الثلاثاء، 22 فبراير 2011
الاثنين، 21 فبراير 2011
الثلاثاء، 15 فبراير 2011
انت واهم مبارك راح وخد الهم وراح
ولا لسة فاكر فى وطنى براح
للظالم وقافل البلد بمفتاح
ولا لسة نايم ومطغطى ومرتاح
اسح وفوق الثورة زاحت كل محتال
وطهرت ارضها من كل سفاح
سرق جيل وكسر قلب حزين
خلى بالك الظلم تكسرة يد حديد
وقلوب الشباب ثورةمن حديد
شهد لنا العدو والحبيب
اسح وفوق دة الفجر حان وقتى
والشمش هلت على مصر ورد وراحين
على خدود الصبايا وعيون الفلاحين
ياهل مصر فتحوا عنيكم لكل عصر
شبابك نوورا كل ارض مصر
وجيشك حمى كى من كل لص
ونيلكك سمى وهنا الف عصر
وهواكى اصبح جميل على ضف النيل
وحبك غطى كل قلب حزين
تسلمى يا مصر من كل حاقد ليم
تسلمى يا ام الشباب ا الطيبين
ولا لسة فاكر فى وطنى براح
للظالم وقافل البلد بمفتاح
ولا لسة نايم ومطغطى ومرتاح
اسح وفوق الثورة زاحت كل محتال
وطهرت ارضها من كل سفاح
سرق جيل وكسر قلب حزين
خلى بالك الظلم تكسرة يد حديد
وقلوب الشباب ثورةمن حديد
شهد لنا العدو والحبيب
اسح وفوق دة الفجر حان وقتى
والشمش هلت على مصر ورد وراحين
على خدود الصبايا وعيون الفلاحين
ياهل مصر فتحوا عنيكم لكل عصر
شبابك نوورا كل ارض مصر
وجيشك حمى كى من كل لص
ونيلكك سمى وهنا الف عصر
وهواكى اصبح جميل على ضف النيل
وحبك غطى كل قلب حزين
تسلمى يا مصر من كل حاقد ليم
تسلمى يا ام الشباب ا الطيبين
الأربعاء، 12 يناير 2011
لا ثم لاتكون مصدر متاعب للاخرين
عفوا... لا ترقص على جروح الآخرين
يا من أنعم الله عليه بنعمة الوظيفة...
لا تجلس في مجلس به عاطل عن العمل أو موظف براتب منخفض
ولاتتحدث عن مشاريعك الاستثمارية والعقارية ورحلاتك الصيفية
ولكن إذا كان ولابد فقل ( ولست كاذباً في ذلك ) :
الأرزاق بيد الله وبركة المال في الكيف لا في الكم
وكم من صاحب أموال لا يجد السعادة ولا يذوق طعمها
فالجرح يزيد.. ولا يحتمل المزيد
يا من انعم الله عليها بنعمة الامومه...
في مجلس به امرأة حرمها الله نعمة الحمل والإنجاب
لاتتحدثي عن أطفالك وجمالهم وبراءتهم وسعادتك بتربيتهم
ولكن إذا كان ولابد فقولي ( ولستِ كاذبة في ذلك ) :
الأطــفــال والأبناء مـسـؤولــيــة كــبــيـرة وخـطـيـرة
وبقدومهم قد تـقـل الرومانسية والخصوصية بين الزوجين
فالجرح يزيد.. ولا يحتمل المزيد
يا من أنعم الله عليه بنعمة الشهادات العلمية...
في مجلس به شخص لم تسعفه الظروف لمواصلة تعليمه
لاتتحدث عن مؤهلاتك العلمية وثقافتك الواسعة ودرجاتك العلمية
ولكن إذا كان ولابد فقل ( ولست كاذباً في ذلك ) :
الـعـلـم لـيـس بـالـشـهـادات والـدرجـات والجامعات
وكم من عالم جليل وقدير تفوق وهو لا يقرأ ولا يكتب.
فالجرح يزيد.. ولا يحتمل المزيد
يا من أنعم الله عليهم بنعمة الوالدين...
