الخميس، 4 أبريل 2019

What do you know about the Vietnam War?

What do you know about the Vietnam War?
The Vietnam War (1964-1975)
It is the most terrible war in modern history!

North Vietnam is thousands of miles away from the United States, is not a threat of any kind, nor is it involved in anything that touches the United States from near or far. However, the United States launched a full-scale war against North Vietnam, killing 3 million Mostly Vietnamese civilians, and left more than 30,000 disabled people, as well as the complete destruction of Vietnamese cities!

The United States has renounced the morality of war to subdue Vietnam, massacred and abused civilians, unleashed corruption in Vietnamese villages, killed animals and damaged crops, and when villagers complained they were shot and then set fire to straw houses!

When the Vietnamese resistance used forests to hide, the United States launched a chemical war on the 40 million-acre Vietnamese forest area, approaching half the area of ​​North Vietnam, and US forces had already used deadly pesticides that brought green and land to destruction. For years it extended beyond the end of the war.

Suffice it to know that the mission of the National Academy of Sciences has visited the region after the end of the war, and stated in its report that the forest area requires more than a hundred years to return to the former!

This is a very simple statement about the crimes of America Nhdha for those who are dazzled by Western civilization, which only the remains of innocent people!

Then they accuse us of terrorism!

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