الأحد، 30 يونيو 2013

Ask history

To say that Islam is a religion of extremism and terrorism yield on the said: it is pure fabrication, and try to repel him; Islam is a religion of compassion, kindness, tolerance, and what the sword ordering Islam Pantdaúh for jihad for the sake of God only Kmda doctor mentor Ichert by the body fresh; to bleed blood Rotten, in the interest of safety; It is not the purpose of jihad in Islam bloodshed and loss of life, but rather intended to uphold the word of God, and rid the people of the worship of human beings, and their indications to worship the Lord of humans, in order to live a decent life.
The Nation of Islam are the best nation out of people, and the good of the nation struggled in For God Vantsrt, and dominated Vrahmt, and ruled Fdlt, Sast fired unleashed freedom, and blew the fountains of wisdom after depletion.
Ask history; they may Astodath from مآثرها granite sight بضوئه blind, and flourished in the Earth planets boom in the sky.
What did the Muslims while they were victorious on their opponents? Do تكبروا, ruled, استبدوا? Is it violated the symptoms, and killed the elderly, women, and children?
What did the Prophet - peace be upon him - when he triumphed over his opponents who offend most harm? Did not forgive them? And bless them بالسبي and money?
Why did the Muslims when they were victorious on fractions and Caesar? Do you have betrayed and betrayed? Do women have been subjected to? Is it abused the monks in the monasteries? Is it wreaked havoc? Is destroyed houses, cut down trees?
Why did Saladin what defeated the Crusaders, who did Muslims Alovail, and abused them whatever harassment? What did their Salahuddin what defeated them? Pain pardon for their leader? And treat him? And released?
These noble attitudes and many-fold in the history of Muslims, which has had the greatest impact in the love of the people of Islam, and enter into it with conviction and certainty.
Other than Amuslimn doing this? West offers such models?
The answer is what you see, and hear; Where came Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, and Serb criminals? Is not Europe that drove these people and their ilk of demons who killed millions of people, and met with them human calamity after calamity?
Is not those are the vanguard of European civilization? It is ruthless savages hardened if? Terrorists and extremists reality?
Then who made nuclear bombs, cluster, atomic, bacteriological, and weapons of mass destruction?
It is those who defile the air Balawadm, and rivers with pesticides?
Among those taking the dirty roads that have to do with justice, in to honor the litigation something?
Of who women Aakmon? And steal money and freedoms of the people, and who spread AIDS?
Alice West, and walking in their passengers?
And who supports Jews are at the top of authoritarianism and terrorism?
This is the plain truth, this is terrorism and authoritarianism.
The Muslim jihad for the realization of the right, and the suppression of falsehood, and their defense of themselves and their country is not terrorism, but it is a particular justice.
What is happening to some of the Muslims of the error in the path of wisdom Few negligible next to the brutality of the West, and followed him back on the wrong way and no longer on religion, nor the Muslims.
It may be for this مسوغاته in sometimes; Fezlm the infidels they had no such behaviors.
Thus, any sane person should equitable; to look at things as they are away from injustice and fraud and inadequate outlook.
After this, if for a person wonder about the Jbh of Europeans and Americans; where not discover the fact that the Islamic religion as they discovered, which is the order of all discovered, and the guarantee of happiness, true of everything that had come to him; Are they ignorant of the fact that Islam really?!
Or will they deal and it would hinder him?!

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