Recently Egypt started the war of retaliation. Yes, it seems they had enough of the insults Muslims had to encounter. For Egypt payback time has come. This means cartoons versus cartoons. Egypt has decided to fight this way with the same weapon the western world is using against us. This is the reply of the Muslim Academy to the world.
Il faut dire que la cohabitation entre la population française et la population musulmane n’est pas très paisible à vivre. En effet après la guerre mondiale de 1914, la France en proie a une main d’œuvre importante et a des hommes pour la question de démographie s’est vu remplir par de nombreux immigrés musulmans en provenance des pays frontaliers.
Buzkashi is the national sport of Afghanistanbut its popularity extends to a number of Central and South Asian countries. People in countries including Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and some Northern areas of Pakistan follow this game with great passion. Every country has its own specific name for this game.
The United States has selflessly provided assistance to Afghanistan for nearly a decade to help it overcome some grave problems. Afghanis are encompassed with miserable circumstances as the Taliban influenced the minds of locals who feel reluctant in coping with rest of the world. Afghanis fail to achieve their goals and aims of their lives since they are oppressed by the extremists.
التاريخ الاسلامى ملئ بالعديد من الشخصيات العظيمة التى تركت لنا بصمتها فى التاريخ الاسلامى. هذه الشخصيات كافحت فى بداية الدعوة الاسلامية و تحملت الكثير من اجل ان نحيا نحن حياة كريمة، لذلك أصبح من الواجب علينا أن نذكر هذ
The different roles and duties that the husband and wife should fulfill are clearly explained in Islam. In Islam, marriage is considered to be an important bond, between two people, that involves equal love, partnership, faithfulness, and love. There are several guidelines that Muslim married couples should follow and this ensures that their
23rd March – Lets’ Revive the Message of Dear QuaidQuaid –e- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was a man of honor in every aspect of life – be it professional or private. It is his relentless struggle and hard work that helped Muslims of the subcontinent to realize the impossible dream of a separate independent homeland for themselves.
The United Kingdom (UK) is a multi-ethnic society which welcomes all individuals from different countries. The UK is consisted of four countries including England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each country has its distinctive customs, traditions, cultures, religious features and various ways of living.