الأربعاء، 18 أبريل 2018

A French woman lived in Algeria

4 hours
A French woman lived in Algeria. She hated Islam and her parents, all of them non-Muslims in France. Then she became seriously ill with cancer. She went to the doctor who continued her condition and told her that the disease spread all over your body (meaning no hope of healing). It has a file, reports, images, X - rays etc in the file.
And when her people were aware of her sickness, they said to her, This is the wrath of the Lord on you, because you have betrayed me. Return to the religion of Islam. May the Lord forgive you.
Did not listen to their words and adhered to the religion of Islam, they offered to come to France and revealed by senior doctors better than the doctors of Algeria!
So I traveled to France, knowing full well that there was no hope of healing, but that they intended to be a lesson for those who considered those who wanted to surrender and enter the religion of Islam
So they began to wrap it on the churches and say to the people this is a penalty for those who enter Islam!
The woman cried very hard after she knew their intention
Then I returned to Algeria waiting for death on the religion of Islam
On a night's night I thought that if she died she would be an example of someone who was not considered a member of her country and would say that she died because she had entered Islam
And she dawned in the dead of night. The night called God:
(Lord, I do not fear death and doubt, but I fear that I die and feel I am Muslim because I am Muslim and fear of Islam, Lord forgive me and help me so that people know your ability and mercy and enter people in Islam and I am the reason to alienate people from Islam)
Then she brushed it off and ran into a coma
So I woke up in the era of the next day and did not feel any pain, I knew it was the awakening of death and it will die now !!! But when the night came, it was not dead, and the night was until the morning, and it did not die
So I went to her doctor who was following her condition
After the doctor did all the tests, he asked her ,,,, who are you?
She said I am so and I have you !!!
The doctor said that you are someone other than me in the file, the file says you have cancer in a later case
You do not have cancer and you never get cancer
who are you ???
I thanked God and thank you, .........
Look at the mercy of God how to respond to his slaves, "Oh Allah, who contributed to the dissemination of this letter, forgive his sin and explain his chest and facilitated his order and his silence from the basin of your Prophet peace be upon him"
Commented on the word described by God's mercy

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