الأربعاء، 30 يوليو 2014

How To Make a Man-Friendly

How To Make a Man-FriendlyMany women have been taking to social media to share their experiences of harassment this week, but few women take the time before posting to consider, “Am I alienating men?”

These tips can help you to create a man-friendly post that addresses your feelings and experiences about rape, harassment, feminism, and women’s safety, while letting the men know that you’re not holding them personally accountable, still think most men are great, and believe they too deserve rights.

1. Immediately follow with #NotAllMen.

You can’t use this hashtag enough. Use it to make sure that the sensitive men in your life don’t feel personally implicated when you address the harassment of women. It doesn’t help anyone to force those men to reflect on their past interactions with women, so when you reference #YesAllWomen, make sure it’s clear that you are referring to only that small handful of men who the over one million Twitter posts are referring to.

2. Mention that “I am in favor of respect and equality for EVERYONE, men and women.”

This is a phrase you’ll want to reiterate. If you aren’t explicit about it, how will anyone know that you DON’T want to strip away the rights of every man and boy until we create an oppressive matriarchy bent on creating a new world order where men are treated like vermin and only released from their jail cells to mate? If you don’t highlight your focus on men’s equality, people could easily jump to conclusions.

3. Consider including a selfie.

Flattering selfies are a great opportunity to show that you aren’t some angry Feminazi who hates men. Rather you are perfectly happy to appeal to their innocent urge to objectify you in a respectful way.

A selfie of your lovely smiling face will take the sting out of any potential hurt feelings over your personal accounts of harassment!

4. Follow up with some Pro-Man tweets.

No matter how carefully you word your post, it’s always possible that your declaration of support for the victims of harassment might have been misconstrued as a harpy’s battle cry in the war against men, so it’s a good idea to post some pro-man tweets, thanking them for their good and honorable behavior. Every time the men in your life do something that is not actively harassing you, it’s cause for applause! Use social media to praise the sensitive men that you are lucky to have in your life!

Above all, remember: men are sensitive and deserve to be protected from anything potentially insulting or threatening. The thought that they could have done anything differently to ease the daily harassment that women face is very painful to them, and should not factor into the #YesAllWomen discussion.

Read more at ONTD Political: http://ontd-political.livejournal.com/tag/sexual%20harassment#ixzz38xuYumug

sexual harassment

An estimated 130,000 people attended Comic-Con International in San Diego last weekend, but the annual celebration, where many fans dress as fantasy heroes, seems to have brought out a few villains as well.
At comic conventions across the United States, women, especially ones who arrive in costume, report being groped, verbally harassed and subjected to strangers taking “upskirt” photos of them.
To combat this, three women started an organization to highlight sexual harassment in the world of comics and create a new policy to make women safer at these conventions.
Erin Filson, Anna Kegler and Rochelle Keyhan launched Geeks for CONsent, which has lobbied the organizers of Comic-Con with a Change.org petition to write a new anti-harassment policy.
By the time Comic-Con started, more than 2,600 people had signed a petitionfor the event to create a new way to report harassment, put up signs to publicize the policy and train volunteers to better respond to reports of harassment.
Despite some of them saying they have faced harassment, the number of women attending comic conventions has increased in recent years. At the New York Comic-Con, female attendance has grown by 62 percent in only three years, making up over 40 percent of the audience.
The trio had previously formed HollabackPHILLY, the Philadelphia branch of the anti-street harassment advocacy group Hollaback!. As part of their anti-harassment outreach, they decided to create a comic book for middle and high school audiences.
This is the age, 29-year-old Keyhan said, “where the behavior starts.”
But in making a comic book and hearing more about cosplay events, where attendees dress up in character, they learned about the prevalence of sexual harassment.
Keyhan said the character a person is playing is sometimes viewed as separate from the actual person inside the costume. If that character involves a scantily clad outfit, other cosplayers might inappropriately assume that the person was asking for sexual attention.
“It’s another way people justify the behavior,” she said.
Comic-Con, which concluded on Sunday, said its code of conduct clearly covered sexual harassment, telling The Associated Press on Sunday that the event “has an explicit code of conduct that addresses harassing and offensive behavior. This code of conduct is made available online as well as on page two of the Events Guide that is given to each attendee."
But Keyhan said the event’s code of conduct was too vague, telling attendees to call an emergency contact number if they were harassed to the point of feeling unsafe, which she said was “almost like calling 911.”
“People already have trouble talking about this,” she said. “People just want to feel that if they do experience something [like harassment], that the convention is going to care. It shouldn’t be that someone literally has to squeeze my breast for someone to care.”
Karen Rivera, a New York-based reporter who has written about cosplay conventions for the site Pixelitis, including a piece about cosplay etiquette, says the relative newness of cosplay and comic-related events in the mainstream view has meant some attendees haven’t learned how to behave properly.
She said she has seen people openly leer at a female cosplayer in a revealing costume or photograph cosplayers without their permission.
“Being respectful of people and asking their permission to take a picture are the two most important things a person can do,” she said.
Geeks for CONsent’s Keyhan said the goal of her group is to raise awareness about harassment in this subculture, not to denigrate cosplay as a whole. While they received some negative reactions to their campaign, “we’ve gotten an abundance of positive feedback,” from both men and women attendees, she said.
“Our goal is not to demonize the convention setting,” she said. “It’s really just to get the conversation started, to make each other feel more included and make the space itself feel safer. And we’re hoping that that conversation will be enough.”

الثلاثاء، 29 يوليو 2014

الاعلام المصرى الخائن

وا اسفاه على الاعلام العربي وخاصه المصري الذي بداخله حفنه من العملاء والخونه المعاقين والمتخلفين سياسياً من وقفتهم ضد الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومته الباسله وبلا خجل يشمتون على دماء الشعب الفلسطيني. ولم نسمع احدا يتحدث عن انهاء الاحتلال، وفك الحصار الاسرائيلي والحصار المصري على القطاع اذن نغسل ايدينا من حكام مصر واعلامها لا لنجده اطفال فلسطين ولا حمايه لمقدسات المسلمين وخاصه قبلتنا الاولى الاقصى . علما لا نريد مساعدتهم ولكن نريد وقف شرورهم .

الضحك على المصرين

يهودى افاق

قام ‏‎Shady Shams‎‏ بمشاركة ‏صورة‏ ‏‎El Sayed Ali‎‏.
جهاز الإستخبارات الإيرانيّة يكشف الهويّة الحقيقيّة والكاملة لأمير داعش الملقّب بأبوبكر البغدادي.
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الخطّة : إختراق التحصينات العسكريّة والأمنيّة للدول اللّتي تشكل تهديد لأمن إسرائيل و تدميرها لإجتياحها لاحقا بغية التوسّع و تأسيس إسرائيل الكبرى
تحيا جمهورية مصر العربية

اليهود القتلة

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عائلات أطفال مجزرة الشاطئ يودعون أطفالهم الذين قصفهم الاحتلال وهم يلعبون في أول أيام العيد.

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