الجمعة، 1 أغسطس 2014

اسلام عالمى

Mothers in Islam A mother is somebody who cannot be replaced by any other person in the world. The status and value that Islam attaches to a mother is unparalleled to any other worldly relation. The best gift awarded by the God to people is the relationship with their mothers, because their love, affection and status cannot be replaced by anything else in the world.
Modesty in Islam The Arabic word “Haya” literally translated into “Modesty” in English identifies that an individual should act and behave in a decent and respectful manner, not just in front of the society but also in his personal affairs. The concept of modesty in Islam comprehensively defines how a person can live a life of decency and stay away from any personal or societal indecency.
Modesty in Islam The Arabic word “Haya” literally translated into “Modesty” in English identifies that an individual should act and behave in a decent and respectful manner, not just in front of the society but also in his personal affairs. The concept of modesty in Islam comprehensively defines how a person can live a life of decency and stay away from any personal or societal indecency.
Bir insan ölünce üç kişi hariç herkesin ameli kesilir: Sadaka-i cariye bırakan veya istifade edilen bir ilim bırakan veya kendine dua edecek salih evlat bırakan.  (Müslim, Vasiyyet 14, (1631)
On Thursday 31st January, a 3 member United Nations panel said private companies should stop working in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories  if their work adversely affected the human rights of Palestinians, and urged that both UN member states and private companies must respect human rights.
Muslim Academy is a platform that has always talked about all the issues. Whatever the scenario is; Muslim Academy has talked about both sides of the issue, showing both sides of the picture. We have talked a lot about Drone attacks and are these attacks right or wrong? We have been debating a lot finding out what people have to say and what they actually feel about the drones.
lawful and prohibited in islam Islam is one of the world’s largest religions and it is continuing to grow very rapidly even today. A decade ago, the reputation of this religion was destroyed by a handful of Muslim extremists who just used Islam as an excuse to spread terrorism around the world. Because of these extremists, Islam became synonymous with terrorism to many people around the world.
Muslims have firm faith in God. If we review history, many Muslim philosophers and thinkers have suggested and acknowledged the actuality of certain elements of the evolution theory, while keeping in mind the preeminence of God.
There was a lot of commotion during December, 2012 that the world will end near the end of the month and that everyone would be wiped out from the universe. Although that prediction did not materialize, many Muslims believe that the end of the world is coming.
Imran Khan ki bharti hui makboleyat Imran Khan (Tsunami khan) dunya e cricket ka wo naam hai jsay kici taruf ki zaroorat nahe.  Pakistan ka 1992 ka World Cup jeetna sirf Imran Khan ki badulat tha.
Two people are being questioned by the police after they found a body of a teenage girl on fire in an alleyway. Sasha Marsden, who was just 16 years old, was found dead and in flames outside a guest house in Blackpool, Lancashire. The staff of the guesthouse tried to extinguish the fire but they were not successful.
Islam is a religion of rights and equality. It offers utmost respect to both men and women. Allah has made man and woman differently, so it would be difficult to try to achieve total gender equality in any case. In Islam, a man is allowed to keep four wives at the same time, but a woman is not allowed to have more than one husband at a time.
Attack on Pakistan Military at Serai Naurang Mulak kay halat es qadar kharab hu chukay hain ka yes saal se jurii umeedain tot’ti dekhia dey raheen hain. Har saal koi na koi naye khushi ya badlaon lata haii. lakin Pakistan mai yeh badlaon acahy honay kay bazaye manfi zyda nazar araha hai.
There was a lot of commotion during December, 2012 that the world will end near the end of the month and that everyone would be wiped out from the universe. Although that prediction did not materialize, many Muslims believe that the end of the world is coming.
There are verses in Qur’an that write about marriage. In one of them, it is stated that Muslim men can marry women of ‘People of the Book’: “Lawful unto you in marriage are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women amongst the People of the Book.” (H.Q. 5:5) But why is it not allowed for Muslim women to marry men of ‘People of the Book’
Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials are trying to crack a deal with the Saudi Arabia officials according to which they will be teaching and providing training on “investigative techniques.” This will definitely help the Saudi Arabia force to come at par with the International investigative teams.
Sara Chaudhry Pakistan’s young and gorgeous model and TV actress left the showbiz after marrying and declaring that appearing in TV dramas and commercials was Haram (forbidden) in Islam. She started her showbiz career under the platform of Famous photographer Khawar Riaz in 2000. In next ten years she touched the sky of fame in showbiz industry.
Islamic history that Muslims mark it on the calendar as “year zero.” The subsequent passing of time is then related to that event. For example, the year 2008 C.E. corresponds to the year 1429 h.
