الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2018

O People of the Book,

Verse Aya 171
O People of the Book, do not betray your religion, and do not say to Allah except the truth, but Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, and His Word to Mary and the Spirit of Him. Believe in Allah and His Messengers. He has nothing in the heavens and the earth, and God is sufficient as an agent. 171 Christ will not object to being a slave to God or to angels (172) Those who believe and do good works, and their wages will be rewarded and increased by their bounty. But those who have repented and arrogant will be tormented by a painful punishment, and they will find no god but Allah, a protector and a champion. Your Lord and revealed to you a clear light (174), but those who believe in God and hold it Enter them in mercy and favor and guide them straight lines (175)
 Page 105
Explanation Tafsir (explication) Al-Qurtubi - Al-Qortoby
O People of the Book, do not betray your religion, and do not say to Allah except the truth, but Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, and His Word to Mary and the Spirit of Him. Believe in Allah and His Messengers. He has what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.
Say: O people of the Book do not betray your religion and do not say to God except the truth but Jesus Jesus son of Mary the Messenger of God and his word to Mary and the spirit of it, believe in God and his messengers and say three ended good for you but God one God Almighty to have a child has nothing in the heavens And what is in the earth and enough God as an agent
The verse: O people of the book do not be absorbed in your religion forbidding excessive. And the exaggeration of the excess in the limit; and from which the price is expensive, expensive; and the man in the matter glorified, and boiled in the flesh and bone if the young quickly and exceeded their blood; and that means the commentators exaggerated Jews in Jesus even threw Mary, and the Christians in it even made him Lord; Bad and infidels; and so said Murtaf bin Abdullah: good between bad; the poet said:
And thou shalt not fulfill thy whole truth, and shake hands;
Both ends of the matter are intentional
Another said:
You have to do things in the media, and they will survive and do not ride hard or hard
In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (may Allaah be pleased with him): Do not tempt me, as I have given the Christians Jesus, and they have said Abdullah and his Messenger.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Do not say to Allaah except in truth, which is not to say that he has a partner or a son. Then the Almighty said the case of Jesus peace be upon him and said: But Christ Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God and his word in which three questions:
First: the saying: Only the Messiah Christ was raised by the beginning; and Jesus instead of him, as well as the son of Mary. It may be the news of the beginning and the meaning: but Christ the son of Mary. He said: Jesus son of Mary that whoever was related to his mother how to be God, and the right of God to be old and not updated. And the Messenger of Allah news after news.

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