الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2013

ناس زبالة سياسية

الاخوان تتأمر مع تركيا علي مصر
ومع قطر علي مصر 
وعلي الجيش المصري بالذات
الاخوان وتركيا وقطر في سله زباله واحده 
يجب المقاطعه وقطع العلاقات مع هذه الدول
ان لم يفعل ذك الببلاوي فالي الجحيم وهو وحكومته

مكتب الشر الامريكى2

الاحداث التي يمر بها الشرق الاوسط وخصوصا بعد 30\6 اربكت الاداره الامريكيه فقد اجبرتها علي تغيير الاستراتيجيه وعلي هذا الاساس بدت امريكا للتساهل مع ايران الحليف القديم من ايام الشاه وذلك لعمل حلف ايراني تركي واسرائيلي علي غرار حلف بغداد في الخمسينات والذي قوضه عبد الناصر وهذا التغيير وهذا التفكير هو وليد المواقف التي افرزتها الثوره المصريه 
وعليه فان لجوء مصر الي روسيا هو التصرف الطبيعي والتصرف الصح في هذا الوقت بالذات وبالتالي يجب علي مصر ان تقوي اقتصاديا وعسكريا حتي تستطيع التصدي للموقف الجديد وتباعيته وان تشرك معها الدول العربيه جميعا حتي لاتعصف بنا المؤامره الامريكيه التي هي هذه المره اقوي من سايكس بيكو بكثير


الإشتراكيون الثوريون و 6 إبريل و الألتراس أخطر علي البلد من الإخوان ، شوية أوباش ساعدوا الإخوان في الوصول للحكم و بيحاولوا يرجعوهم مرة تانية و بيعيدوا نفس السيناريو الغبي .بيدعوا كذبا إنهم شاركوا في ثورة 30 يونيو رغم إنهم كانوا مختفيين تماما الفترة اللي فاتت ...و ظهروا بس لما الفوضي و البلطجة الإخوانية في الشارع و الجامعات إنتشرت لإن هي دي شغلتهم اللي ما يعرفوش غيرها.... ... هما بالظبط حمار طروادة الإخواني للوصول للحكم...

السبت، 14 ديسمبر 2013


ملفوظات مهمه جدا جدا ...... • الهداية نور يقذفه الله في قلب العبد على حسب الطلب والتضحية والمجاهدة. • الله عز وجل يحيي هذا الجهد بالناس كما يحيي الله الأرض بالماء. • بترك الجهد للدين, تكون الأمة في الذلة ( إذا تبايعتم بالعينة .......). • كم تلونا الآية (إِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَاجِكُمْ وَأَوْلادِكُمْ عَدُوًّا لَكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُمْ) ولكن ما فهمنا. • على قدر الافتقار والاحتياج يكون العطاء من الله. • القلب السليم هو الذي فيه اليقين على قدرة الله. • بترك الدعوة تكون الخسارة فيخرج الدين من حياة المسلمين ويكون الرعب فيهم وتكون القوة بيد أهل الباطل. • ربينا أولادنا على حب المال و المنصب كأننا نقول لهم كونوا مثل قارون وفرعون من دون ما ندري. • الذي يحس أنه مسئول عن الدين فهو لا يسكت. • جئنا للدنيا لتكميل المسئولية فنسينا المسئولية وتسابقنا للترقي في الماديات والكماليات. • الله سبحانه وتعالى أعطانا الأسباب الدنيوية لتكميل المسئولية تجاه الدين (ألهاكم التكاثر).هل انت مهموم. ........ هل انت حزين............. هل انت قلق................. هل انت تخاف من الرزق........... هل انت تخاف من الموت............. هل انت مخنوق............... (( جربت تقول أذكار الصباح والمساء )) ما من عبد يذكر الله صباحا ومساء الا وقد ازيل همه وفك كربه وانشرح صدره واطمئن قلبه وذهبت كل المخاوف استعن بالله واطلب منه ان يعينك لكي تذكره