The fundamentals of Islam are presented in a crystal clear manner. Islam is a religion of altruism, encouraging the sentiments of love and benevolence. Devotion of Muslims is to be directed towards Almighty Allah, who they believe is the creator of this world and encompasses all the mercy. As Muslims ,we ought to follow the teachings of Islam if we want to live a happy and benevolent life. Islam has not prescribed a particular day of each year to spread the notion of love. In the Holy Quran
Football is one of the most competitive sports in the United States. It is a great game that has to do with a combination of physical play and strategy between the two teams. The main goal of football is to try to make as many points as possible by hitting the ball in the goal of the opposite team. The rule of the game is to carry the ball by running and passing it to another teammate and try to score a goal. At the end of the game, the winning team is the one that is able to acquire the most go
The recent development of the music industry has raised various questions, especially in the minds of Muslims. The increasing popularity of music is affecting Muslims in the modern day world. Muslims are curious to know about the stance of Islam on music and whether it allows or prohibits its followers to listen to songs.
Objectification of women is not a natural phenomenon. It has its roots based in centuries of social programming by religions, arrogant tyrants and self-appointed upper class men who teach others that women are objects. At the same time, those same groups of people taught women that their bodies were designed by nature purely to attract males.
Islam is the second largest religion in India after Hinduism in terms of followers, with nearly 151 million Muslims living in the country i.e. 13.4 percent of the total population of India. Islam first made its away to India hundreds of years ago during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad. It made immediate impact in the region, and people began developing mosques and religious institutes as early as the 7th century C.E. Soon after, Islam was finally rooted into the culture, civilization and societ
More so than ever before, the roles carried out by Islamic women in society are becoming more diverse and challenging. In the past, the way a Muslim woman dressed would be seen as a potential barrier to integration and to fully participating in society. As attitudes have modernised, so too have styles of dress that can be worn by women with multiple roles to carry out, from mother and wife to office worker and saleswoman. The great thing about the evolution of Islamic dress is that it continues
More so than ever before, the roles carried out by Islamic women in society are becoming more diverse and challenging. In the past, the way a Muslim woman dressed would be seen as a potential barrier to integration and to fully participating in society. As attitudes have modernised, so too have styles of dress that can be worn by women with multiple roles to carry out, from mother and wife to office worker and saleswoman. The great thing about the evolution of Islamic dress is that it continues
More so than ever before, the roles carried out by Islamic women in society are becoming more diverse and challenging. In the past, the way a Muslim woman dressed would be seen as a potential barrier to integration and to fully participating in society. As attitudes have modernised, so too have styles of dress that can be worn by women with multiple roles to carry out, from mother and wife to office worker and saleswoman. The great thing about the evolution of Islamic dress is that it continues
Traveling to America for Muslims If you enjoy traveling abroad and want to find some country-specific travel information that you can rely on, you should pay a visit to the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs. On this website, you can find recent embassy notices for American citizens about virtually every country in the world. The information made available on their website includes travel warnings, country descriptions, criminal penalties and entry/exit requirements.
Traveling to America for Muslims If you enjoy traveling abroad and want to find some country-specific travel information that you can rely on, you should pay a visit to the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs. On this website, you can find recent embassy notices for American citizens about virtually every country in the world. The information made available on their website includes travel warnings, country descriptions, criminal penalties and entry/exit requirements.
Chief of Tehrik-e-Minhajul Quran Tahirul Qadri  began his journey to finally hit the metropolis of Pakistan, Islamabad. He, along with thousands of supporters, are all high spirited to sweep the current government off their feet and bring on a revolutionary change. Chief of Tehrik-e-Minhajul Quran
Imran Khan, a cricketer turned politician, has emerged as a new hope for the people of Pakistan who were in dire need of an alternate leadership after having witnessed the already existing political parties and political leadership. Apart from being a politician, he is also the Chancellor of Bradford University, a cricket commentator and Chairman of the Board of Governors of Shoukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital.
Cricket was once known as the game of the gentlemen but with the passage of time it became a game of entertainment. IPL (Indian Premier League) has played a major role in tarnishing the role of cricket because since the start of IPL cricket has become a game of money and limelight. Now everyone tries his best to come under the limelight because it is something which brings you money and fame from across the world.


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