الأحد، 31 مارس 2019

When I grew up, I saw how love was taught by

When I grew up, I saw how love was taught by the ignorant and the senseless and the conscience. While his real beauty was like the blue of a seventh heaven.
All the problems to which I suffer, we are the reason
We gave up principles, conscience and ethics
And about colors
About love and we wore a hate dress for everything until life
We gave up our assessment of things until our memories
We lost the ability and the culture of expression, and it became the money that leads us, not us!
O God, have mercy on you
You do not know the Egyptians, we contain anyone, even anger. It stems from love. We are angry with you because we love you and we do not expect you to do so. We are angry because of your love in the heart. We know that the lowest thing created by God is the human soul and the highest thing is humanity, conscience and love.
What causes this fragile heart ....!
To bear the amount of pain and torment ....!
And bleeding from the nearest people to him ....!
Your head is my heart ....
What have they done to you these enemies of love and conscience ...!
They did not attach to you and to blame ...!
Either to enslave you or kill you and do the second ...!
Learn the rules and basics of love and then talk about it ..
Love has become cheap goods sold at all times and places for the purposes of his evil and promoted by those petty and lack of values ​​and conscience ..
Worse yet, there are still people who buy this love, even though they know that it is a stolen commodity ...
There are values ​​in life that are granted free of charge, such as love, trust and freedom of conscience; values ​​are not recognized and sold, and if you lose their freeness and become a commodity for sale, love becomes prostitution, trust and conscience ... Let the vote be given to you free of charge.

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