الأحد، 13 سبتمبر 2020

The Holy Spirit in Islam is the angel

06:50 ص 5/14 اشعر كثيرا هذا التفسير ليست متفتحة الذهن، ولدي أصدقاء مسلم العديد من الذين يقبلون الديانات الأخرى .... فيما يتعلق أسلم ... لديه الكثير من التناقضات، مثل جميع
06:52 ص 5/14 إذا كان لديك لاجراء محادثات صعبة، كما أفعل، كيف تفسر أن محمد قد استضاف وأنتج الكثير من الحروب؟ وهذا جيد أبدا .... بالنيابة عن أحد
06:52 ص 5/14 هل ليلة جيدة
جديد! انقر عل06:50 ص 5/14 I feel much that your interpretation is not open-minded, I have many Muslim friends who accept other religions .... with respect to the sounder ... has many inconsistencies, like all
06:52 ص 5/14 If you have to talk tough, also I do, how do you explain that Mohamed has hosted and produced so many wars? That's never good .... ON BEHALF OF ANYONE
06:52 ص 5/14 Have a good night

First: that Islam calls for the unification of God in himself and his qualities, he says that he is alone worthy of worship no other:)) Say God is One (1) Allah, the Eternal (2) for Mild was born (3) did not have no longer a ((

While we find the Christian doctrine of the Trinity calls: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and say that all three deserve worship.

Second: Christ in Islam is only the cream of the Messenger of Allah Almighty,
While he is God in Christianity.

 That Christ in Islam came to the children of Israel out of the misguided to guidance and invite them to worship Allah alone,
In Christianity, it came to kill and die on the cross as expiation for the sin of Adam.

Fourth, Islam calls for faith and true to the Almighty said: ((He who believes in Allah and the Alakhruaml good have their reward with their Lord, nor fear, nor shall they grieve.)) Cow: 62

Cow: 62
As for Christianity, it calls for faith in God the Son, and left the business, particularly the Anglican Communion, following the words of Paul: they do not know that man is justified by works of the law, but faith in Jesus Christ, we also believe in Jesus Christ, justified by faith in Jesus, not by works of the law. Onhboamal to the law no flesh be justified. [Galatians 2:16]

Fifth: that Islam emphasizes that God is Almighty, Most Merciful accept Tophalebad it says in the Holy Book ((: and My mercy encompasses all Hievsaketbha for those who are righteous and pay the Zakat and who believe in Hambaaatna))
The Christian believes that God did not forgive Adam did not even spare His own Son avenged his crucifixion.

Sixth: The Holy Spirit in Islam is the angel Gabriel, who supported God by Christ peace be upon him
As for Christianity, they claim that the Holy Spirit is God.

Seventh: The Holy Quran declares that Jesus was a good reason in this world and the Hereafter
In the Gospel Vengda humiliated disgrace among the Jews beat him and punched him, skin and spitting on it. . . [Matthew 26: 67] and [Luke 22: 63].

Eighth: the people of Islam believes that God overturned cunning Jews did not kill them to Christ.
The Christianity it declares that Jews flogged and crucified Christ.

IX: It says in the Qur'an that the Bois disciples to Christ's call and help him: Al-Grade verse 14.
The Bible tells that he fled and left the dialogues of Christ Mark [14:50]

Tenth: Male Qur'an in the words of Christ, peace be upon him) Antazbhm they are Thy servant: If Thou forgive them, Aziz al-Hakim (round: 118)

The Bible tells it that Christ was calling the Pharisees and the Sadducees doom and destruction and cursing. . . Such as saying to them ?aaulad snakes Loya Loya wicked stupid (see the ethics of Christ _ home page (

Atheist Twelve: The prophets and apostles of Islam in the eyes of the righteous servants of Allah infallible from sin.
In Christianity, the prophets of the despicable ordinary people some of them committed adultery, and some of them Abdul fetishes and some of them drink alcohol and naked in front of people. . (See the qualities of the prophets and messengers in the Bible)

XII: The Holy Quran declares that God is not like Him Hiye says God Almighty:) Vataralsmoat and the land made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs Ivrokm cattle in it is not nothing like Him and Hoasameea Seer (Shor: (11)

The Bible has stated that God is like man [Composition 1:26]

XIII: The Holy Quran declares that God has not begotten, not born and did not have one no longer: ((Say God is One (1) Allah, the Eternal (2) He begetteth not (3) did not have a stop (4)))

While Christianity believes that God came down to earth and lived in the womb of a woman then came out of her vagina in the form of a child born

أولاً : ان الاسلام يدعو إلى توحيد الله في ذاته وصفاته ، ويقول : إنه هو وحده مستحق للعبادة لا غيره : )) قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (1) اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ (2) لَمْيَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (3) وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ ((

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