الجمعة، 27 سبتمبر 2013

The Almighty said :

Q 3 : The Almighty said : ( and Mary the daughter of Imran that أحصنت the vagina فنفخنا the spirit and the words of her Lord and ratified his books and was of القانتين ) _ [ prohibition: 12]

Suspicion : The words of the Koran " فنفخنا which of our spirit ," In another verse , " and the spirit of it ," [Women: 171 , meaning that Christ is the ( spirit of God), as stated in the conversations that " the spirit of God and His Word ," The Koran describes Christ that ( spirit of God ) , and that ( God 's word ) . And the Spirit of God is not a creature , and the word of God is not created , it is not a creature , it is a characteristic of the attributes of God . And attributes of God is created . And هذااللقبلايصحأنيسمىبهأيمخلوق .

The answer and clarification

First: the term " spirit of it " or " spirit " was interpreted wrongly, because the preposition (from) does not mean " part of God ," but means " came from God " , meaning that the preposition (from) Wikisource , but not for Tbaad . In the sense that this word and command and issued by God Almighty _ _ .
Second: describes God created Adam _ peace be upon him _ as describing the creation of Christ , he says: "( If سويته and breathed into him of my spirit فقعوا him prostrate ) [ stone : 29] , does it mean that Adam ( part of God _ Almighty _) ? ? . Course" does not . " God _ Almighty _ breathed into the body of clay (Adam) Vdbt when life , and breathed into the womb of Mary ( egg ) Vdbt life. does this mean that the creature resulting from that part of God ? Or is a creature of God's creatures _ glorified _ which are not , and are not counted. If that were blowing in the womb of Mary to make what comes out of them ( Jr. ) a god, was blowing into Adam make what comes out of it ( the children ) Similarly gods .
Third: that the word ( God's word ) refers to the word " Be " which was issued from God _ Almighty _ creating Christ _ peace be upon him _ he says: (if like Jesus with God like Adam created him from dust, then said to him, 'Be ) [Al-Imran : 59] .
Therefore describe creating Isa in another verse that ( the order of God ) , he says: ( O Lord, I have said I was not born Amessne preached also said God creates what He wills If He decrees a thing He says to it 'Be ) [ Al - Imran : 47 ] . And means that God said , " Be " was Jesus without the need for a physical reason . This is what the holy book of Christians the same: ( 9 because it was said . Was became . ) Psalms 8:33 _9 , and once again confirms : ( And God said : ' Let there be light and there was light . ) _ 3:1 configuration . Then see me to say _ says _ and his speech was delivered to Mary ) [women: 171] , if Christ is the same word as they claim it means that Allah ( _ ) _ Christ threw himself on Mary . This is not true. But the meaning is that God Almighty _ _ delivered his speech and told him , " Be ," Mary , the result was that they carried Christ . Christ was the result of God's word , " Be ," and not the word itself .
Fourth: that the meaning of ( the word) in the language of the Arabs means " word or phrase " means "command , law and promise ," and does not mean at all ( people) or ( physical object ) and here are examples of the use of the Koran the word ( the word) and collected ( words ) :
1 - the promise of victory : " I ​​have preceded the word for our messengers. They Servants them المنصورون . Although recruited them victors " _ [ Saaffat the : 171_ 173 ]
2 - one opinion is binding for all and agreed (Law = faith ) : ( Say Aohl the book Come to both you and us ) [ Al - Imran : 64] .
3 - is of God : ( he who right the word you then save the torment of the fire ) [ Zumar : 19 ] .
4 - word or sentence : ( what they have no knowledge nor their parents grew up word that comes out of their mouths that they say is nothing but falsehood ) [ Cave: 5].
Fifth: the percentage of something to God _ Almighty _ saying " the word of God " or " Spirit of God" but it is in addition to the honor , not a real addition , as we say , " the house of God ," a Mecca, and does not mean that God House dwell in it, like we say , " camel God " for nothing Nabi Saleh , does not mean that God Almighty _ _ camel riding them. The like Abraham description _ peace be upon him _ he was " the friend of God ," does not mean that Allah ( _ ) _ his يتجاذب friend chatted with him . They add gracing just is not . For a description of Almighty God _ _ Gabriel , peace be upon him as the " Spirit of God " , he said : ( We sent her Our angel to her human beings together ) [ Maryam : 17].
Sixth: these descriptions become with time indicate only one person , if we say " the word of God " We knew that the intention was Issa _ peace be upon him _ and if we say " the friend of God " We knew that the intention was Ibrahim _ peace be upon him _ and, if we said , " Messenger of Allah " We knew that the intention was Mohammed _ blessings _ peace . This does not mean the word " word of God" that Christ alone is the " word of God" , but all creatures are " the word of God ," they are all created with the same word " Be " was Almighty God willing _ _ . And does not mean that Abraham _ peace be upon him _ alone is " the friend of God ," but all the prophets are the " evacuation God" Almighty, and does not mean that Mohammed _ blessings and peace _ is a "messenger of God" , but all the apostles are the messengers of God _ glorified.
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Q 4 : The Almighty said : ( I am only a messenger said Lord the Giver of you boy زكيا ) [ Mary - verse : 19 ] .