في مجلس به أُناس فقدوا أحد والديهم أو كليهما
لاتتحدثوا عن حنان وعطايا وهبات أمهاتكم أو آبآئكم لكم
ولكن إذا كان ولابد فقولوا ( ولستم كاذبين في ذلك ) :
فقدان الوالدين قد يزيد من سرعة النضج وقوة الشخصية
وقد يكسب الشخص خبرات وقد رات عالية في تحمل المسؤوليات والمهام.
فالجرح يزيد.. ولا يحتمل المزيد
يا من أنعم الله عليه :
بالسمع.. بالبصر.. بالكلام ...باللمس...
بأي نعمة ملموسة أو لا...
بأي نعمة يفتقدها غيرك...
تذكر أن:
الله هو ولي النعم.
التضامن مع الناس شئ جميل.
جرح المشاعر بقصد او بدون قصد شئ مخزي ومهين.
لا ترقص فوق جراح الآخرين
وتذكر انك حين ترقص فوق جراحهم فإنها تزيد وتزيد
وأنك بجهلك تقتلهم
لأنّ جراحهم للأسف.. لا تــحـــتـمـل المـزٍيـد
أجمل 38 جملة !!
إذا لم تعلم أين تذهب , فكل الطرق تفي بالغرض
يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك , فابتسم
)يظل الرجل طفلاً , حتى تموت أمه , فإذا ماتت ، شاخ فجأة (
عندما تحب عدوك , يحس بتفاهته
إذا طعنت من الخلف , فاعلم أنك في المقدمة
الكلام اللين يغلب الحق البين
كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم
لا تتحدى إنساناً ليس لديه ما يخسره
العين التي لا تبكي , لا تبصر في الواقع شيئاً
المهزوم إذا ابتسم , افقد المنتصر لذة الفوز
لا خير في يمنى بغير يسار
الجزع عند المصيبة , مصيبة أخرى
الابتسامة كلمة معروفه من غير حروف
اعمل على أن يحبك الناس عندما تغادر منصبك , كما يحبونك عندما تتسلمه لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك , فقد اختارتك أولا
لن تستطيع أن تمنع طيور الهم أن تحلق فوق رأسك
و لكنك تستطيع أن تمنعها أن تعشش في رأسك
تصادق مع الذئاب ... على أن يكون فأسك مستعداً
ذوو النفوس الدنيئة , يجدون اللذة في التفتيش عن أخطاء العظماء
إنك تخطو نحو الشيخوخة يوماً مقابل كل دقيقة من الغضب
كن صديقاً , ولا تطمع أن يكون لك صديق
إن بعض القول فن .. فاجعل الإصغاء فناً
الذي يولد يزحف , لا يستطيع أن يطير
اللسان الطويل دلالة على اليد القصيرة
نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب . ولو عاد لكرهناه
من العظماء من يشعر المرء بحضرته أنه صغير
ولكن العظيم بحق هو من يُشعر الجميع في حضرته بأنهم عظماء
من يطارد عصفورين يفقدهما
المرأة هي نصف المجتمع وهي التي تلد و تربي النصف الآخر
كلما ارتفع الإنسان , تكاثفت حوله الغيوم والمحن
لا تجادل الأحمق , فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما
الفشل في التخطيط يقود إلى التخطيط للفشل
قد يجد الجبان 36 حلاً لمشكلته ولكن لا يعجبه سوى حل واحد
منها وهو الفرار
شق طريقك بابتسامتك خير لك من أن تشقها بسيفك
من أطاع الواشي ضيَع الصديق
أن تكون فرداً في جماعة الأسود خير لك من أن تكون قائداً للنعام
لا تستحِ من إعطاء القليل فإن الحرمان اقل منه
Islam is the first God message
The Whole Truth About Islam And Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
What Islam Says About Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) ? Why So Many Religions ?? Any Difference ?? Am I in the Right Way ??
Those Are the Main Questions to Find The Main Truth in This Life ...
What’s Islam??
Islam is the first God message (begins with Abraham peace be upon him) and last one (completed by Mohammed peace be upon him) from God to all the humanity (Poor and Rich, Arabe and no Arabe, Strong or Weak, Black or White…), Islam has the same message as the all other religions from God (Jewish, Christianity), it came to correct people believes which is changed during the time by humans which they was supposed to protect it, but the holy book of Islam (Quoran) didn’t change, it’s like it’s received by Mohammed (peace be upon him) from God first time before more than 1400 years, and God promised that it will stay correct like it is and he will protect it until the end of world.
