السبت، 31 أغسطس 2013

masses of the Egyptian

(Communicated by the Ministry of Interior)
Directed the Interior Ministry thanks and appreciation to the masses of the Egyptian people for their cooperation with the security agencies and their eagerness to no-show in the gathering places which witnessed some of the axles on a limited scale .. The Ministry emphasizes that this cooperation has had a deep impact in the exit scene on Friday 30 current without any repercussions or events to remember or pose a significant impact on the overall situation of stability in the country, in spite of calls by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which appeared to decline their impact on the reality of the Egyptian street significantly.
The face of Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim, Minister of the Interior sincere condolences to the families of police Shahidi, who were killed today after perfidious attacks in Cairo and North Sinai .. He also praised the performance and effectiveness of all the forces that participated in the implementation of the security plan designed to meet the photo images of lawlessness, and expressed full readiness in the Egyptian street insurance and property of the public and private citizens.

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