العقول لكبيرة تبحث عن الأفكار..والعقول المتفتحة
تناقش الأحداث..والعقول الصغيرة تتطفل على شؤون الناس
Sometimes in the bustle of life .. Central concerns and grief .. Amid the groans that stifle Abra .. Central wounds and pain .. The middle ages and severity of days .. Full of wounds .. And try to stifle Abra .. Then we need one of us to heal these wounds And grief .. Then we feel a desire to break under Pain .. Try it ourselves .. We can not .. ! And others help us .. They are not ... Closed doors .. No one appreciates .. No one can .. Left .. One section you insured Hey, one door unlocked .. One section of the inspired O One section you Her grief .. The door is not closed .. However .. Owner of the King .. However, Allah is my Lord and your Lord .. However, the Lord of all my love .. However .. God .. Appointed .. However, we draw from it ... However, guided us to the path of certainty In God's hands .. Do you hear? Do you feel? Do you understand? Did you know? In God's hands .. However, the creator .. However, Latif .. However, my love of him .. However, Allah is my Lord creators .. As ever felt .. This life .. Entire To our woes .. That our concerns That our grief .. All .. Yes, all .. Undiminished never .. All .. Just .. For the moment .. Sense about ... All sense of sincere Each pulse of the artery blood .. Everything that is happening from God .. This means that our woes .. And excitement .. In God's hands .. Authorization of a heal grief And eliminated .. And erase Only God ... It is my God .. Which alone can To alter all my concerns and your concerns, All my wounds and Jrokm .. All my grief and grief To joy and happiness Whenever he wants .. And however he wants ..! So you, O believers insured .. Yamen testified that there is no god but God And that the slave and messenger Muhammad .. Were clinging to the hope of the Lord .. I know that all of what happens when God And is really well .. And accepted .. Try to remove it .. And before that you will use your own Seek the help of God and others .. Then try your hand your soul .. Good Witch touch .. Strong faith in the majestic To remove your worries .. With the help and support of God ... So Yamen .. Yamen .. I wore a dress of grief and pain And launched the groans and Alzfrat .. Suture thread and woven and grief .. Be sure prep .. Heal the wounds Be sure PREP compensate slave good .. Be sure that everything that comes to you from God and his will .. Persist and be patient, and patient As well as the patient .. Until he or she self .. Be patient .. Creative Commons is patient Dear believer .. Creative Vsber O insurers Be patient .. Lovers of God .. Those concerns These wounds The sorrows These groans .. Be good if the patient and calculated I know for sure and note That as long as God Ensured a slave .. It must be patient and seek reward .. All of this amount .. Of sorrows .. Go away with confidence and hope in God .. Satisfaction and conviction Patience, patience, and then three letters between the repellent and Alra But medicine .. Believe me, Yamen and read my words .. You will feel the comfort, if she agrees and patient .. And chanted And of healing my wounds, only the owner of my soul .. And of healing my wounds, only the owner of my soul .. And of healing my wounds, only the owner of my soul .. Allah is my Lord and ask of him all my love .. To heal the wounds of all Muslims and Muslim .. And appointed by the patience and persistence .. Amen ... Amen ... Amen ... |
حكمة جميلة والأجمل ما كُتب آخر الحكمة
The wisdom of wI am Ahmed from Egypt live in Cairohat is beautiful and the most beautiful books of wisdom last
Money الـــنـــقـــود It can buy a house نستطيع شراء المنزل بالنقود But not a family لكن لا نستطيع شراء عائلة
It can buy you a bed
نستطيع شراء السرير But not sleep ولكن لا نستطيع شراء النوم
It can buy you a book
نستطيع شراء الكتب But not knowledge لكن لا نستطيع شراء العلم
It can buy you medicine
نستطيع شراء الدواء But not health و لكن لا نستطيع شراء الصحه
It can buy you blood
نستطيع شراء الدم But not life و لكن لا نستطيع شراء الحياة
So you see money isn't everything
فلذلك يجب أن تعرف أن النقود ليست كل شيء And it often causes pain and suffering و في بعض الأحيان تخلق النقود لنا المعاناة والمشاكل و الألم I tell you this because I am your friend فأنا أخبرك بهذا لأني أعتبر نفسي أحد أصدقائك And as your friend I want to ولأني صديق سأنصحك بنصيحة Take away your pain and suffering!! و لذلك ابعد عن نفسك الهموم و الألم |
فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...