What’re religions given from God??
Like we know there are three religions given by God, from older to newer:
0. Believing on one God : religion before was just to believe on one God and so many basic social rules, because life at the beginning was very simple, later religion will be developed to go on with the humanity development.
1. Islam given from God to Abraham (peace be upon him) the father of (Jews, Christians, Muslims).
2. Jewish (Messengers of this religion are so much the most important who bring the holy book for Jews is Moussa (peace be upon him)).
3. Christianity by the Messenger Jesus or Aissa on Arabic (peace be upon him).
4. Islam given from God to Mohammed (peace be upon him) as last message and complete religion.
What are the Islam’s believes??
Muslims believe like it should be on all other religions before to change them:
- That there’s one God
- That God has no father no sun, and he create the whole world
- That Moussa and Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) are just messengers from God
- Muslims believes and respect all the messengers before Islam
- That there will be the end of world and God will ask everyone about what he did during his life
- We should not make any difference between what all other messengers gave from God
Why there are three religions from God ??!!
First thing names are not interesting because all religions gave the same message (without any derivation or changing by humans) : which are God is one, God create everything, these life is a test and there’s a hell(for who doesn’t believe on God and hurt people…) and paradise(for who believe on God and, I say and he is good he is doing good for him and for his environment).
The story of human beings creation is the same on all the religions given from God, since the creation of our first father Adam (peace be upon him) and our first mother, therefore they come to the earth after they exit from paradise because they didn’t respect God orders and they listened to the Satan, on the earth they have a lot of generation of humans which them believes are changing and becoming false so every time they forgot them God, for that God sent messengers to guide them and to correct them believes, ago religion had no name messengers just come to teach people that there’s one God, and what God authorize and what’s denied, first religion came with Abraham(peace be upon him) the father of (Jews, Christians, Muslims) which is the origin Islam, and every time a new religion came to correct believes and what humans changed on them religion, Jewish and after Christianity until Islam came which is the last message and the end of miracles hood, before the end of world…
Islam and Terrorism any relationship!!??
1- On Islam it’s forbidden to kill people, Islam is religion of mercy as it’s something from the merciful God, it’s forbidden to hit and to hurt, so what to say about to kill a lot of people!!!, and in Quoran a very meaningful description was given which the idea is:
“Who killed a soul, is like he killed all the humanity, and who saved a soul, is like he saved all the humanity”
2- Not all Muslims are representing Islam there are good Muslims like there are a bad Muslims which they are Muslims just by nationality.
3- Terrorism has no religion; it’s a human comportment not God orders…
4- Terrorists have political views and they are not defending Islam like they say, but they are fighting for them personal goals, Islam is protected by God until the end of this world.
5- Terrorism is a political definition given to Islam.
Who is Jesus in Islam ??
In Quoran there’s a whole part named by the name of Jesus Mother “Marry(peace be upon them both)” which give a the whole truth about them, this is a youtube link for this part with English translation : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5aIi3OqOJU
Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of Allah's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.
No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Quran is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation. The Quran describes Jesus' birth as follows:
"Behold!' the Angel said, God has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations."
[Noble Quran 3:42]
"Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and he shall be of the righteous. She said: "My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: "Even so; God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, 'Be!' and it is."
[Noble Quran 3:45-47]
Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother.
"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was."
[Noble Quran 3:59]
During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles. The Quran tells us that he said:
"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by God's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by God's leave."
[Noble Quran 3:49]
Muhammad and Jesus, as well as the other prophets, were sent to confirm the belief in one God. This is referred to in the Quran where Jesus is reported as saying that he came:
"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me."
[Noble Quran 3:50]
Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of Jesus by saying: "Whoever believes there is no god but Allah, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is a servant and messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven.
The Whole Truth About Islam And Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
What Islam Says About Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) ? Why So Many Religions ?? Any Difference ?? Am I in the Right Way ??
Those Are the Main Questions to Find The Main Truth in This Life ...
What’s Islam??