Islam comes from the root word “sa-la-ma”, as do the words Muslim (one who follows the message of Islam) and “salaam” (peace).  The root word “Sa - la – ma”  denotes peace, security, safety as it does submission and surrender to Almighty God.  This security is inherent in the submission to the One God.  When a person submits to the will of God he will experience an innate sense of security and peacefulness.  He must also understand   that God is the Creator of all that exists or will come to exist, and has power over all things.  With this surrender and understanding comes peace – real, easily attainable, and everlasting peace.
From the beginning of time, God has revealed Himself through Prophets and Messengers, who have come with one message.  Worship God, without partners, without offspring and without intermediaries.  The rules and laws were sometimes different, because they were applicable for the people of a particular time or place, but the creed of each Messenger was the same.  Worship Me, and your reward will be contentment in this life and in the hereafter.  When Prophet Muhammad came, in the 7th century, BCE, his message was slightly different.  He called to the worship of the One God, but his call was for all of humankind.  The message was now complete and revealed for all places, and in all times.
Islam was completed for the benefit of all who will exist, until the final Day of Judgement.  It is not a religion belonging to the Arabs, although Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, was an Arab, nor is it a religion for the Asian countries or the third world.  Muslims exist in all continents and come from all races and ethnicities.  There are Muslims in New York, Sydney, Cape Town and Berlin as well as Cairo, Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.  Muslims are as diverse as this magnificent planet.  Islam is also not a religion that accepts part time or halfhearted commitment.  Islam is a way of life; Islam is a holistic way of life.
When God created the world He did not abandon it to instability and insecurity, quite the contrary, He sent guidance.  He sent a rope, firm and steady, and by holding tightly to this rope an insignificant human being can achieve greatness and eternal peace.  A Muslim strives to obey God’s commandments and does so by following God’s guide to life - the Quran, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad.
The Quran is a book of guidance and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad explain and in some cases expand on that guidance.  Islam, as a complete way of life, stresses the importance of maintaining good health and offers the ways and the means to cope with ill health.  The Quran is a book of wisdom.  It is a book full of the wonder and glory of God, and a testament to His mercy and justice.
Through His infinite mercy, God has provided us with a holistic approach to life, one that covers all aspects, spiritual, emotional and physical.  When God created humankind, He did so for one purpose – to worship Him.
“And I (God) created not the jinn and humankind, except to worship Me (Alone).” (Quran 51:56)
The comprehensiveness of Islam allows every aspect of life, from sleeping and washing, to praying and working, to be an act of worship.  One who is truly submitted to God is grateful for the countless blessings in his or her life and wants to thank and praise God for His generosity, kindness and mercy.  Prophet Muhammad explained that we should be thankful to God in every situation, whether we perceive it to be good or bad.  The reality is that God is just, therefore, whatever situation a believer finds himself in, he knows there is goodness and wisdom embedded in it.
“Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer!  They are all for his benefit.  If he is granted ease then he is thankful, and this is good for him.  And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres, and this is good for him.” (Muslim)
The life of this world is not stable.  Every person goes through stages and phases; happiness is followed by sadness and then relief or joy, ones’ faith is strong and unconquerable, and seemingly, for no reason it plummets, next, by the will of God it slowly rises again.  Periods of great fitness and health are followed by injury or, sickness, but with each twinge of pain or suffering a true believer feels some of his sins fall away.
“Whenever a Muslim is afflicted by harm from sickness or other matters, God will expiate his sins, like leaves drop from a tree.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Islam teaches us to be concerned, about the whole person.  Following the guidance and commandments of God allows us to face illness and injury with patience.  Complaining and bemoaning our situation will achieve nothing but more pain and suffering.  Our bodies and minds have been given to us as a trust, and we are responsible for them.  The guidance of God covers every aspect of life and there are specific ways of dealing with health issues, which we will begin to explore in the next article.

