الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2018

This is a story in which suicide

The second story

The sun shone that day to announce the birth of a new day carrying with its rays a tragic end and a bloody story, the protagonists continued their representation until the curtain fell upon them and thousands and thousands of pain followed.

On the morning of the same day, a traffic accident caused a traffic accident resulting in the death of a man and his wife. The officer and the soldiers immediately moved to the scene and when they arrived at the site they found the incident at the foot of a bridge above the ground level.

But the officer and the band managed to reach, but the surprise surprised them. They found a 20-year-old woman who had died almost naked.

She wears a narrow shirt that covers her body and wears a tight shirt that covers half of her belly.

As for her face, her beauty mixed with the dyes she put on her face, mixed with the dust of the foot of that bridge, and she took the squatting position, the University of her hands, to her throat, her red fingernails as if she were wrestling with the king of death.

And the tragedy was greater when the smell of wine came out of it, oh hell! A woman in the twenties? Yes, God.

Her long hair and strange story mixed with her blood.

The security men covered her and went to the man they thought was her husband.

And if the disaster is worse and ordered!

A fifty-year-old man had a gray line in the foreground and had also died, and the smell of malice swelled from his mouth, and the distorted face of the shock hole.

The security men returned to his car and if the bottle of wine and some foods that prepare for the red sessions, and if the recording device gives a tape of a song Magna.

The bitter truth is that the man is alien to this woman and has no connection.

On the background of the story, it turned out that this old-fashioned wolf had caught his prey, which many of our young men thought was a booty.

He took his prey and went to it in one of the restrooms and went to the Red Evening, dancing, singing, sugar, vows and what was hidden was greater, what do you think of two Satan the third and the fourth wine, music and dance the fifth.

They continued to do so part of the night, and in the late hours he spent all his nastiness and the wolf returned with his prey to take her to her house, but he made the mistake of drinking sugar.

On the way, because he lost consciousness, his car deviated so fast that it collided with the iron fence of the bridge and penetrated the car from its front to the bottom and fell at the foot of that mountain to meet God drunk, and to receive God drunk in disgraceful and scandalous and who died on something sent him.

We seek refuge with Allah from a bad end.

It is a disgrace and chastisement in this world and the Hereafter. Instead of the parents being merciful to them, they called upon them with fire and punishment to punish them. The man was very shocked at his children who were of manhood.

His children say (Allah exposes Him as we have revealed).

As for the woman, her father hurried to deny the charge when he was told to go back to the hospital said:

My daughter Salaah, my daughter Muzaffah in her pocket and prostrated in her bag and took her of the praise of which he hurt.

It is the excessive trust that is sometimes put in the wrong place, which some parents give to their daughters, but it is a bitter reality, so do not ask about it after that.

Of the girls of the deceitful and deceive her father and Tkid for her family and imagined that they go to the mosque and go to the bar, and some of them that they go to the Haram and go to Haram.

And some of them carrying the Koran and the tape and lecture tape and prayer carpet to deceive them and deceive and trust and here comes the disaster.

And imagine a man who lost his daughter in the flower of youth and young age in this miserable end in which she committed adultery.

Who likes my brothers that this will be the end?

Who loves us to be the end of his daughter or sister?

AGA Why go too far? Ogrena Lester upon us !

Whoever walks along the path has arrived, and if a person does not come himself and repent to a God who is wrong, otherwise Allaah has a lookout.

But you have heard the words of God Almighty:

(That is in memory of those who have a heart or a hearing, a martyr).

But you heard the words of the Prophet peace be upon him:

(Allah is dictating to the unjust even if he took it did not escape).

This is a story in which suicide committed adultery,

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