الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2018

When he committed suicide

The conviction left her traumatized

Green, was everything natural in the quiet little house, which was built only a year ago and consists of a young couple struggling from morning to evening, and dreams of being in the evening under the wife of a compassionate gentleman spent with her at night in happiness and happiness, dreams but dreams Awakening, otherwise, whoever wants happiness, will follow its path.

The ship does not walk on the Yibis.

This miserable poor man had a beautiful appearance, a malignant detective, a result of leaving the commandment of the Prophet peace be upon him when he said to the youth:

(Vzfr the same religion raised your hands).

Some young people if he wants to marry make his first and last focus on beauty.

How long? How to view it? How color? How much weight? Length of her hair? But!

But the intention of her religion does not ask, but perhaps that some young people if he was told that he has a religion said I do not want, this complex, I do not want a complicated one, I want one peeled.

In this style, this young man is looking for a beautiful one (Vfrf the same religion raised your hands), and have raised this hand when it did not win the same religion, but when there is no life to those who call.

This young man won this beautiful woman as she demanded in the university, and this poor man became the driver of her.

A boring routine, he wakes up in the morning and brings her to university, goes to work and then returns to her in the afternoon and takes her from university, and so forth.

One day he brought her to the university, went to work, and an hour later on his office, the phone rang, and on the other side the security man:

Are you so? He said yes.

He said to your relative? Yes my wife said.

He said I forbid the hospital to Karma.

What happened?

He said it was simple.

The speaker was put out, the poor man got out of his car, and the thoughts and fantasies ran through his head.

Once in hospital, he left his car in an irregular position.

And ran down from them as he ran like crazy, entered the emergency room, and found the security men.

What said the news?
They took him to the recovery room and to the hall. He found his wife, who brought her to the university, covered with blood. She was suffering from the pain and painful surgery that affected her whole body. But the pain of the scandal was worse.

He took a shout and yelled and said:

what happened ?

The officer told him and told him the news.

Here he stammered his tongue, and was disturbed by the earth and walked the world, and is taking and screaming and moving towards the wife is not certified that she is treacherous, amid the torrent of torrents of insults and insults on this malignant face that stabbed him in dignity.

He said to her divorced, you divorced, then divorced, and then followed by a glitter in her bloody face.

He went on leaving her, all this shame and shame and distress and all these pains.

It is easy to humiliate him .... What to do with Mitt

Illness, scandal, divorce and death.

Her lover died, and her husband divorced her, and exposed her family, and she remained disabled to break her back and cut her spinal cord. She became quadriplegic.

She wished she had died, and her father and mother wished she had died.

They did not go to the house, but put it in the disabled room, and in the nursing home to spend her life in misery and misery.

And the truth of God Almighty:

(And whoever expresses my memory, he has a living, and we will put it on the Day of Resurrection blindly. He said, "My Lord, you have not blinded me, and I have seen you."

And the curtain falls, brothers, on these stories and many others, but the memory and memory benefit the believers.

Oh Allah, make us a lesson from people, and do not make us a lesson.

(It was in their stories a lesson) But who?

(For the parents).


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