Islam is the first God message (begins with Abraham peace be upon him) and last one (completed by Mohammed peace be upon him) from God to all the humanity (Poor and Rich, Arabe and no Arabe, Strong or Weak, Black or White…), Islam has the same message as the all other religions from God (Jewish, Christianity), it came to correct people believes which is changed during the time by humans which they was supposed to protect it, but the holy book of Islam (Quoran) didn’t change, it’s like it’s received by Mohammed (peace be upon him) from God first time before more than 1400 years, and God promised that it will stay correct like it is and he will protect it until the end of world.
What’re religions given from God??
Like we know there are three religions given by God, from older to newer:
0. Believing on one God : religion before was just to believe on one God and so many basic social rules, because life at the beginning was very simple, later religion will be developed to go on with the humanity development.
1. Islam given from God to Abraham (peace be upon him) the father of (Jews, Christians, Muslims).
2. Jewish (Messengers of this religion are so much the most important who bring the holy book for Jews is Moussa (peace be upon him)).
3. Christianity by the Messenger Jesus or Aissa on Arabic (peace be upon him).
4. Islam given from God to Mohammed (peace be upon him) as last message and complete religion.
What are the Islam’s believes??
Muslims believe like it should be on all other religions before to change them:
- That there’s one God
- That God has no father no sun, and he create the whole world
- That Moussa and Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) are just messengers from God
- Muslims believes and respect all the messengers before Islam
- That there will be the end of world and God will ask everyone about what he did during his life
- We should not make any difference between what all other messengers gave from God
Why there are three religions from God ??!!
First thing names are not interesting because all religions gave the same message (without any derivation or changing by humans) : which are God is one, God create everything, these life is a test and there’s a hell(for who doesn’t believe on God and hurt people…) and paradise(for who believe on God and, I say and he is good he is doing good for him and for his environment).
The story of human beings creation is the same on all the religions given from God, since the creation of our first father Adam (peace be upon him) and our first mother, therefore they come to the earth after they exit from paradise because they didn’t respect God orders and they listened to the Satan, on the earth they have a lot of generation of humans which them believes are changing and becoming false so every time they forgot them God, for that God sent messengers to guide them and to correct them believes, ago religion had no name messengers just come to teach people that there’s one God, and what God authorize and what’s denied, first religion came with Abraham(peace be upon him) the father of (Jews, Christians, Muslims) which is the origin Islam, and every time a new religion came to correct believes and what humans changed on them religion, Jewish and after Christianity until Islam came which is the last message and the end of miracles hood, before the end of world…
Islam and Terrorism any relationship!!??
1- On Islam it’s forbidden to kill people, Islam is religion of mercy as it’s something from the merciful God, it’s forbidden to hit and to hurt, so what to say about to kill a lot of people!!!, and in Quoran a very meaningful description was given which the idea is:
“Who killed a soul, is like he killed all the humanity, and who saved a soul, is like he saved all the humanity”
2- Not all Muslims are representing Islam there are good Muslims like there are a bad Muslims which they are Muslims just by nationality.
3- Terrorism has no religion; it’s a human comportment not God orders…
4- Terrorists have political views and they are not defending Islam like they say, but they are fighting for them personal goals, Islam is protected by God until the end of this world.
5- Terrorism is a political definition given to Islam.
Who is Jesus in Islam ??
In Quoran there’s a whole part named by the name of Jesus Mother “Marry(peace be upon them both)” which give a the whole truth about them, this is a youtube link for this part with English translation : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5aIi3OqOJU
Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of Allah's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.
No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Quran is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation. The Quran describes Jesus' birth as follows:
"Behold!' the Angel said, God has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations."
[Noble Quran 3:42]
"Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and he shall be of the righteous. She said: "My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: "Even so; God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, 'Be!' and it is."
[Noble Quran 3:45-47]
Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother.
"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was."
[Noble Quran 3:59]
During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles. The Quran tells us that he said:
"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by God's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by God's leave."
[Noble Quran 3:49]
Muhammad and Jesus, as well as the other prophets, were sent to confirm the belief in one God. This is referred to in the Quran where Jesus is reported as saying that he came:
"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me."
[Noble Quran 3:50]
Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of Jesus by saying: "Whoever believes there is no god but Allah, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is a servant and messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven.
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