الثلاثاء، 3 سبتمبر 2019

Common mistakes in raising girls !!

Common mistakes in raising girls !!

Islam came to the world and women in general in a humiliating situation, has nothing to do with weight and value
Islam came to restore the dignity of women and give them their full rights undiminished, and these rights guardian of Islam
Islam has singled out the girls in particular, which shows the great interest of Islam in raising girls because of the danger of neglecting girls' education. There are common mistakes in raising girls.
1. Give the girl extra freedom:
That many of the deviation of the girls was a fundamental reason in which to give the girl increased freedom under the pretext of confidence in the girl and in the upbringing in the sense of not being asked about the places to go and return, and leave the rope to the West.
2. Not to accustom the girl to the veil from an early age:
One of the mistakes that parents make is that they wait until they reach the girl and then tell her to wear hijab at this age. Before that, she wore the thin, transparent or short, tight clothes that she liked. Then we order her veil once when she reaches menstruating. This is neither from acumen nor from proper understanding.

3. Confidentiality on matters important to the girl:
Some people make a mistake when they think that hiding the girl's sex needs is required or is it like keeping the girl. This belief is fundamentally wrong because the girl will face physiological and psychological changes in adolescence. Psychic great as shyness and introversion and fear of disease and so on.

4. Rebellion of girls and wrong treatment:
One of the hallmarks of adolescence is the adolescent's sense that he has become someone else. The woman feels that she has become a mature woman with her own personality and opinions that should be respected and then there are some problems between parents and their children. Parents say that children are rebels. As children.

5. Love alone is not enough:
There is no doubt that the relationship based on love between parents and children and between parents and girls in particular this relationship is very important and necessary for the growth of the girl's natural growth away from the psychological and emotional problems faced by the girl if the parents deal with them a kind of bullying or cruelty and intensity, but this also does not mean the side With the girl permanently or not to blame her when you sin how much does not mean not to impose appropriate punishment.

6. Neglect of health education for girls, especially adolescence:
Or a Muslim is required to start spending on his family and children and enough of the food necessary and necessary for their healthy healthy growth to the extent of his capacity. The Muslim is also ordered to maintain his health and the health of his children because the ill health will not be able to exercise his life in a normal way or the exercise of his work or even worship properly and neglect in the health of children may be very serious, especially at a young age.

7. The mother's preoccupation with the girl working outside the home:
The presence of the mother next to her children, especially in early childhood is very important and many of the behavioral problems that occur to children is caused by the absence of the mother from the house for a long time.

8. Preference of the boy over the girl and her wrong view:
Some people still have the ignorant habit of being very sad when they have a daughter, especially when they are their first born.These people rejoice after the arrival of the child with great joy.This joy comes when the boy overwhelms the love of the girl, making them neglect the girl and focus their attention to the boy.

9. Non-alertness to the seriousness of role models.
There is no doubt that good role model is an important factor in education, especially for girls in adolescence in this stage find the girl looking for role models and the role model and the problem of many Muslim houses it does not pay attention to the risk of bad role models in the Arab and Islamic world, which girls try to imitate them like the artists of the East And Westernities.
There are more and more of these mistakes
Hence, we must draw the attention of parents to a party of common mistakes in raising girls.

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