الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2020

After that, the Muslim seeks to request an hour

After I got up from the chair and moved it aside to stand on my feet to pray you kneel and thank him ““ The worshipers around me came congratulating me, and their tears mixed with my tears. To forget God's grace and mercy for you. If you tell yourself about sin ﷲ, then go back to the chair and never leave it until you discipline it.

Modern scientific research has shown that the Muslim prayer times correspond completely with the physiological activity times of the body, which makes it as if it is the leader who controls the rhythm of the work of the whole body. That is the hormone, the activity in the human body begins to increase sharply with the entry of the time for Fajr prayer, and is accompanied by a high level of blood pressure, and this is why a person feels very energetic after the morning prayer, between six and nine in the morning. Time





Grandfather and grinding for work and earning a livelihood. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said in what Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Imam Ahmad narrated: “Oh God, bless my mother in her infancy.” Also, at this time, the gas has the highest level of ozone in the atmosphere. It is a stimulant for the nervous system and for mental and muscular work, and we find the opposite of that at the time of sacrifice, so the secretion of cortisone decreases and reaches a minimum, so the person feels exhausted with the pressure of work and needs rest, and this is in the absence of rest. The early time, and here it enters the time for the noon prayer, it performs its role as the best of sending calm and tranquility in the tired heart and body.

After that, the Muslim seeks to request an hour of sleep to relax him and renew his activity, after the Zuhr prayer and before the Asr prayer, which is what we call “the nap,” and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, narrated it on the authority of Ibn Majah. Sihr on fasting, and by nagging upon the rising of the night. And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Be removed, the devils do not say.” It has been scientifically proven that the human body generally passes during this period with great difficulty, as the rate of a drug increases. The body induces it to sleep, and this is approximately after seven hours of early awakening, so the body is in its lowest state of concentration and activity, and if the person dispenses with sleep for this period, then the neuromuscular harmony decreases greatly throughout. Asr prayer comes for the body to resume its activity again and the rate of "adrenaline" in the blood rises, so there is significant activity in the body's functions, especially cardiac activity, and this afternoon prayer plays a serious role in preparing the body. This often causes serious trouble to heart patients for the sudden switch of the heart from inactivity to vigorous movement. He made an affirmative recommendation in the Holy Qur’an to preserve the Asr prayer when the Almighty says: [Preserve the middle prayers and the middle prayer and establish two rules for Him] (Al-Qur’an 832), and the majority of the commentators went to the central prayer here. What we have mentioned about the increased secretion of the hormone “adrenaline” at this time, the secret is clear to us in emphasizing the performance of the middle prayer, as its performance, with what it performs with it for years, gradually stimulates the heart, and makes it work more efficiently.





Extreme lethargy and below the level of fatigue, the rest of the body’s systems and senses deviate to indulging in prayer, making it easier for the heart with the hormone to secure their natural rhythm that reaches its top with the passage of time.

Then comes the Maghrib prayer, and the secretion of “kortisone” decreases and the activity of the body begins to decrease, with the shift from light to dark, which is completely opposite to what happens during the morning prayer, and the secretion of “melatonin” increases, so the secretion of melatonin increases. The laziness of the body and the prayer is a transitional station, and the Isha prayer comes to be the last stop in the course of the day, in which the body moves from a state of activity and movement to a state of complete desire to sleep with the prevalence of darkness and an increase in the abundance of sleep. It is desirable for the Muslims to delay the evening prayer until before going to sleep in order to finish all that occupies them, and sleep immediately after that. It was mentioned in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad on the authority of Muadh ibn Jabal when the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, was late for the evening prayer. The people thought that he prayed and would not go out. “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Adopt this prayer - that is, bring it to the darkness - for you have preferred it over the rest of the nations and the nation did not reach it before you,” and we do not forget that to separate the Melatonin. The mental and sexual nature of the human being, and this regularity is that the body follows a fixed program and lifestyle, and therefore we find that the commitment to performing the prayers at their times is more accurate. A method that guarantees a person full compatibility with his daily activities, which leads to the highest efficiency of the functions of the human body. * Muhammad Mansour, from Beirut, tells his story with the prayer: “I used to work in the Seyyah restaurant. And before the war that toppled the bounties of my country, my working conditions made it imperative for me to sleep all day in order to remain awake at night, and the restaurant owner loved me a lot and trusted him, and with time he left me completely, and with time the management left me completely. At the expense of my health, I did not leave the cup of coffee and a cigarette to stay awake all night.





“On one evening, we did not have many visitors and the work ended before dawn, and this was a unique event on those days. We finished work and closed the restaurant, and got in my car back home, and on the way back I stopped shortly. And my reflection continued, despite the extreme cold, I filled my eyes with the look of twinkling stars, and I saw a shooting star piercing the sky, so I remembered my father's stories about those meteors with which I was punished by the devils that let us hear about the news. Al-Tayeb, with simple dreams, I remembered him praying in Tawa

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