري،
بأروع ألحان تعزفها دقات قلبي?.
من نسج كلمات يخرجها عقلي ..
بروعة إحساس لم أحسسه عمرى
كم أهواك يا قلمي عندما تكتب رغماً
عني ما لم يستطع أن يبوح به قلبي
على أوراق يسطر عليها مكنون صدري،
بأروع ألحان تعزفها دقات قلبي?.
من نسج كلمات يخرجها عقلي ..
بروعة إحساس لم أحسسه عمرى
غازلتنى بروحها الجميلة---كانى وليد جنينها
اباحت بجميل احساسها---كانى غريق فى انفاسها
قالت لى بروحى افديك----وبشوقى افديك حنينى
جعلتنى انا وقلبى سعيد---حتى ارتويت شهد نهرها

الجمعة، 30 سبتمبر 2016

 دع الدنيا تبكي من جبروت أبتسامتك! عند الفشــــل عند الرحيـــل عند الشعور بالالـــــــم عند نهايـــــــة كل شــــيء عندما لا تسيــــــر الحياة كما نشـــــــاء عندما تعاندنا الدنيـــــــا عندما لايحالفنا الحــــظ عندما يتخلى
نحن الان فى امس الحاجه الى من ياخذ بيدنا كما اخذنا بايديكم فى الصغر....الندم نحن من نسجن أنفسنا فيه ... الحزن ملئ قلوبنا مرضا من الفقر والحاجه فهيا بنا نقف صفا
لكن حذاري ان ندمر ذاتنا بأحزاننا .. حذاري ان نجعل دمعنا يقلل من شأننا .. وحذاري ان نكتب بأيدينا نهاية قصتنا .. نقف ، نتشجع ،وننسى أحزاننا خلفنا ونبتسم ونقول أصبر


 دع الدنيا تبكي من جبروت أبتسامتك! عند الفشــــل عند الرحيـــل عند الشعور بالالـــــــم عند نهايـــــــة كل شــــيء عندما لا تسيــــــر الحياة كما نشـــــــاء عندما تعاندنا الدنيـــــــا عندما لايحالفنا الحــــظ عندما يتخلى
نحن الان فى امس الحاجه الى من ياخذ بيدنا كما اخذنا بايديكم فى الصغر....الندم نحن من نسجن أنفسنا فيه ... الحزن ملئ قلوبنا مرضا من الفقر والحاجه فهيا بنا نقف صفا
لكن حذاري ان ندمر ذاتنا بأحزاننا .. حذاري ان نجعل دمعنا يقلل من شأننا .. وحذاري ان نكتب بأيدينا نهاية قصتنا .. نقف ، نتشجع ،وننسى أحزاننا خلفنا ونبتسم ونقول أصبر


الرضا شعور انسانى مستلهم من اشياء داخل الانسان
ولة اسبابة الجوهرية التى يتشبع بها الانسان نتيجة قناعات  يمر بها الانسان لتوكيد الذات  والحكم على النتيجة بصورة رضا او تسليم شعورى ىللاخرفى مسالة الحب لا ياتى الرض الا بعد يقين القلب بما يحب
وللرضا فى الحب اسباب
1- قناعة القلب
2-قناعة العقل
3-قناعات الاشباع
4-قناعات السلوك من الاخر

جميل أن نبدأ يومنا
بابتسامة مشرقة تمنحنا ومن حولنا
الاحساس بالرضا والسعادة ..

أجمل ابتسامة هي التي تنبع من
القلب لتلامس قلوب الخلق ، أن
الابتسامة تحدث في ومضة

و يبقى
ذكرها دهرا، و هي المفتاح الذي يفتح
أقسى القلوب و هي العصا السحرية التي
الغضب و تسري عن القلب..
أسعدكم الله وجعل الابتسامة رفيقة
لكم ولنا رفيقة
 حين نـُحرم الرضا نفقد الإحساس بكل شيء
تضيع النيات ، تتبعثر الأطروحات ، وتنهار السامقات .
* حين نـُحرم الرضا....ينتهي كل شيئ
تتمزق الأركان ، وتصفق الأيدي خسارة الدنيا .
* حين نُحرم الرضا .. فطريقنا مسدود ...وسؤالنا مردود.... ونورنا محجوب.... وهمنا مغلوب ...
* حين نـحرم الرضا ... لن نـحصد سوى الحسرة .. وما أشقانا !!.
القلب والروحلا تؤذي قلبك.... و تتسبب في شيخوخته المبكره...ف الحياه لا تحتاج منك غير الرضا...

لرضى1 يقينك انك مخلوقة احسن وابدع الله فى خلفها وجعلها ملكة فى نفسها لا تظهر للاخرين مفاتن زهرتها
2-على يقين ان السعادة فى داخلنا وليس على مظهرنا
3- الجمال مطلوب والمظهر مهم لجزب الفراشات نحو العسل ولاكن بالعقل والفكر نجزب الاخرين
ويكفينا أن نعرف علياء الروح..
وعلياء القلب.. يكفينا أنها تمكث هنا
في أعماق إن النجاح في الحياة يتطلب ذكاء منوعا وينبغي توجيه الفرد من الصغر ومساعدته نحو المجالات التي تتناسب وأوجه التميز لدية لتحقيق الرضا والكفاءة ليشعر بالإشباع النفسي

الروح والنفس.

تزرع فيّنا بعضاً من الحب وكثيراً
من النقاء والصفاء والرضا ...

ولكن عندم
ولا ياتى الرضا بصورة الموافقة بالنسبة للمراة  انما هى يقين بان المحب عذا اصبح شى ضرورى للمراة 


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...