الاثنين، 11 سبتمبر 2017

Grace, save your creation, and still remember two: your Creator, and death, and still forget two: your charity to others, and the abuse of others
                     Take care of your personal appearance, so do not go to work unless you are exhausted
                     If you make a mistake, do not try to apologize but try to fix your mistakes
                     I work sincerely and do not wait for instructions to work
                     Trust yourself and do not underestimate your values
                     Do not take away your relatives and influence and the means to get the money worth
                     Do not spend more than your income so you do not become debtors
                     Do not neglect to defend yourself, you will find no one to defend you
                     Do not qualify and say yes while you should say no
                     Treat everyone fairly and fairly until they treat you like him
                     Do not betray your love, you may regret a lot
                     The heart of a good subscription from a heart you bought it

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