الأربعاء، 29 مايو 2013

True love that you love only person who can make you happy

Love the moon has two sides and jealousy is the dark side

Who strongly احبو did not love at first sight

Love is like a strong stomach digest any food and any words

Love and war Ndkhalhma when we want, but escape them when we can ... When a girl says' I love you she means it

When a girl says 'I miss you' .... no one in this world can miss you more Mnhaaltabh تتخاصم? He said: Strive to maintain the hearts of the harm they are black dot that entered the heart and grew up spoiled
Love it! I said: or hardens beloved on lover? He said: or we are not human beings harsh hearts and lived? I said: or forsake lover ÍČíČĺ? He said: forget that the dispute was severe Valossa spoil friendliness! I said: any way closer to return? He said: What is the most difficult to return loved ones lost love them! I said: What for? He said: only the mercy of God that is not heart Kgulwb the people I say: Is it permissible for lover's quarrel without reproach? He said: the same is not بحبيب!! It loves Ietbek and strive not to loses! I said: If you want to be, I search my heart, where I find him? He said: where set by the first time you whatever you depart you will find his place! I said: How do I know your loved ones? He said: heart يتوه not for loved ones say: In what advice would you recommend? He said: Beware of the separation ... Is subject to staleness ... What do you think roses in the gardens? Turks would cut off the water you live? Love Kalord and his committee heart and love of others is the water we live by the Kurds rockeries if people Aktefouna left without Asagoh the Vsiszew and die! Mutual and tender love, but did not call it love? Not call them أحبابا? Do not you think that love die spite of its fragility is long-lasting slide the dust from your heart do not despair there are people around you needs to know its value to Deccan're a friend you prepared a message sent to me after reading it and I did not so do not send them and I will know it
(Even if I read the message after a million years)
A true friend is the one who walks you when the rest of the world moves away from you

My father always says: when you die and you have five friends I lived a great life

Hold real بالصديق both hands

I learn from you and learn from me and will not disagree

Friendship is one mind in two bodies

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