Compromised : human beings angel Mary birth of Christ, and told her that he would be " a boy زكيا " any Taher sins. , Islam does not mention any guilt for Christ and in an interview intercession famous , Muhammad said every prophet guilt, except the Christ did not give him any guilt ( see question No. " 21 " ) , and there is no one holy and free from sins except God .

The answer and clarification

First: that what is stated in the description of Christ _ peace be upon him _ Balghulam " innocent " was at the stage of non- commissioned forensic when he was a boy, and is well known that Islam is seen to children and is charged with being without guilt and wrong, unlike Christianity, which believes that the whole human race participated Adam into sin , and we note that the same Description " زكيا " in the story of the boy who was killed by al -Saleh, who taught Moses , he says: ( they went, even if to measure a boy , killing him said Oguetlt , ZH without the same breath I have come something نكرا ) [ cave: 74]. He described the Koran " boy " as the " Zakia same " no pure from sins . It is intended that the young are not yet assigned , and that the Almighty God _ _ has raised their pen .
Second: When Christ became significant ( elderly ) see how he described as God Almighty _ _ Almighty said : (and speak to people in the cradle and manhood, and the righteous ) [Al-Imran : 46 ] . ( Righteous ) preposition "from" of Tbaad , ie it is just a " good man " , like the rest of the righteous . Indeed, Christ _ peace be upon him _ himself denies himself even just the title of " a good man " and considered that there was no one in favor (full) except Allah _ Almighty _: ( and if one came and said to him : « Good Teacher any Salah work to be me eternal life ? » 17 And he said to him: « Why do you call me good ? no one is good but one , that is God. ) _ Matthew 16:19 _17
Third: All Muslims believe that all the sons of Adam and error welfare الخطائين repent _ properly recaps _ including that Jesus son of Mary, man of the descendants of Adam , he is also mis , but the prophets are not errors in the reporting of the message , not in sin. Infallible understanding in this.
Fourth: This does not mean that Islam did not mention mis Christ _ peace be upon him _ that Christ without errors, and that the Holy One , there are a lot of prophets who did not mention Islam them errors never , like (Fit , Hood, Elisha , Yahya) , did not say one day that they are without sins , or they are gods.
Fifth: for errors not to mention Jesus , peace be upon him , as stated in an interview intercession , the Islam omitted to mention that for several things :
1 - out of respect for his grandmother call : ( I Oaivha of you and your offspring from the accursed Satan ) [ Al - Imran : 36] . If sins said some people will say : "How the Koran that God said Esme from the devil he makes mistakes ? " . It is natural that the errors come from two roads : one lure of the devil. And the other : the human psyche carried by any human being . However, Islam generally omitted Male mistakes .

2 - Jews accused him and his mother _ peace be upon them _ بالفاحشة , he says: ( بكفرهم and saying to Mary a great slander ) [women: 156] and taking into account the point of masterpieces literature prophetic Jem . If I mentioned the sins of Christ _ peace be upon him _ Jews then say : This is the case of a prophet , how his mother ? Is not the nearest to fall into sin? ? ​​! !

3 - It is _ peace be upon him _ is the prophet only one who did not complete his life after , he was raised to the sky, and will return to live with people even aging , and therefore pointed God _ says: (and speak to people in the cradle and manhood, and righteous ) [Al-Imran - verse : 46] Look at how described during a youngster that he ( boy زكيا ) Any Taher of sins on the most likely interpretations , and how he described when it became a major costly that ( the righteous ) , so it has located him _ peace be upon him _ commit mis- characterized by like all other prophets , so silent about talking.

Sixth: Excellence of the Prophet Muhammad _ blessings and peace _ from the rest of the prophets on this subject, that he is the prophet only forgiven all his sins in advance in the course of his life , and therefore deserved to be the patron of the people he says: ( to forgive you for what God offers from sin and delayed ) [ Open : 2].

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