What Islam Says About Children

     One of the most important obligations in Islam is for parents to love and nurture their children.  Children have the right to be protected, and the right to learn how to worship and obey God.  As previously discussed children’s rights come into play even before their conception and birth and God warns humankind to protect themselves and their families from the torment of the fire.
“O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) …” (Quran 66:6)
The birth of a child, male or female, is a cause for great celebration.  In Islam there is certain etiquette involved in welcoming the child into the family and community.  There are a number of  recommended rituals from the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, that are to be done that ensure the newborn is received properly by the Muslim society.  However, the absence of any or all of these recommended actions does not negate any children’s rights in Islam. 
It is recommended that the parents or caregivers do tahneek and pray for the newborn child.  Tahneek means putting something sweet such as dates or honey into the child’s mouth.  One of Prophet Muhammad’s companions, Abu Musa, may God be pleased with him, said, “I had a baby boy and I brought him to the Prophet.  He named him Ibrahem, did tahneek with a date and prayed for God to bless him, then he gave him back to me.”[1]
Noted Islamic scholar Imam an Nawawi said that it is recommended to dotahneek with dates for the child when he is born; if that is not possible then to use some similar kind of sweet. The date should be chewed until it becomes soft enough for the baby to suck on it with ease. 
The words of the call to prayer are often recited softly into the new born baby’s right ear soon after birth.  The first thing the child hears in this world, are the words of submission to One God.  It was reported that one of Prophet Muhammad’s companions saw him say the call to prayer in the right ear of one of his newborn grandsons.[2]  The newborn child is entitled to a good name.  Names are important; a person’s name conveys meaning and becomes a symbol of that person.  It is recommended that the child be named on the seventh day after his or her birth, however Islamic scholar Ibn al Qayyim said the matter was “wide in scope” and that it was permissible to name the child after birth,  or on the seventh day or at any time before or after those days.[3]
 It is usual for the father to name the child however scholars recommend that parents choose the name together.  More important is that the child should be given a good name, such as ‘Abd-Allah or ‘Abd al-Rahmaan. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said  “The most beloved of your names to God are ‘Abd-Allaah (slave of God) and ‘Abd al-Rahmaan. (slave of the Most Merciful)”[4]  It is also recommended that the child be named after Prophets, or righteous predecessors.  Prophet Muhammad named his own son Ibrahim after Prophet Ibrahim.  He said,  “A child was born to me last night and I called him by the name of my father Ibrahim.”[5]
It is forbidden to use names that belong only to God, such as al-Khaaliq (the Creator) and al-Quddoos (the Most Holy), or names which are not befitting for anyone other than God, such as Malik al-Mulook (King of Kings).  It is also forbidden to use names that imply enslavement to any one or anything but God, such as ‘Abd al-‘Uzza (slave of al-Uzza – a pagan goddess), Abd al-Kabah (slave of the Kabah), Abd al-Daar (slave of the House).
It is disliked  to use names that have bad or distasteful meanings, or which sound odd, or would cause others to mock a person, or cause him embarrassment.  It is also better not to use names that are associated with sinners or tyrants.  Some scholars also dislike naming children after angels or the names of chapters of Quran. Names have meanings and implied meanings and these meanings will have an effect on the child for good or for bad.  Parents must take great care when choosing an appropriate name for their newborn child.
In Islam it is recommended that parents observe the birth of a child with an offering known as the aqeeqah. When a child is born it is commonplace for the family to slaughter one or two sheep and to invite relatives and neighbours to a meal, in order to allow the community to share in the happy event.  
 Although an aqeeqah is not obligatory it does contain many benefits.  Ibn al-Qayyim, said that the aqeeqah is a sacrifice by means of which the child is brought close to God soon after he comes into this world, it is a sacrifice by which the newborn is ransomed just as God ransomed Ismael with the ram[6] and it is the gathering of relatives and friends for the Waleemah (feast).
One of the rituals pertaining to newborn children and part of the rights due to children is circumcision. It is obligatory for baby boys to be circumcised.  Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said that five things are part of the inherent nature of people.  They are circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hair, cutting the nails, and trimming the moustache.[7]  These things are related to purity and essential conditions of prayer and imply complete submission to the will of God.
It is from the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad that the new born child’s hair be shaved and that the weight of the hair be given in gold or silver to charity[8].  It is sufficient to estimate the weight and give the equivalent  amount in currency.
Welcoming the newborn child into the family and community is more than a celebration; the rights and rituals performed serve to remind believers that children in Islam have rights.  Whether the parents are alive or deceased, present or absent, known or unknown the child is entitled to be cared for and raised in security, surrounded by God’s love and laws.  Next week we will discover and explore the rights of children as they grow into adulthood.

الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2013


The religious teachings in relation to instinct, Kaalom the universe and of life for the mind, as the widening horizons of human thought, and ratify the provisions of this science, so common cleared and shines, and know the way of majority, the teachings of religion.
It is therefore imperative to carry out the costs that God decrees to ensure the safety of humanitarian objectives.
The Almighty said: (and recognizes his face to God by al-Bukhaari the most trustworthy handhold, and to God the consequence of things)
He said: (One of the best who have the safest and the face of God, a improved and follow the religion of Abraham the upright)
What do you think?? ..
The Koran is a religion out of instinct to the first prophecy.
And so we said: Islam is a new address for an old truth.
That Muhammad peace be upon him came Banja not collapsing ..
He was certified or for those before him, not a war against them, nor them ...
Islam is the religion and human nature that must transcend them, and to meet them. The backbone of this unit common to the different times and places are common.
For .. The common sense is the religion of God.
The instinct is not something new in humans, it is a healthy heart, and think properly .. Only. And the validity of one's present life or to eternal life is not only in this safety.
Perhaps, I found people belong to a religion, and show them without the input and insignia, but the diseased hearts, thoughts and dysfunctional Vthag that these are far from religion as much as in the hearts and thoughts from the malaise of the bug.
The house is said about him: that he is healthy, if well painted walls and collapsed!!
And one can not be described as religious if the nature of the heart and mental health had corrupted the whims and superstitions.
Religious basis of the first real truth of these devices and the moral innocence of every distortion and fabricating the Almighty said: (exacerbated your face upright for religion, bestowed by God that has created in mankind, do not switch to create, that's religion, but most people do not know).
. Hitler's Mein Kampf:
It's very rare to be the author of the theories leader at the same time qualities, but had met Muhammad in a social and military commander

John and William in the history book intellectual development:
Mohammed had the greatest impact on manki


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...