الثلاثاء، 5 ديسمبر 2017

Mind rejects Shirk

Mind rejects Shirk 

Anyone with a sound mind does not accept polytheism. There is no evidence of complicity except the blind traditions and intolerance of the religion of the Fathers. So the Holy Quran called people to reason, and considered that the non-realization of the mind, and reliance on tradition is to remain shirk. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And it was not for the same to believe except with the permission of Allaah, and to make abomination to those who do not understand' (Yunus, 10/100). The Qur'an also enjoins the imitating the ignorant and their followers in their ablutions. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And if it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed to the Messenger and say to our Prophet, what our fathers have found about us, but their parents knew nothing and were not guided.' To Allah belongeth from the heavens and from the earth, and to those who follow, who call on without Allah, partners, that they follow without suspicion, and that they are only being cut off '(Yunus, 10/66). 
Allah has warned his Prophet peace be upon him from the bad consequences of polytheism by saying Come: «does not keep you from the verses of God after being dropped to you and pray to your Lord and do not be of polytheists. And do not let another god be with Allah, there is no god but He, all things are destroyed, except His face is His judgment, and unto him you shall return. '(Al-Qasas, 28/88). 
Allah warned of polytheism All those who have knowledge: God said: 'If it were not for centuries before you Oloh rest of the corruption in the land but a little of those who we gave them and follow those who wronged what they were arrogant and were criminals. And your Lord was not to destroy the villages with injustice, and its people are reformers. '(Hud, 11 / 16-117). 
'And warn him who fear to be entangled to their Lord, they have no other without him and me and no patron, perhaps they fear' (Al-Anam, 6/51). 

«And judge them including God revealed and do not follow their whims and warn them to tempt you for some of God revealed to you if you know, but God wants to hit them some of their sins and many of the people to Fasqon. And the one who is better than Allah is a judgment for those who believe. '(Al-Maa'idah 5: 49-50). 

«Pain for those who believe that the hearts of the hearts of the remembrance of God and what came down from the truth and not be like those who have given the book before long and their hearts have been broken and many of them spoilers» (iron, 57/16).

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