الخميس، 7 نوفمبر 2019

Second: The causes of weak faith
The weakness of faith many reasons, including what is common with the symptoms, such as falling into sin and preoccupation with the world and this mentioned some of the reasons in addition to the above: -
1 - Stay away from the atmosphere of faith for a long time and this is a reason for the weakness of faith in the soul, God Almighty says: (Did not it is for those who believe that their hearts will be devoted to the remembrance of God Iron / 16. The verse showed that: the length of time away from the atmosphere of faith is a reason for the weakness of faith in the heart, for example: a person who is away from his brothers in God for a long time to travel or job and so on, he lacks the atmosphere of faith that was enjoying in the shadows, and draws the strength of his heart and believer Few by himself many brothers, Hassan al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him: (our brothers are more precious than our people, our people remind us of the world, and our brothers remind us of the Hereafter) and this move away if it continues to leave a monster of volatility after a while to a glimpse of those faiths, the heart hardens and darkens, and fades in it The light of faith . This explains the relapse of some people on vacation or after moving to other places of work or study.
2 - Stay away from good role models, a person who learns by a good man combines useful science and good work and the power of faith, pledges and protects him from his knowledge, morals and virtues, if away from him for a period of time, the learner feels harshly in his heart, and therefore the Messenger of Allah died The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: `` We have denied our hearts. '' They were brutal because the breeder, teacher and role model were dead. Fit for succession and became each other to set an example, a Today a Muslim is most in need of role models to be close to him.
3 - One of the reasons: Stay away from seeking forensic science and contact the books of advances and faith books that revive the heart, there are types of books the reader feels that it provokes in his heart the faith, and move the motives of faith inherent in himself, especially the book of God Almighty and wrote the Hadith and then wrote the glorious scholars in the chips And preaching and those who improve the view of faith in a way that revives the heart, such as the books of the scholar Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Rajab and others, and drop out of such books with the dumping of reading only intellectual books or books of abstract judgments or books of language and assets, for example, things that sometimes inherit the cruelty of the heart, and this Not It is a warning to those who refrain from the books of tafsir and hadith. They are hardly read to read, even though they are books that connect the heart to God Almighty. When you read in the correct (for example) you feel that you live in the atmosphere of the first era with the Prophet peace be upon him Peace be upon him and with the companions, and exposed to the faithful exposures, of their biography, their lives, and those events that took place in their time:
People of the hadeeth are the people of the Prophet and if they do not accompany himself, his breath accompanied
This is the reason - a move away from faith books - its effects on those who study studies unrelated to Islam such as philosophy, psychology, sociology and other topics formulated in isolation from Islam, as well as those who love to read fairy tales and stories of love and love and amateur followers of the useless news from newspapers and magazines And notes and other attention to them and keep on following them up.
4 - Including: the presence of Muslim rights in the center is full of sins, it boasts committed sin and another sings with the melodies of a song and its words, the third smokes and the fourth simplifies the Magen Magazine and the fifth tongue out of curse and insults and insults and so on, but the gossip and absent and gossip and the news of the games countless abundance.
Some circles are only reminiscent of the world, as is the case in many people's councils and offices today.
As for the houses - there is nothing wrong - where the tampons and things that are evil, which makes the Muslim brow and his heart cracked, the songs are rotten, fallen movies, forbidden mixing and other things filled by Muslim houses, such environments where hearts become sick and become harsh and undoubtedly cruel.
5 - and including: dumping in the work of the world until the heart becomes a slave and the Prophet peace be upon him says: (unhappy Abdul Dinar, Abdul Dirham) Narrated by Bukhari No. 2730. He says, peace be upon him: (but enough of you was what was in the world such as increased passenger) Narrated by Tabarani in the big 4/78, which is in the true mosque 2384. I mean the little thing that the intended. This phenomenon is evident in these days when the material greed and greed are increasing from the wreckage of the world and people are running behind trades, industries and contributions and this is the credibility of what he told peace be upon him: (Allah Almighty said: We sent down money to establish prayer and pay zakat The son of Adam Wade would love to have a second, even if it has two valleys to love to have a third, and does not fill the hollow of the son of Adam, but the dust and then God repent to repent) Narrated by Ahmad 5/219, which is true in the whole 1781.
6 - And also the reasons: preoccupation with money, wife and children, says God Almighty: (and know that your wealth and your children sedition) Anfal / 28. The Almighty says: (Zain people love the desires of women and boys and barrages of gold and silver and horses poisoned and cattle and plowing that the pleasures of life and God has a good Almab) Al-Imran / 14 and the meaning of this verse that the love of these things, especially women and children if it is in advance to obey Allaah and His Messenger, He is a receptive and sinned, but if love

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