Oyama people dressed with double hearts and people with other people # Oyama people Aisha with people in her body, but her soul with people Tanyan # Oyama people name, but absolute absolute love and sense of feelings and attention and respect and sincerity and appreciation and understanding # Oyama people absolute but overtaken her freedom and dignity # And people laugh before us to run # Elly Joaha # and people before us to show that it is strong, but Btbki and Bttalm and Btjaaa of her atmosphere # And people turn on the need and not to protect # And people are still Bala Joaha still have the same love and sense of feelings and dreams and wishes and not buried her air $ $ and people Aisha and hearing Ahan not wanting problems # Luna Associated with the love of her life, but after a while they Akchwo Kano deceived # people and Mkins them share in the extent of our Lord Awwadhm Ahbuh Bs someone Mknuh Atoukao they Akabloh
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