الجمعة، 21 أبريل 2017

82 notes
For those nights you’ve been holding a screaming baby, standing and rocking, waking and stumbling, exhausted and bleary
For the months where you watch people post pictures of their newborn babies, their pregnancy announcements, their children’s milestones- God protect and bless them all- and you cry silently at the loss of the baby that was once in your womb, or the womb that feels so painfully lonely because you fear it will never house your baby
For the days you wonder how you’re going through get through it as a single parent, how you’re ever going to be enough for the people that depend on you in every way
For the years that fly by as you battle depression, physical pain and personal struggles all while trying to still be the best parent you can possibly be with all of your issues
For those moments of guilt. Of never being good enough.
For the physical pain. And for the emotional torture of worrying, of fearing, of missing, of wishing, of regretting, of trying to continue, of hurting.
For the tears you’ve cried, you’ve sobbed, you’ve dried and then started over again for your grown child who doesn’t return your texts, who never returns your calls, who you wonder about every minute of every day
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.” (Quran, 18:30)
With the right intention, every moment of your pain, every effort you put forth- it isn’t forgotten. Even when your children forget, He remembers. Even when others don’t understand your struggles, He knows. Even when others don’t appreciate, He rewards. Even when no one can comfort, He is the light of the Heavens and the earth. God is your light. And:
“He is with you wherever you are.” (Quran, 57:4)
Maryam Amir
#maryam amir#islamic quotes
81 notes
O Allah, allow happiness to surround us, making us forget what made us cry and what made us sad.
Allahumma Ameen
91 notes
If you’ve been heartbroken and betrayed, wear your battle scars proudly. You could have cowered with fear when love’s sirens blared or retreated when things became too intense. Instead, you dared to follow your heart, to move forward boldly through darkness and despair, and to take a chance when there were no guarantees. That takes true courage and hope, and depth of spirit and character.
Remember, some people only swim oceans in their dreams. You, on the other hand, have tasted the salt, have waded in the calm currents, have felt the cool breeze and warmth of the blistering sun, have ventured below the surface, AND have come back from it all with buried treasures that “dreamers” will never even know existed.
What’s there to hide and be ashamed of? Get your strength, recover your losses, and let the haters stay asleep in their slumber, mumbling over what they know nothing about while you remain awake preparing for the next adventure. Surely, in due time, love’s sirens will blare again for you!
Hosai Mojadiddi
#islamic quotes
72 notes
When something upsets or worries you, there are 2 ways you can respond:
You could let the anxiety consume you.
Or you can direct that worry or pain into duaa (supplication).

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